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Tuesday, May 18, 2004
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! There are Jungle plants Growing in my Room
hey there everyone!!!!!!!!!! my comps still broken, and my parents don't want to buy a new one since i'm going to college soon and since i will need a laptop, anyways tell me how you areeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, school is almost over for me weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!these aren't very good, chaos legion and magic pengel *weeps desperately* waaaaaaaaaaaa no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahhahahahha anyways ummmmmmmmmm tell me something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD i want to change my site color but i still don't understand the frickin program XD waaaaaaaaaa everyone else does so why can't i?????????? anyways bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by the way can anyone of you make me an avi?
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Friday, May 7, 2004
Knee Crust All Over The Walls
hi everyone just a quick post so you know i'm not dead!!!!!! sorry but my comp is busted and only some school comps are working cuz the server got a virus, i'll be visiting you all later though i'm sorry, bye!
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Friday, April 30, 2004
Crust In My Pockets
hello everyone i'm sorry i haven't had the time to go to your sites lately but i promise i will go as soon as i can i'm so soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;_; *cricket of silence* anyways i got a good grade on my math test but my teacher took off points just cuz a problem we were suposed to make up he said that the one i made up was too unrealistic so he took points off i could've gotten 100 but that louzy &*%$#@! just had to ruin it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok anyways hahhahahahahhahahhahhahhaha aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what if there was a pirate named captain dust block that'd be weird..............................................................................ok.............................................i have absolutely nothing good to do this weekend i'm just gonna go to my room curl up and die *sigh* i think school is stressing me out too much i think i'm developing premature wrinkles XDXDXDXDXDXDXD ok nevermind that that was just a stupid joke but school really is stressful, ok ummmmm here's a name of a poem, you gotta tell me who wrote it, its called The Bells i like it so much its silly yet fun and there are so many fun rhymes in it XD anyways gotta go! bye!
 Which Member of the Endless Are You?
by the way how come everyone elses blogs show up but mine doesn't? and what about those extra pics one can put up i tried that and it didn't work either
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Saturday, April 24, 2004
Ground Chopper
i finally fixed up my intro so now it doesn't have a bunch of red x's anyways i'm not feeling very good but whatever anyways hmmmm i dunno what to write about oh ok well there was a fire drill at school the other day and then it started to rain while we were waiting outside one of my little drawings was smeared by the rain but it doesn't look that bad anyways well tell me about what kinda stuff you guys did today!!!!!!!! yeyyyyyy bye!
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Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Quizzes galore please leave a comment telling me if you can see these quizzes on my intro i want to know too if you can see my new blog

What San-X Character Are You?

yes, infact you will die.
Find out what anime villan you are.
You're like Saotome from Boogiepop Phantom. Click here to learn more about this series.
You are dark and somewhat mysterious. A shadow lurker of sorts...a dead one who likes to eat humans. What a sick-o. You seem to have some mental problems in you, but you can still act really cool if you want to.

What Shirow Girl Are You?

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria. What Metal Gear Solid Character Are You? What Flame of Recca Character Are You? What CLAMP School Detective Are You?
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Monday, April 19, 2004
hello everyone, today during yearbook i looked for pics of poop on the internet, i thought it was so hilarious since i'm obssesed with making fun of poop, but no one else found it that funny, anyways ummmmmmmmm lets see hmmmmmmmm i was gonna say something else but i forgot, oh ok now i remember, well last night i had a bad dream, it was kinda like a video game, i guess i had this dream since i was playing chaos legion last night, anyways i was thinking about deleting alot of my quizzes, do you think i should? please tell me! bye! What Soul Calibur 2 Character Are You?
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hello everyone, today during yearbook i looked for pics of poop on the internet, i thought it was so hilarious since i'm obssesed with making fun of poop, but no one else found it that funny, anyways ummmmmmmmm lets see hmmmmmmmm i was gonna say something else but i forgot, oh ok now i remember, well last night i had a bad dream, it was kinda like a video game, i guess i had this dream since i was playing chaos legion last night, anyways i was thinking about deleting alot of my quizzes, do you think i should? please tell me! bye! What Soul Calibur 2 Character Are You?
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Tuesday, April 13, 2004
i'm having a crappy ass day it all started yesterday when i arrived from my trip on spring break, there have only been bad moments since, well at least i got new cds and a whole bunch of stuff from my trip, i went to visit my nu college, and i went to New York to visit my sister, she was pretty mean most of the time but i still love her, i got my totoro and my escaflowne soundtracks throught the mail too, and i got a whole lot of awesome stuff from my trip, but the only day i was allowed to go to the stores i wanted to go to, my sister rushed me, so i used my money on some other stuff i found at another store :_( , well i'm gonna go now, bye!
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
it's been a while since i posted, my internet got messed up, -_- anyways i bought chaos legion but i haven't gotten far enough yet to give the game a final judgement anyways i got the .hack videogame soundtrack its pretty good but i really wish they'd put the staff roll credit song for the first three games not the last one, and i've seen so much anime , everytime i go to those stores i get anxious cuz i can't buy all that i want and i want a whole lot of things ^_^ anyways no one got the last quote it is said to barret in his home town in final fantasy 7, anyways i say anyways a lot XD bye!
oh by the way i got accepted to college i got a small scholarship and i'm eligible for a full scholarship i hope i get it i really need it bye!
 A nameless character, someone lost behind the mask, another type of main are forgotten within yourself, lonely and yet trying to comfort others who are in pain as you. You seem to wear a mask so they cannot see you sad, so you wear the mask to lock away the true pain inside...but one day, you will be able to take off the mask, and live in the light...
What Type Of Anime Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, March 4, 2004
i'm shleepy so shleepy!!!! and i have to wake up so early tommorow oooooooooooohhhhhh waaaaaa!!!! anyways at least tommorow is the last day for terranova testing!!!!! ok lets see hmm i hope this quote isn't too vulgar but anyways who cares weeeeeeeee!!!!!:
"you got a lot o'balls comming back here"
that's sooooo good its from an old video game i like that quote i remember the first time i heard it i was like in elementary school XD hahahha anyways bye!
 You're Umi!
What Clamp Girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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