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myOtaku.com: efreit

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Hisui (07/01/04)

Hi! I like your site. I hope you don't mind if I add you as a friend. ^_^

female outlaw (06/30/04)

cool site!

Thrush Battersea (06/25/04)

Three cheers for nerds! Yay! *Throws confetti* Anyways...

qchan (06/25/04)

thanks for signing and i love your avatar mana rocks plus the rest of the characters from orion

Patita (06/24/04)

Hi!! Your site is pretty too! Later I'll take the quizz you've made. I'll pass by more times. Cyá!

Emerald Angel (06/23/04)

Hey! Nice site, I shall add you as a friend. you can do the same if you want. Come by my site sometime and sign my guestbook! Ttyl, Bye!


Azuske (06/20/04)

Thanks 4 visitin my site!!!
urs is Koo 2 and i would to chat wit u some time thankz cyaz

amcgirl13 (06/19/04)

hey u have a kool site i like the gray its tight! Anyways plz sign my gb i am sure that u will like my site! I am adding u as a friend k bye!

Number 5 (06/19/04)

hello! thanks for signing my gb! well as long as you visit my site and put comments everytime i post then it's ok that you added me as a friend and i'll add you as a friend as well! i'll keep up with your posts! ^-^ cool site! i was kinda shocked though cause it's gray but it's all cool. wanted gray for my site too!

Shimonoseki (06/18/04)

Hi! Thanks for signing my gb! I really appreciate it! Nice site too..silvery...cool! ^_^ Well, that's all! And oh ya, I added you if you don't mind! ^_^ see ya! Ü

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