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Saturday, May 28, 2005
i'm not in the mood to add a very long post, but i just saw star wars episode 3, it was the only one out of this whole new trilogy that i liked, the old star wars movies made me love star wars the first out of the new ones and the second one made me not care anymore and now this third one might just have revived my love for star wars, if any of you play xenosaga you'll notice that there is a scene when Anakin looks like Voyager from Xenosaga 2, this movie was good but it was sad very sad when they kill all the jedi's and i thought yoda and the wookies were very cute =^.^= i wishg yoda was real so i could hug him! i also have this old collection of tons of star wars action figures, ships, animals, a lot i might keep buying more now, i also really liked the lizard that obi-won was riding and it made me sad when lord grievous died the way he was killed, anyways the only thing that was bad was the guy behind me talking through the whole movie and kicking my chair, of course the movie was not perfect it had some flaws but i liked it.
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Not much going on i got back home to Puerto Rico yesterday, i had been at New York for three days visiting my sister and doing awesome stuff, i saw this really hot guy in the city he looked like a bishie >.< i was drooling XD it'd be cool if i saw him again at some point in the future, i also saw the brother of my sisters boyfriend who is also really hot anyways, school is over but i'm gonna take a math course during this summer just so i can have a free spot for a better class, i'm kind of depressed, i cant really do anything here at home, i dont have any friends here and no mode of transportation other than my parents -_- i should've stayed at NY a little longer at least until Sunday or something, anyways dunno what i'm gonna do now, i guess play video games i'm behind on because of school, i am really anxious for the next Xenosaga to come out the ending of 2 made me really sad...
by the way i cant seem to open some comment slots in peoples websites, i wont be able to leave comments in some sites but i'll still visit
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
Hot Chocolate
Havent posted in a while, school is almost over yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! i have one final and one final paper and i still gotta keep painting for painting class, i went to housing to set up were i'm gonna live next year, i wanted to live in one of the single rooms in the houses but i thought they had run out of those so i applied for a double with my friend/already roommate, and then later on i found out that they still had had those single rooms in the houses that i wanted ;_; so i'm stuck with crappy housing that i didnt want for next year but oh well i guess these sorts of things happen for a reason....anyways not alot more to talk about
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
Flying Saucer Attack
Spring break starts tommorow but i'm staying in college so i can do some catch up work for painting studio, and semminar, what are you guys gonna do? my roomate is ok i try to be friends with her and everything but shes complaining a lot about how she doesnt have any friends here so it made me feel bad when she told me yesterday and then she was rubbing it in my face that shes going home for break and that shes gonna hang out with her friends there and go to little tokyo, anyways my other friends backstabbed me so i dont really have that many friends here now anyways do any of you guys live close to great barrington massachussets?
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
replies aren't booming or anything ^^" i guess everyone forgot about me oh well not much to report i feel lonely and sad and i have papers to write midterms are comming up this week and after that i'm going home for a week
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Friday, October 1, 2004
It's Been a Long Time
Whooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven't been on for such a long time i missed you guys i guess i'm just too lazy to keep up with this site 0_0 i will keep trying though ^_^ well i started college a while ago its ok i guess i'm getting work and stuff, i dont have that many friends i dunno i guess i just dont exactly click with anyone, anyways my roomate is a total bitch ;_; she's been to Japan and so she's always showing off and claiming to be the anime goddess for pooparellas sake geez and shes taking stuff from my drawers without permission and shes really messy seriously theres dirty underwear on the floor from days gone by i swept and vacuumed and she hasnt done anything, she's also very inconsiderate of me i would move in with this other girl i know but i know she keeps alchohol in her room and i dont want to get in trouble cuz here they have this policy about how if you're present you are counted as guilty even if you didnt know -_- anyways thats that i hope i dont get fat XD i will bring my ps2 with me after october break, cuz i'm going home for a week and then i'm comming back, my neighbor has a big dog i love to play with him ^_^ hes always howling though he howls if the phone rings too XD he's so weird his name is Tucker, there is another dog around here but i dont know him yet my neighbor might introduce me to him, i also ordered star ocean till the end of time along with monsieur bomes new creation, i have been getting some action figureds to decorate my room little by little,i have olga from MGS2 i have tsuruko from love hina, mimiru,lady subaru, sniper wolf 6" big and 12" big sniper wolf, i also regret getting a present for my evil roomate even though we dont have that much money my mom agreed to buy her this $30 present i feel like stealing it from her she doesnt deserve it, well anyways i'm off to go visit some sites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bye!!!!!!!!! What Samurai 7 Character Are You? What Tokyo Mew Mew Character Are You?
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Friday, June 18, 2004
Great Floobles!!!!!!!!!oh my gooooood!!!!!!! its the floobles again!!!!!!!!!!!
hey ya'll long time no see hey how are you guys!!!!i saw shrek 2 weeeee its pretty good but the thing is that they put all of the best parts on tv so when i saw the good jokes it wasn't funny anymore :( anyways hmmmmmm what else did i do???????????? well i missed my beautiful boyfriend some more and hmmmmm lets see i don't remember what else, anyways i thought i did something else but now i don'trememvber aaaaaaa i hate when this happens anyways i'm planning to take over the world muahahhahahahhahha!!!!!!!don't worry i won't be evil ^_^ anyways ummm heres a quote!!!!:
"let's be butt buddies"
its from and anime show, anyways, ummmm i'll see you later guys!!!!!!! i love you all i really mean it i like talking to you so much take care bye!!!!
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Sunday, June 6, 2004
DOO DEE DAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone my computer troubles are almost completely over ^_^ anyways, not much to say, i wanted to ask if you guys like my new blog and all the nice things i put up and changed i hope you like them!!!!!! YOU BETTER LIKE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! ok anyways XD ummmmmmm nothing to talk about, hey you should buy la pucelle or borrow it cuz its the best game i've played in a while, its so awesome *_____________* i love la pucelle ^_^ well i do have something to talk about, i mish my beautiful boyfriend waaaaaaaaaaaaa i miss him so much have anyof you ever been in love? i love him so much ^_^ hey i put up three quizzes so read my results and take them too weeeeee!!!!!!!! ^_^
oh about the avatars i would like a couple so here are the ones i want:
Tsume from wolfs rain both human and wolfy
and a blonde karasu from yu yu hakusho
kukuru from arc the lad 1
bebedora, camille (old and young), volk, droguza these are from arc the lad twilight of the spirits
delacroix, and siela from chaos legion i would also like a couple of avatars from suikoden 3 anyones you can find and maybe some magna carta ones and one kiba one in wolf and in human higeiin wolf and toboe in wolf and human
and ANYTHING FROM LA PUCELLE, and one of the seraph from disgaea
ok thats ma list i'm sorry its so long just send them to my email please thank you!!!!!!!!! thank you very mucho!!!!!!!!!bye!!!!!!!!
 Die smashed on a SFI-FI/Anime/Comic convention
Choose your Dramatic Death (Now w/pics!!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You belong somewhere out in the world, exploring and learning and spreading the knowledge that you find. When you love, that love will join you in your quest and believe as you do in a world of spiritual energy that is stronger than anything humanity could normally even conceive, although you may be able to. Council those you encounter, give them your wisdom, and stay true to yourself.
Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the Aqua Marine Mermaid. You are pure and brave. Strong and True. Your best freind is your seahorse, your steed. You have fought many battles in your own life and in the sea. No matter what challenge you overcome it. Congratulations there are very few of you. Would you rate my quiz for I am brave too?
What kind of mermaid are you? (Gorgeous Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, June 3, 2004
I saw a bird at the beach pooping but blood came out too i bet they were sick and now i'll die from some ancient disease you only got on the oregon trail hahhahhhhhahahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i really did see them poop blood)
i haven't been here for a while since my computer is still dead now it goes so slow its only got 16 rams of memory and we tried to change the card but it didn't work, i guess its a retarted computer now ^_^ anyways i won't be updating much this summer since i have comp problems, anyways thanks moldy for the avis i still need more so i will copy and paste this listy poo on every post just in case any good samaritans want to help me, la pucelle avatars are the most important please send me anything from la pucelle ^_^ anyways, i miss my boyfriend so much i think i will die ^_^ i love him insanely ^_^ i'm gonna go visit ya'll now bye!!!!!!!!!!!
oh about the avatars i would like a couple so here are the ones i want:
Tsume from wolfs rain both human and wolfy
and a blonde karasu from yu yu hakusho
kukuru from arc the lad 1
bebedora, camille (old and young), volk, droguza these are from arc the lad twilight of the spirits
delacroix, and siela from chaos legion i would also like a couple of avatars from suikoden 3 anyones you can find and maybe some magna carta ones and one kiba one in wolf and in human higeiin wolf and toboe in wolf and human
and ANYTHING FROM LA PUCELLE, and one of the seraph from disgaea
ok thats ma list i'm sorry its so long just send them to my email please thank you!!!!!!!!! thank you very mucho!!!!!!!!!bye!!!!!!!!
look at what i got What Chobits Character Are You?
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Monday, May 24, 2004
Oh my god the sky is falling ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone!!!!!!!!! well i have half school days this whole week wee hee!!!!!!! anyways ahem i have finals too but thank god they onlyu count 10% of the grade muahahhahahahahha!!!!!!!!!!! anyways ummmmmmm video game stores rip you off when you try to sell your games to them :( but nonetheless i will have to sell, i will buy la pucelle or maybe i should wait for front mission 4 or tenchu wrath of heaven?i'm in a dillema ^_^ please help i also need help on what background to choose this one the one with cats or the one for magna carta aaaa nevermind i will choose the one i have on righyt now, thats me and my boyfriend weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh about the avatars i would like a couple so here are the ones i want:
Tsume from wolfs rain both human and wolfy
and a blonde karasu from yu yu hakusho
kukuru from arc the lad 1
bebedora, camille (old and young), volk, droguza these are from arc the lad twilight of the spirits
delacroix, and siela from chaos legion i would also like a couple of avatars from suikoden 3 anyones you can find and maybe some magna carta ones and one kiba one in wolf and in human higeiin wolf and toboe in wolf and human
and anything from la pucelle, and one of the seraph from disgaea
ok thats ma list i'm sorry its so long just send them to my email please thank you!!!!!!!!! thank you very mucho!!!!!!!!!bye!!!!!!!!
look at my results ^_^ What Sonic Hero Are You?
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