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In a cup of tea.
Member Since
Artist/writer... and Gundam pilot... and other various anime occupations that come up.
Real Name
M.C. Glover
Some art peices, and being a (relatively) good person from time to time...
Anime Fan Since
I really don't know. I just sort of faded into it.
Favorite Anime
X/1999, Tsubasa, MKR, Chobits, Tokyo Babylon, Legal Drug, CCS, (anything CLAMP actually), Wolf's Rain, Gundam Wing, Saiyuki, Slayers, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Ruroni Kenshin, Planet Ladder, Yuyu Hakusho, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruit's Basket, Super Milk-chan
To finish my graphic novel, "Apocalypse 101".
Drawing, writing, singing, daydreaming.
Looking awesome in any clothes, and getting people to talk to me..
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
Whee! Quizzes.
 You're Ayame!
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

What city are you? Find out @!

What kind of ANGEL are you?
Quiz made by Angela
 You are a Mentalist. Your magic depends on strength of will. You could be a memory-reading Mind-Mage, a lethally telekentic Force-Wizard, or a helpful Transmage for your abilities are a result of sheer stubborn will and intensely keen intellect. Your mind has been honed by learning and practice into the perfect tool for examining and dissecting reality and altering it to suit your needs. You are intelligent and scholarly with a tendency to distance yourself from others.
Which Magical Order Are You In? brought to you by Quizilla
 Shakespeare Obsession
What's Your Obsession? brought to you by Quizilla
 Fox Spirit Calls To You! Fox's Wisdom Includes:
Observational skills
Feminine courage
Ability to observe unseen
Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You have Blue Wings! You are artistic and highly creative. Others are amazed by your imaginative ideas, and the way you speak so smoothly. You are very social, but you like talking face-to-face, instead of the phone. You love dancing, Writing, acting, drawing, singing, anything that requires artistic style. You have many friends, and are popular because of your unique style. Though your jokes crack up everyone around you, you often daydream about many different things, lost in your own world. Even though, you are optimistic, and remain friendly and loved by others in reality, you always like to visit your fantasy world for some peace from the hectic world.
What Color are your wings?(Mainly for Girls)Beautiful Pix! brought to you by Quizilla
You are red. You are impure, but noble. You are precious and true to yourself and others. When you love, you love entirely, and will do anything to make your love happy. You are sure of your identity, therefore, you cannot change others or be changed. You are a true prince, you may be forgotten, but without you, none of us could go on. What inner color are you?
I'm a prince...
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
Dang it.
I'm so tired. My vision is blurry, and my head is pounding. But I can not sleep. I fell down some stairs and wrenched my back and had a few upsetting conversations. I managed to pull off being an idiot and a self-absorbed bitch and fail a test all in 12 hours. Or so. And that's just a short summary of it all. I'm really tired, but I'm not going to bed because then I'll think more, and thinking is the last thing I want to do. Good night.
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
Eio: I getta go to an anime convention, I getta go to an anime convention!!!!! This Thursday! Through the weekend! It looked like I wasn't gonna go, but I am and I'm happyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! *cough cough gag* Anyways.
All: O.o
Eio: I'm cosplaying as Fai.
Fai: I'm flattered. ^ ^
Eio: And I'll take all of you- Hakkai, Quatre, Kou-kun, Fai, Kyo, Yuki, Hatsuharu, Goku, Ororon, Vash, Zelgadiss, Xelloss, Hiei, Valgaav, Seiishiro, Kamui, Subaru, Chiaki, Momiji, Kotori, oh, and Mokona of course!
Mokona: Puu!
Eio: Am I fogetting anyone?
Yukito: Me! *eats dumpling*
Yue: And if he goes, so do I...
Eio: Oh yeah, there's also Jing and Kensin, Count D...
D (not from Vampire D, from Petshop of Horrors): Want tea?
Eio: Yes, by God!
Orcot: And I have to come! Maybe I'll finally catch D in some illegal trade!
Eio: Ok... and there's Sanosuke, and Wolfwood, and Ayame, Jin, Touya, and the other Touya, Youko Kurama (my fellow brother in Fox Demonship), Touga Kiryuu... Did I mention Inu-yasha? Yeah, Heero and Trowa can come too, and Shippo, and Hatori, and Kajika, and Larva, and Shishiwakamaru, and Eriol, and Shigure, and Akito (NOT Akira), and Lina Inverse, since I need another person who can use the Dragon Slave... and Amelia, for comedic value, not to mention everyone from Azumanga, and Zechs, and Kagami, Idou, Seeu, and last but not least, Laguna.
Hiei: And how are you getting us all there, fox?
Eio: In my backpack. ^ ^
All: *sweatdrop*
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Friday, September 10, 2004
Eio: Hey, guess what?!
Goku: What?! :D
Hakkai: What?
Kougaiji: ...what...?
Hiei: What now, baka fox?
Fai: Hmm?
Eio: Nuthin'.
All: *sweatdrop*
Eio: Actually, in 12th grade, I can go on a home-stay program in Japan! In other words, live there for a few weeks!
Kyo: That's a long ways away, idiot.
Hakkai: Now, now, don't crush her hopes and dreams...
Eio: *has sparkly uber-starry shiney happy crying eyes* I'm so happy...*T-T*
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
Eio: Hey, like the new layout? It's Fai-ish. 'Cause Fai rocks.
Hakkai: After Fai, who's the next layout subject?
Eio: I dunno. Maybe Kou-kun.
Kougaiji: No.
Eio: XP Anyways. I haven't posted in a while. What's happened? Well... um... I've switched schools.
Fai: And just when I was getting used to ATC... oh well. ^ ^
Hiei: Traitor.
Eio: XP Not like you actually care Hiei. You're just saying that to torture me.
Quatre: As long as you're happy, we're happy Eio.
Eio: Thanks Quatre.
Seiishiro: Yeah, even if you are a traitor. ^ ^
Eio: T-T
Quatre: *glares at Seiishiro*
Kyo: So Quatre CAN glare.
Yuki: Interesting.
Hatsuharu: Indeed.
Eio: w00t!!!! STEAK!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, and I know Goku (from Saiyuki, not DBZ) usually resides on Yuki's site, but because of my recent obsession over the last few discs of Saiyuki, Goku has now earned the right to come on my site anytime. Welcome Goku!
Goku: Heya! Where's steak?
Eio: This way! *they run*
Hakkai: Oh my...
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Monday, August 23, 2004
Eio: School has started again. Grrr...
Fai: How fun! May I come?
Eio: Grrr...
Hakkai: It's not so bad, is it?
Eio: Grrr...
Seiishiro: We'll take you out for ice cream this weekend.
Eio: ^ - ^
Seiishiro: Just kidding.
Eio: Grrr...
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Eio: It has recently been reported that life is confusing.
Hiei: Of course, baka fox...
Eio: So, it is strongly suggested that you take nesessary cover. That is all. Just F.Y.I.
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Gift cards rock,
Eio: Today I went out and used my two gift cards to buy Mega Tokyo book 1, Fruits Basket book 4, and Saiyuki DVDs 11 & 12 (end of second season). *hugs Hakkai* You kick ass, Hakkai.
Hakkai: Um... thank you... I suppose.
Eio: And Homura gets his own little field of flowers on my site, 'cause I felt so sorry for him in that last scene where he dies... *tear*
Homura: *stands there looking like a total pretty boy in nice yellow flower field* If only the world were like this...
Kougaiji: At least I got the scripture back, and my pride...
Sanzo: Idiot.
Eio: Ahhhhh.... what is Sanzo doing here?
Sanzo: None of your buisness! *pulls out fan*
Eio: *incinerates fan with chi*
Sanzo: Die. *pulls out gun*
Eio: Dang it. *runs*
Hakkai: *Sanzo chases after Eio in the background* Since Eio is busy, I'll just take over managment of the site... *bullets fly*
Fai: May I help? ^ ^
Hakkai: Of course. ^ ^
Quatre: It could use some retouching. ^ ^
Seiishiro: How about a smiling, georgous bishonen theme? ^ ^
Eio: *looms up behind them* Don't you... dare.... touch my site...
Hakkai: We were...
Fai: Only joking...
Quatre: That's right...
Seiishiro: Well, actually... we weren't.
Eio: *twitch* Supreame king with the frozen soul, lend me the power of your icy rage... DYNAST BREATH!
Hakkai: *puts up shield*
Seiishiro: Now, when'd she learn to use spells like that?
Eio: Fine. Be that way. I'll use... *evil grin* ...a better spell... Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows,,, buried in the stream of time is where your power grows... I pledge myself to thee, swear myself to thee... let the fools who stand before me be destroyed by the power you and I possess! DRAGON SLAVE!!!
*everything is consumed by flames*
Hakkai: Oh... my. My shield couldn't quite hold that one back.
Eio: S'ok, you still kick ass. ^ ^ *hugs Hakkai*
Fai: And we're back to this... ^ ^
Quatre: I'm surprised we're all alive...
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Monday, August 9, 2004
Eio: Yay! I be 15! I changed my mind, it is kinda cool. I'm happy... and tired. But yeah... Doesn't that make all of you all happy?
Kougaiji: Not me.
Hiei: Why would anyone care that you're fifteen, baka fox?
Eio: :P
Hakkai: Now now, that's not very nice... happy birthday Eio! ^ ^
Fai: *wearing blue and purple striped party hat* Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...
Seiishiro: *wearing red and black party hat* Happy birthday dear Eio...
Fai & Seiishiro: Happy birthday to you! ^ ^
Eio: O.o Fai, I'm not surprised you sang... but, Seiishiro, it's just a little disturbing to the Sakurazukamori... Guardian of the Cherry Blossom Burial Mound... singing...
Seiishiro: Well, I was a vet at one time...
Eio: O.o
Hatsuharu: Hello, we've made it...
Kyo: Yeah, but you have no sense of direction... and made us get lost...
Yuki: But we're here now.
Momiji: Guten tag!!! Happy birthday Eio!
Kyo: Hrmp... why'd you drag me along?!
Yuki: Because it's Eio's birthday, stupid cat.
Quatre: *hands Eio a cup of birthday tea ((Yes, it exists!!! >:o))* Have a good birthday Eio, what do you want for a present?
Eio: *grin* Can I fly Sandrock?
Quatre: Um... sure...
Eio: Yay! Wheee!!! *bouces away and flys into space in Sandrock*
Yusuke: Quatre?
Quatre: Yes?
Yusuke: That was really dumb.
Eio: *appears and punches Yusuke* Never diss Quatre. Dig?
Quatre: O.o
Ororon: Hey, "dig" is my word..
Chiaki: Ororon, I think Eio has used "dig" for a while.
Eio: *gasp* Chiaki!!! Yay! Another girl!
Hiei: We have some guys here that could substitute as girls.
Kougaiji: *glares at Fai and Seiishiro*
Subaru: Am I late?
Kamui: Sorata didn't tell us about the party until after it started!
Yuzuriha: Happy B-day!
Arashi: ... *eats cake*
Sorata: It's not my fault we're late, I swear!
Kakyo: I saw us being late in my dream...
Kotori: Hello Eio!
Eio: Kotori... sorry girl, but you're dead...
Kotori: Oh...
Eio: S'ok, you can stick around.
Kotori: Thank you very much!
Yuzuriha: I brought pocky everyone!!! =^ ^=
Eio: Oi... and thus it begins... I'll update the party later today... when it gets light.
Everyone: *eats ice cream*
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
No, turning fifteen in three hours and twenty minutes is not cool!!!
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