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In a cup of tea.
Member Since
Artist/writer... and Gundam pilot... and other various anime occupations that come up.
Real Name
M.C. Glover
Some art peices, and being a (relatively) good person from time to time...
Anime Fan Since
I really don't know. I just sort of faded into it.
Favorite Anime
X/1999, Tsubasa, MKR, Chobits, Tokyo Babylon, Legal Drug, CCS, (anything CLAMP actually), Wolf's Rain, Gundam Wing, Saiyuki, Slayers, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Ruroni Kenshin, Planet Ladder, Yuyu Hakusho, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruit's Basket, Super Milk-chan
To finish my graphic novel, "Apocalypse 101".
Drawing, writing, singing, daydreaming.
Looking awesome in any clothes, and getting people to talk to me..
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, March 20, 2004
World peace...
The subject is random, pay no attention. Oh, last night I drank a pot of green tea. A pot. Yup. It was good. I'm bored. Very very bored. And a little hyper. Yep. Oya. I'm tired. I also screwed up my wrist and now have a brace-thingy on it. Annoying. I'm going to Arizona over spring break, so I won't be posting from Monday 'til... Friday I think. I'm going to fry there. I hate hot weather, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. It makes me all sick and headacheish and uncomfortable and makes it hard to breathe and stuff. I like cold, wet, windy, or just cool and breezy weather. Not the pure heat of the sun slowly killing me. Yeah. I'll shut up now. Here. Many, many quizzes. And thanks to Mika-chan for many of the quizzes I have put up thus far. ^-^ What is Your Outlaw Star Personality Disorder? What Neko Are You? What Anime Angel Are You? What is Your Japanese Novelty Item? What Golden Sun Adept Are You? What Gundam Wing Character Are You? What Outlaw Star Character Are You?
However, I also got... What Outlaw Star Character Are You? What Robot Girl Are You? What Anime Mech Are You?
 You are the chinese element of Earth. People who are under the element of earth are sociable, responsible and reliable. Earth, you are a tactician, but you always crave acceptance and are usually hard headed. The color of earth is yellow and your symbol is the caldron. Inbetween all of the seasons is when Earth shines, and your months are March/June/September/and December. Your weather condition is windy. Earth is the center direction, and your day is Saturday, while your planet is Saturn. Animals under your element are usually naked. People under you are Manchu. Your sense is touch, your taste is sweet, your sound is singing and your virtue is good faith. Your organ is the spleen. You were created by Fire and you control Water.
Which of the 5 Chinese Elements Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Whats Your Anime Combat Class? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your soul is bound to the Yellow Rose: The Gentle.
"I've travelled through the land of surrender and seen it all. I throw my heart out and keep my head up, and now I travel through the land of peace."
The Yellow Rose is associated with friendship, intuition, and fun. It is governed by the goddess Hestia and its sign is The Intertwined Rings, or True Friendship.
As a Yellow Rose, you always look out for your friends. You would much rather have strong ties with friends than a single tie with a lover and your devotion to your friends is clear. You may have great intuition and be able to read emotions clearly, but sometimes you can seem distant yourself.
What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're Most Like The Season Autumn ...
You're warm, and the most approachable. You have that gentle prescence about you. People can relate to you, and find you easy company. However it's likely you've been hurt in the past and it has left you scarred so things can become rather chilly with you at times. Being the third Season in, you're mature, trustworthy and loyal to your friends but prone to depression and negative thinking.
Well done... You're the shy and sensitive season :)
?? Which Season Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Heart is Red
What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by Quizilla
 You belong in the world of balance, where everything has two sides and everything is not always what it appears on the outside. Of course, if you have a sense of humor, you may find employment as a sarcastic comedian. If not, enjoy the choices that are presented to you through life, they will always have two sides to them,one which leads you to the light, and the other which entrenches you in darkness. Walk on with hope, my friend.
Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your wings are BROKEN and tattered. You are an angelic spirit who has fallen from grace for one reason or another - possibly, you made one tragic mistake that cost you everything. Or maybe you were blamed for a crime you didn't commit. In any case, you are faithless and joyless. You find no happiness, love, or acceptance in your love or in yourself. Most days are a burden and you wonder when the hurting will end. Sweet, beautiful and sorrowful, you paint a tragic and touching picture. You are the one that few understand. Those that do know you are likely to love you deeply and wish that they could do something to ease your pain. You are constantly living in memories of better times and a better world. You are hard on yourself and self-critical or self-loathing. Feeling rejected and unloved, you are sensitive, caring, deep, and despite your tainted nature, your soul is breathtakingly beautiful.
Image is a painting by Natalya Nesterova, images/fallen_angel.jpg
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
Broken wings, eh? Last time I took this I got angelic wings. Guess I've taken a bit of a fall or something. Or maybe I'm just feeling more sad than usual underneath this bored energy. That's a possibility. What if perhaps... well, never mind. I can't put everthing I'm thinking about into words.
"Some day they'll find your small-town world
On a big-town avenue
Gonna make you like the way they talk
When they're talking to you
Gonna make you break out of your shell
'Cause they tell you to
Gonna make you like the way they lie
Better than the truth
They'll tell you everything you wanted someone else to say
They're gonna break your heart
Yeah, from what I see
You're just one more hand me down
'Cause no one's tried to give you what you need
So lay all your troubles down
I am with you now
Somebody ought to take you in
Try to make you love again
Try to make you like the way they feel
When they're under your skin
Never once do you think that they would lie
While they're holding you
You start to wonder why they never call
When they said they'd call you
You start to wonder if you're ever gonna make it by
You start to think you were born blind
From what I've seen
You're just one more hand me down
'Cause no one's tried to give you what you need..."
I think I'll retire for the night. Dream well.
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
Boring, bored, boreishness...
My grand accomplishments: being bored, drinking a bottle of vanilla coke, finding a piece of wire and a tiny scrap of metal, thinking, looking at a creepy bug, and taking more quizzes!!! o_O''' Oro...
 Romantic Girl:
Yes, you love to be around your family, friends and fact you like so much that you are prepared to die for them...that's kinda cute and...freaky, isn't it?! Don't over react life's worth living and lovers come and go!
What's your anime-girl steriotype?! brought to you by Quizilla
 Ghost or spirit: You are a lost soul. Very calm and sweet, you are often the one who asks: What if? With a clever mind, you want to explore the world on a different level. Without the answers, you aren't ready to move on. You are most likely very creative and find yourself thinking things through on a different level. (please rate my quiz)
**Where will you go when you die?**(now with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
You don't know what you are. You aren't an angel. Even I don't know what you are. You are a child of a higher force. You are different. Ypu are deep, and extremely dazed. You are you, and you is gone. So you are confused. You are one of a kind.
Good luck with finding yourself. My immortal. Good luck with your quest.
What Type Of Angel Have You Become? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Energy is Pink. You have achieved a perfect balance between spiritual awareness and material existence. You are usually affectionate and warm, showing compassion and love for others. Others find you genuine, cooperative and friendly. You are a humanitarian and you possess a deep understanding of life. You may aspire to philanthropy, or you may find yourself heading or volunteering for agencies that create change for the good of the whole. You are a leader and are willing to take on much responsibility.
What color is your energy? brought to you by Quizilla
Ack! Am I really pink?!?! It appears I AM... darn it... Goodnight...
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Tuesday, March 16, 2004
WAHAHAHA!!!! Erm...
I am bored.... So here's quizzy-thingys...
What magical female creature are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Which deadly sin do you represent? (Angel Sanctuary Pics) brought to you by Quizilla

this is my way to live
What about yours?
made by rav-chan
border="0" alt="Which traveller are you??">
border="0" alt="Which Saiyuki weapon would you fight with??**">
Which Saiyuki weapon would you fight with??
 You are Chibi Totoro (awwwwww)! You're so cute and you make everyone laugh. You can be a bit elusive at times, and shy too. You have one or two REALLY close friends, and you don't really trust anyone else with anything, but that hardly means you're a meanie. You're also very quick (mentally and physically), and everyone just wants to HUGGLE you to death!!!!
Which Character of My Neighbor Totoro are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Quatre Raberba Winner -- Your self-confidance slips at times, but the fact that so many others willingly place their trust and esteem in you should show you differently. Your kindness and generosity makes others like you, while your inner strength and determination make you an excellent leader.
Gundam Wing Personality Quiz brought to you by Quizilla

And it's all done... for now.
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Monday, March 15, 2004
My mind had been so dead the past week or so. But today, ah today, I did things! I drew lotsa pictures, and I wrote the story thing that is now on my introduction. And I bought the last Sandman comic (What is what helped to inspire the short story. Great series, it is. If you haven't seen it yet... read it! Now! Go to the bookstore, and if you can't buy them, just read them there!!!) I've had much, much coffee. Oh and I talked to people today who I didn't know. Like this kid in the coffee shop who was playing chess against himself (I'm serious, a kid... Oh, that was another sorce of inspiration. And I did really do a random drawing of him and gave it to him. The poor kid just looked so down... but he smiled when I handed him the picture. That made me happy. And I talked to this old guy outside with an eyepatch who was making signs and petted his dog, and that seemed to make him happy too, which made me even more happy! So I'm all around in a good mood today... and now, for world domina... I mean peace. No, I really do mean peace. I'll leave the take over the world thing to Deadman Dan... I just want to save the library of Alexandria when time travel is invented. Maybe I'll post more quizzes later. Yep.
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Sunday, March 14, 2004
Oy... Tired...
I'm feeling a little tired. I don't sleep all that much... especially not on the weekends. Oh, I'd like to thank the people who've signed my guestbook, even though I didn't really have anything on my page. Here's quizzes... I'm bored. Oh, here's results my friends will laugh at (at least some of them)...
 You're the spiritual / gentle soul! Pure in mind, body, and heart, you are either a member of a religious order of some sort or simply a very caring and loving individual. In either case, you more than likely possess a strong sense of spirituality, radiating hope from your entire being. You tag along with the hero in his/her journey out of a desire to help those suffering because of the forces of darkness that have been plaguing your world as of late, and although you more than likely have no real offensive abilities to provide, you have the largest of array of healing spells and/or medical knowledge to make up for that lack and this alone makes you a valuable traveling companion. You tend to be kind and compassionate, even to enemies, and normally possess a quiet sort of personality. Your true strength lies in this kindness, and you miraculously hold onto it despite what you may encounter in your perilous journeys. Your friends know that they can rely on you whenever they require aid, and you give your help to anyone in need without a thought of getting anything in return.
What Female Fantasy Archetype Are You? (For girls-->Results are anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 Air, wind, atmosphere... you are a cloud dweller. You are friendly to all, but often appear disinterested and lost in your thoughts, meaning most people don't really know your full potential.
Which Other World Are You Secretly From? brought to you by Quizilla
 You represent... hope.
You're quite a daydreamer and can be a hopeless romantic. You enjoy being creative and don't mind being alone at times. You have goals, and know what you want in life... even if they are a little far fetched.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
 What color are you? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
Which Yu Yu Hakusho guy are you most like? brought to you by Quizilla
 Quatre Raberba Winner
Which Male Mobile Suit: Gundam Wing Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla

Which random GW object are you?
quiz by Ponderosa
and Psyche
 Your element is Spirit. You are above most Earthly things or like to think you are. More mysterious than any of the other elements and twice as dangerous. You tend to be a loner and whatever you belive in it verges on fanatical. Be careful because Spirit has no true substance and can get lost.
What's your element brought to you by Quizilla
 You come from the Ocean. You've always been drawn to the sea, the sound of the waves, the crystal blue water, near the sea is where you belong.
Where Did Your Soul Originate? brought to you by Quizilla
what's your cowboy bebop theme song?
 Angel Wings
What Kind of Wings are You? brought to you by Quizilla

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.
Well, that's about all I have for now. It's 2:30 a.m. and my mom just came and told me to go to bed... dang. I don't need the sleep, I have other things I can do. Well, hope you like the quizzes. Goodnight... er... morning.
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