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• 1989-08-09
• In a cup of tea.
Member Since
• 2003-08-30
• Artist/writer... and Gundam pilot... and other various anime occupations that come up.
Real Name
• M.C. Glover
• Some art peices, and being a (relatively) good person from time to time...
Anime Fan Since
• I really don't know. I just sort of faded into it.
Favorite Anime
• X/1999, Tsubasa, MKR, Chobits, Tokyo Babylon, Legal Drug, CCS, (anything CLAMP actually), Wolf's Rain, Gundam Wing, Saiyuki, Slayers, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Ruroni Kenshin, Planet Ladder, Yuyu Hakusho, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruit's Basket, Super Milk-chan
• To finish my graphic novel, "Apocalypse 101".
• Drawing, writing, singing, daydreaming.
• Looking awesome in any clothes, and getting people to talk to me..
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
Blahdy blah blah blah...
I just got back. I'm bored. I turn fifteen in three hours and twenty minutes.
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It's HOT!!!
112 degrees! 112 degrees!!! AHHHHH!!!! IT'S HOT!!!!!!!!! Grr... Actually, I'm not really in a bad mood, but it is hot here. You know how cool it is to go to Paris, like shops, cobblestone streets an' all, but not go to Paris? It be cool. But I miss everyone... Luckily though, I'm coming back home tomorrow night. ^ ^ See y'all soon!
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
Eio: Guess where I am!!! Las Vegas. Yep. It's hot here.Anyways, I turn fifteen in a few days, and for anyone reading this, here's the preliminary information for my party.
date-the Sunday after the 9th... the 15th I think.
time- 4-8 p.m.
place- my dad's apartment
I'll be calling everyone with real information later. ^ ^
Hakkai: ^ ^ Mmhmm.
Eio: ^ ^ Indeed.
Fai. ^ ^ Yes.
Seiishiro: *blink* *blink*
Kougaiji: *twitch* Stuck... in a closed in moving thing... with them... for two weeks...
Quatre: It wasn't so bad...
Everyone else: Yeah, it was.
Quatre: Ok.
Eio: How the heck did we all fit in that tiny honda...?
Everyone else: ...good question...
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Saturday, July 10, 2004
Eio: Today is my mom's partay. (I don't care if it's "party"!!! Partay is better!!!) ^ ^ Anyways, I'm babysitting, which is cool, 'cause it means money. And the guys'll help, right?
Hatsuharu: I believe I'm the only one here.
Eio: Yeah, and you're never here, 'cause you're always lost.
Hatsuharu: -_-'''
Kyou: I'm here!!!
Yuki: And I as well.
Eio: Yay! Fruits Basket characters!!!
All three: *sweatdrop*
Eio: Well, we have to go now. Bye! Oh... and... you can't know what the "wow" earlier was for! Just 'cause I'm evil! Muwahahaha!
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... wow.
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
Happy birthday to Mom, happy normal day to me
Eio: Today is my mom's birthday! And it's also been a very good day for me. I got to go to a Japanese spa, where they give you kimonos to wear while you're out of the water, and they serve good tea. Plus, I got strawberry pocky and sushi, and discovered a new place where I can buy cool Japanese stuff. Heh heh heh... my birthday is coming up in August too. ^ ^
Fai: And we didn't get to go.
Seiishiro: She gave me a stick of pocky.
Hakkai: I think that's only because you're the Sakurazukamori and you looked like you might kill her...
Eio: *obviously not listening* That's right, be jealous now. ^ ^
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Wednesday, July 7, 2004
Eio: I'm starting a webcomic. That is, as soon as I manage to host it somewhere. This weekend I went up to Colorado, where I swam and held an alligator. It was so fun! I left the guys in charge of my room..
Fai: We're still sorry about that... ^ ^
Hakkai: ^ ^''' Yes, well, we didn't expect Hiei to drop by...
Fai: And so, naturally, he and Kougaiji ended up going at it...
Hakkai: And Seiishiro just sat by and laughed...
Seiishiro: Heh heh heh.
Fai: ^ ^ And so, I think Kougaiji and Hiei have something to say...
Kougaji: Hrmf... sorry...
Hiei: Hn.
Eio: *boot* *glare*
Hiei: Grr... fine... baka fox... sorry.
Fai: ^ ^
Hakkai: ^ ^
Eio: ^ ^ ...wait... ack!!! I'm doing the scary Fai & Hakkai smile!
Seiishiro: ^ ^
Eio: Nooooooo!
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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
There's a big thunderstorm going on where I am, which is very nice. (Wish it were like this more often... *grumble* *grumble*) I probably shouldn't be on the computer,with the lightning and all, but I'm bored. Today mostly I just sort of slept. And I watched part of A Beautiful Mind. Not a bad movie. And... that's actually it.
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
Oh my...
First of all, I'd like to apologize for my last post... I'm not usually like that... ^ ^ I was just tired and in a very bad mood. But those anime/RP memegemsathingys (y'know, where you put your name or something and it gives you information) were pretty cool. And all of them sounded like me. But today I'm in a good mood, 'cause my grandmother is coming over later to visit and then my dad is buying me boots!!! Hopefully at least... I will get those boots. Somehow... I also have to get my little sister a birthday present. Her birthday is July 1st. She's turning eleven... wow. And she already acts more like a teenager then I do. Oy. Eh, oh well. Then it's my mom's birthday on the 8th of July... and she's turning fifty. Doesn't look or act fifty though. I have an awsome mom. ^ ^ And then we wait for August to come around... and then on the 9th it's my birthday. Ugh. It'll probably be hot. And therefore, I finish with Robert Benchley's entire autobiography:
Robert Charles Benchley, boen Isle of Wight, September 15, 1807. Shipped as cabin boy on the Florence J. Marble, 1815. Arrested for bigamy and murder n Port Said, 1817. Released 1820. Wrote Tale of Two Cities. Married Princess Anastasia of Portugal, 1831. Children. Prince Rupprecht and several little girls. Wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1850. Editor of Godey's Ladies Book, 1851-1856. Began Les Miserables in 1870. Finished by Victor Hugo, Died 1871. Buried in Westminster Abbey. ~ Robert Benchley
We'll see if anyone gets that.
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Disclaimer: For anyone who may get in trouble if they're on a site with swearing... this post DOES have a mite of cussing in it....
"Don't tell me how life is
'Cause I don't really wanna know"
DON'T BLAME ME!!! It's really, really, really, early in the morning and I'm BORED!!! Heh heh heh... No, I'm not just posting random crap. Well, yes I am, sort of. I'm posting anything that comes into my brain, which is random, but not all of it is crap. I went to the state cemetary today. It smelt like death. It's very beautiful in the snow. In the winter the snow covers everything and it hard to tell what's real, because it all looks the same. Even the clouds like the same world. Or maybe we look like part of the clouds. I suppose it doesn't matter.
"This is my December
These are my snow-covered dreams
This is me pretending
This is all I need"
You know, "who am I?" is such a cliche question. It's reasonable to ask, but it bugs me so much!!! If you don't know who you are, figure it out, don't ask nothingness. Nothingness will tell you nothing but nothing, although that can occasionally be useful.
"We've been mislead
Young and hostile
but not stupid"
Teenagers bug me too. Yes, yes, I am a teenager. I bug myself. It all of the idiotic things we ask and do and think. Teenage depression. I'm not saying it's not serious, but it's always always pointless. Almost. I guess when it's ridiculess it's called ANGST. Moan moan moan. I don't care about my life. I don't really care about other people either. "Why?" Then comes the silence. The ramblings that all come to nothing. Nothingness. If we're all such fools to fall prey to such stupid angst maybe we should all kill ourselves! You know what?! I don't have time to care about angst that means nothing. I need to spend my time thinking about how to help other people, who have REAL problems and actually need help. GOT IT? and then there's teenage love. Now that's a weird thing. It's confusing, because you don't know if it's really love or not. All the adults assume it's just some teenage relationship that doesn't really mean anything, but you feel like it means more. Then you get to thinking the adults just don't understand, but let's face it, they WERE teenagers too. But still, if you can't believe you own heart, what do you believe? Logic? That can only take you so far. It's IRRITATING. Actually, in general, I'm just irritated. WITH THIS DAMN WORLD. I'm sorry for swearing, I don't really like to, but drastic rants call for drastic measures.
"Do you swear?"
"Every damn day."
On the subject of The Mummy...
"I mourn for my ass!"
That's all for The Mummy now. Where was I? Oh yes. THE WORLD. We're so messed up that some people are having delusions AND I'M SICK AND TIRED OF THIS DAMN COMPUTER DRIVING MY NERVES SO FREAKING HIGH BY LOADING RANDOM SHIT THAT IT DOESN'T NEED AND WAS ALREADY SUPPOSED TO BE LOADED AND INTERRUPTING MY TYPING!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH IT?!?! Erm... sorry about that.... Where was I AGAIN? Delusions, right? I hope so, 'cause I don't want to read back to find out what I was talking about. People are just looking at crap through suger-coated kalidoscopes and calling it beautiful, or they're making it seem like it something worse then crap. Dear oh joy n' shit people, it's just crap!!! The current world situation is just the same thing as what has always been happening as long as humans have formed their own little jacked up groupies and started playing soliders. It's messed up and horrible, but it is HUMAN. I hate it too, all the killing in various disgusting ways for disgusting reasons, but it's human, and as much as I wish I could change it, point is, I CAN'T. People are just gonna go on and on with their sub-standard "truth" and their TV dinners and big cars and forget about people dying. Yeah, in case you didn't know (although i suspect the only people reading this load of insomniac-crazed rant are my friends, and none of this, unless I've forgotten something I wrote earlier, applies to them). Well, anyways... yeah, in case you didn't know PEOPLE ARE DYING. Dying! Killing, killed, kill, dead, deadishness, more dead, dying, deceased. Dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead. Eh heh heh heh....
"Never thought I'd say I'm sorry
Never thought I'd be the one to bring you down
Now when I look out my window
And there doesn't seem to be anyone around
And I
I think I'll change my ways
So all your words get noticed
Tomorrow's a new day"
God damn. You know how much it hurts when you care about someone so much you only want them to be happy? When you're sure you love them? But they don't love you back in the same way. IT HURTS. And then loving two people, OH that's even BETTER. It's wonderful to be able to love both of them, but it still tears your heart into little tiny inconcivable shreads. Yes I'm being a hypocrite, considering what I said about both teenage love and angst earlier. Shut it. I'm a teenager. Yes, that's my excuse. I DON'T CARE. I'LL BE A HYPOCRITE, SO WHAT? Everybody else in the world is sometimes.
"Maybe I'm just to demanding
Maybe I'm just like my father, too bold
Maybe I'm just like my mother
She's never satisfied
Why do we scream at each other?
This is what it sounds like when doves cry"
Back to what I was talking about. It fucking hurts.
This is a little scary. My real name is Mairi. My (original) hair color is blonde. My eyes are a sort of grey-blue. Sometimes more gray than blue or vice-versa. And my personality lately has been rather peaceful, except when I'm in a bad mood (like tonight... er... this morning).
Well, anyways. Ha. I don't care who's the next president, as long as we stop FUCKING POINTLESSLY KILLING PEOPLE. I know, I know, I can't change what humans are, but I just decided that I sure as hell can try. I may be a sadistic bitch sometimes (Let's see how many different swear words I can use in one post shall we? *sarcastic happiness*), but I'm trying to be a good person, even if I know I'm not. Why am I trying to be a good person when I know I'm not a good person? 1) Because I still keep up some slight hope that I have a somewhat good soul somewhere inside of me. 2) I'm bored.
To my friends: NO, I am not a good person. I don't care what you say, everything you knoe about me may be a part of me, but it's what's deep inside that counts, and none of you have seen that yet.
"Before the night is through you will see my point of view
Even if I have to scream and shout"
Ack, I don't remember what I was talking about! You know, here's a question: Why shouldn'y we kill people? Really, I can't think of any LOGICAL answer. I wouldn't kill someone, because they have a right to live as much as any person, and no matter who I killed, someone would cry for them. Someone would grieve. I would really only kill to protect someone I care about. But you see, my answer really isn't logical at all, because my reasons simply wouldn't matter to everybody. Another thing you could say, is that not many other species activally or consciously target their own kind, especially specific types of their own kind. If a snakes gonna eat another snake, I doubt it cares if it's a brown snake or a green snake. Well... except for maybe scientific reasons that have to do with insticts and which snake is better to eat. But it certaintly wouldn't care if the other snake wasa different religion... Oy... looking at crap through kalidoscopes, I tell ya. All these religions, I like the bumper sticker PhuZie (or however she spells it now) wants, "God, please save me from your followers." Or something like that. Wow. I have been working on this for more then an hour. Of course, I've been spacing out a lot. And I've been on Gaia. What a life, eh?
"And it feels like Heaven's so far away"
Man I'm tired. Of course, I'm always tired, it's part of my non-existant job-description. Well... you could say I'm a professional insomniac. Hmm... I like that. Professional insomniac. Bet my mom would love that one. And my dad. They'd probably get all worried. Meh. Nothing to worry about. I'm not dead yet, so who cares? I don't. Well, I have nothing more to say. Wow. Out.......of...........words........
"And these memories come back to haunt me
They haunt me like a curse
Is a dream a lie if it doesn't come true?
Or is it somethng worse?"
All problems aside, I love you guys. Everyone. Friend and foe, people I've met and those I haven't. But especially a few people that haven't given up on me yet. Thanks all.
But it's still just crap.
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