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artist, exposing my art in a famous gallery
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i was a wee spirit/deimos
be the most powerful spirit/deimos
video games,anime,manga, drawing painting, photography
magic, painting, drawing, photo
Sunday, June 6, 2004
DOO DEE DAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone my computer troubles are almost completely over ^_^ anyways, not much to say, i wanted to ask if you guys like my new blog and all the nice things i put up and changed i hope you like them!!!!!! YOU BETTER LIKE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! ok anyways XD ummmmmmm nothing to talk about, hey you should buy la pucelle or borrow it cuz its the best game i've played in a while, its so awesome *_____________* i love la pucelle ^_^ well i do have something to talk about, i mish my beautiful boyfriend waaaaaaaaaaaaa i miss him so much have anyof you ever been in love? i love him so much ^_^ hey i put up three quizzes so read my results and take them too weeeeee!!!!!!!! ^_^
oh about the avatars i would like a couple so here are the ones i want:
Tsume from wolfs rain both human and wolfy
and a blonde karasu from yu yu hakusho
kukuru from arc the lad 1
bebedora, camille (old and young), volk, droguza these are from arc the lad twilight of the spirits
delacroix, and siela from chaos legion i would also like a couple of avatars from suikoden 3 anyones you can find and maybe some magna carta ones and one kiba one in wolf and in human higeiin wolf and toboe in wolf and human
and ANYTHING FROM LA PUCELLE, and one of the seraph from disgaea
ok thats ma list i'm sorry its so long just send them to my email please thank you!!!!!!!!! thank you very mucho!!!!!!!!!bye!!!!!!!!
 Die smashed on a SFI-FI/Anime/Comic convention
Choose your Dramatic Death (Now w/pics!!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You belong somewhere out in the world, exploring and learning and spreading the knowledge that you find. When you love, that love will join you in your quest and believe as you do in a world of spiritual energy that is stronger than anything humanity could normally even conceive, although you may be able to. Council those you encounter, give them your wisdom, and stay true to yourself.
Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the Aqua Marine Mermaid. You are pure and brave. Strong and True. Your best freind is your seahorse, your steed. You have fought many battles in your own life and in the sea. No matter what challenge you overcome it. Congratulations there are very few of you. Would you rate my quiz for I am brave too?
What kind of mermaid are you? (Gorgeous Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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