Hisui (07/01/04)
Hi! I like your site. I hope you don't mind if I add you as a friend. ^_^
female outlaw (06/30/04)
cool site!
Thrush Battersea (06/25/04)
Three cheers for nerds! Yay! *Throws confetti* Anyways...
qchan (06/25/04)
thanks for signing and i love your avatar mana rocks plus the rest of the characters from orion
Patita (06/24/04)
Hi!! Your site is pretty too! Later I'll take the quizz you've made. I'll pass by more times. Cyá!
Emerald Angel (06/23/04)
Hey! Nice site, I shall add you as a friend. you can do the same if you want. Come by my site sometime and sign my guestbook! Ttyl, Bye!
Azuske (06/20/04)
Thanks 4 visitin my site!!!
urs is Koo 2 and i would to chat wit u some time thankz cyaz
amcgirl13 (06/19/04)
hey u have a kool site i like the gray its tight! Anyways plz sign my gb i am sure that u will like my site! I am adding u as a friend k bye!
Number 5 (06/19/04)
hello! thanks for signing my gb! well as long as you visit my site and put comments everytime i post then it's ok that you added me as a friend and i'll add you as a friend as well! i'll keep up with your posts! ^-^ cool site! i was kinda shocked though cause it's gray but it's all cool. wanted gray for my site too!
Shimonoseki (06/18/04)
Hi! Thanks for signing my gb! I really appreciate it! Nice site too..silvery...cool! ^_^ Well, that's all! And oh ya, I added you if you don't mind! ^_^ see ya! Ü