Saturday, September 22, 2007
Finally The Weekend!
Date: September 22
Mood: Calm and relaxed
Music: Fast Cars and Freedom by Rascal Flatts
My Post:
Everyone, I'm so sorry I haven't not been on to comment or message or anything, I'm very sorry!
I will be commenting everyone who updates this weekend. I'm very sorry, I will comment tonight and tomorrow night as well.
Okay so enough about me and my busy self how is everyone doing?
Good I hope, I hope school is getting the better of anyone, I know it's getting stressful, this is the one and only real reason why I hate school. But that's just me.
I'm gonna tell you the highlight of my week...
The highlight is I'm going to tell you about is I met this knew guy and he's really hyper and a little to touchy feely kinda guy, well at lunch he always come over to me and he pokes me a lot and I like always jump, cause I'm ticklish and stuff.
While he was poking me he stopped and I was sitting down on a bench and my friend, who is a guy who used to like me was sitting beside me, the touchy feely guy was kneeling on the ground in front of me and he decided to play that gam nervous, have you heard of it before?
Well it's basically when a guy tries to freak you out by touching you alot, it's really freaky, but the guy was doing that to me and I was like, "Okay stop it already." but he wouldn't stop and my friend sitting beside me was like glaring at him.
So I'm starting to get really uncomfortable, just basically cause I had only known him for three days and he was touching me in place he shouldn't be and finally I was like, "Seriously, stop it."
My friend beside me was getting so pissed off, I didn't really notice though cause he was listening to music and then the guy touching me finally pissed him off.
The guy like tried to grab my boobs and my friend was like, "Quit your shit man, if you don't I'll fucking beat your ass."
That was like really freaky to me, I mean he never used to care so much, I mean he used to have a crush on me, but still for him to do that was really surprising, I was shocked.
And so was the other guy and he was like, "Whoa are you guys like dating."
I shook my head and told him, "No we aren't."
Then my other friend was like, "I just don't want you touching her like that, so stop already or I'll kick your ass."
Since then my new friend is like scared to touch me anytime my friend is around, it's awsome!
So that was the highlight of my week.
Have you been?
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
Show me your horse and I will tell you who you are.
-Old English Proverb
Have a good weekend everyone!
† Effie †
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