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In a cup of tea.
Member Since
Artist/writer... and Gundam pilot... and other various anime occupations that come up.
Real Name
M.C. Glover
Some art peices, and being a (relatively) good person from time to time...
Anime Fan Since
I really don't know. I just sort of faded into it.
Favorite Anime
X/1999, Tsubasa, MKR, Chobits, Tokyo Babylon, Legal Drug, CCS, (anything CLAMP actually), Wolf's Rain, Gundam Wing, Saiyuki, Slayers, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Ruroni Kenshin, Planet Ladder, Yuyu Hakusho, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruit's Basket, Super Milk-chan
To finish my graphic novel, "Apocalypse 101".
Drawing, writing, singing, daydreaming.
Looking awesome in any clothes, and getting people to talk to me..
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, June 24, 2004
Nothing to talk about.
... no really. I can't think of anything to talk about. Why am I posting, I wonder...? A mystery...
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Saturday, June 19, 2004
Rant on Humanity
"It's the human condition that keeps us apart
Everybody's got a story that will break your heart"
To start, I offer all my apologies and sympathies to the family, friends, and other mourners of the man who was beheaded in the Middle East.
It strikes very deep, to hear that people kill themselves and each other. I saw photographs of the beheaded body of a man, and read what everyone was saying and found out what people think of each other, and it really made me cry (for those of you who know me that fact will have a greater impact). It is those tears that inspired me to write this today. And thus I begin. Man will murder and rape his own kind, and for what purpose? Because they are not the same as each other? Because God hates one of them? Or for money or glory, perhaps? Or, as some say, because it is man's instinct to kill?
Though we are not all the same, I believe we should be able to master our humanity enough so that we can respect, if not agree, with the values and beliefs of our kin. All of us are humans, and we all have a right to live, to be heard, and to be respected. There is not one life lost that will not be grieved for. One human will cry for another, whether they knew each other personally, or not at all. I think that, cultural differences aside, we are all the same excepting those who have lost their humanity by eliminating all mercy and benevolence from their souls.
God is fickle. Depending on a person's heart, he is used for justification of any act. Is this all God means to us now? Is Allah only a tool used to kill? If God (or Allah in my, and many other's cases) created us all, he would love us all. Perhaps he is only watching us and letting us find out how to right ourselves, but I am sure he would not truly wish for us to slaughter each other in such a manner. I say this to all Christians, Muslims, and to those who follow Judaism (though I do believe that Judaism is currently acting the most sensibly of these three religions). And once again, the common human condition: If you are not the same as me, you are wrong. Which brings me to three other religions, Wiccan (paganism), Hinduism, and Buddhism. They have thus far not really played a part in the crisis, but they are often discriminated against for various reasons such as polytheism, reincarnation, nature worship, etc. But they too, and all other religions I have not mentioned yet (and I am sorry for not including them, but I can only remember so many things at a time), deserve to be able to believe what they wish. All that matter is that you are sure of something. You can be an atheist, and it matters not because it is what you believe. We should not be able to do terrible things to each other simply because we don't believe in the same thing. We all believe in something, and that is what makes us all the same.
What is going on today is needless killing. Lives lost when they did not have to be. This ripping apart of mankind will lead us to ruin if we cannot learn to LOVE. To conquer hate, fear, and doubt is what we should be trying to achieve. If everyone loved their enemy, then there would be no enemies. Not to be anti-Bush, not to be anti-Muslim, that is not what this world needs. What this world needs (And as I say world, I am speaking about the human population, not the actual Earth, which also needs to be taken better care of.) is to be anti-hate. We need to be opposed to war, imprisonment, and ignorance. We must learn about each other so that we can, I shall say once again, respect if not agree with one another.
So pray to your god if you have a God, collect your data if you believe in science, live you life the way you wish, but do not stop others from finding their truth, living their lives the way they wish. I believe this race will find its peace. I'm sorry if I have offended anyone, and I don't mind if you cannot bring yourself to believe or respect what I have to say. Praise all and farewell, I'm tired.
Sincerely, Fox (which became my name new last night through odd circumstances)
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Friday, June 18, 2004
Eio: I just realized that my artwork got up! *hops up and down for joy*
Fai: Great job Eio. ^ ^
Seiishiro: Perhaps they heard our threats.
Eio: One of them is getting rated pretty well too... not the other one, but I'm cool with that. ^ ^
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Thursday, June 17, 2004
Home alone.
For the last two weeks or so, I have been home alone every single day. Today though, it wasn't so bad, 'cause I started a new manga. It's called, "Hypocrite Isle". It's a very random manga about a dog/cat/human (called Nanashi) that lives on an island called Hypocrite Isle. The only other things that live there are odd creatures, some intelligent, some not. After witnessing a rather unpleasent sight of one of these creatures getting... erm... popped (it's a balloon creature), he decides that the isle is a horrible place and decides to leave it, though that begins to prove to be harder then he thought it would be. I'm also drawing it in a slightly different stye then I normally do, though it's still in anime style. And... that's all I did today... yeah. Oh, and I'm going to an anime convention later this year and I'm going to cosplay as Fai D. Flowright. My mom said she'd love to make that costume, so I decided to be him. Now that's all.
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Ginger altoids.
Eio: I've just submitted two pieces of art... let's hope they make it. Last one I submitted didn't.
Quatre: Well, if it makes you feel any better, we think you're a good artist.
Seiishiro: I'l simply assassinate anyone who says you're not.
Eio: *sweatdrop* No need for that Seiishiro...
Kougaiji: It wouldn't be for you. It would be for our enjoyment.
Zelgadiss: Yes. My sword skills are getting a bit rusty.
Eio: *raises eyebrow* You cut through a brick wall yesterday.
Hakkai: Guess he was just lucky. ^ ^
Fai: Yep, he must have been. ^ ^
Eio: ACK! Fai, when did you get here?!
Fai: Just now. I want to keep away from my world, so Mokona sent me here. ^ ^
Eio: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... seven anime characters here!? Well, Quatre, Zelgadiss, and Kakyo aren't always here, so really only four, ok, I can handle that.
Fai: *polishing staff* ^ ^
Eio: Stop smiling, it's freaking me out.
Hakkai & Fai: ^ ^
Eio: O.O Oh, and by way of explaination, Fai is a wizard-type person from a little-know CLAMP manga, Tsubasa. He's running away from his home country for some unknown reason...
Fai: ^ ^ Nice to meet you all.
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Tuesday, June 15, 2004
I'm just kind of going crazy with these. Don't mind me...
Hakkai: *sweatdrop* Perhaps Sanzo had better run...
Eio: Right then...
Eio: *squashes fairy*
Eio: Is it just me, or is this one a contradiction?
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Friday, June 11, 2004
Yay... I haven't put quizzes in a while, so here are some...
 You are a loner...not that you don't like people, it's just that you like to spend time with yourself or you are an outsider...don't like talking too much and even going out...loneliness isn't healthy, but you like it...what can say?! Just live the way you want...u_u
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your half- angel. Not exactly human, but not quite angel, you walk on earth freely. Half-Angels have no wings, but tend to show some signs. Some ways to notice these are that the girl never menstrates, she cannot bleed, and her touch seems to give of a glow. No one really knows how half-angels are born. Some say that when a child is born, one of the angels blesses her with her gifts. Others say that they are cursed creatures, because half-angels cannot die, while their familly and friends around them do. Hlaf-Angels are very beautiful and Kind, and have the power to speak to animals, but at the same time, sad that they are this way. Some Half-Angels love being human. Being able to see, smell, hear, taste,and feel are all miracles to them. They crave to be more human-all the time.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
 Nihilist Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You have a Calm Soul! Being calm and cool is what you do best. You collected thoughts and always positive attitude make you very bright and logical. When theres a problem, you know how to approach it, and solve it. Your friends rely on you on their problems, and your shoulder for their crying. You are peaceful, and enjoy nature and freedom. You rarely get angry and hardly scream, which makes you good with kids. You seem to be in tune with the world and if anything goes wrong, you always bounce back.
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
 You belong in the world of balance, where everything has two sides and everything is not always what it appears on the outside. Of course, if you have a sense of humor, you may find employment as a sarcastic comedian. If not, enjoy the choices that are presented to you through life, they will always have two sides to them,one which leads you to the light, and the other which entrenches you in darkness. Walk on with hope, my friend.
Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are most likely to be the Vampire Recluse!
The Recluse hides from others, and more importantly, itself. Ashamed of what it is and what it has become, the recluse feels varying degrees of guilt over the thought of having to feed off the living; usually the recluse has become a vampire against its will, or if a voluntary act, quickly grows to resent this decision. Often the recluse's physical appearance will lack the influence of the vampire charm, instead being replaced in equal by the alluring quality of its heart. Ironically, the recluse is often times a very powerful vampire, perhaps gaining power from its own aversion, or perhaps because its painful clutches to its lost humanity strengthen it.
Dominant personality trait: Guilt
Dominant color: White
Fictional Vampire Examples: Louis ('Interview with the Vampire'), D ('Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust')
Curious to see how you would fare as a creature of the night? Come this way...
Vampire Classification Quiz (w/ Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
That's all for tonight, but I'll try and post again soon.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
I think I'm lonely now.
Guess it's just me right now.
Only me.
Wonder how many stars are in the sky.
I'd count them...
...but it's not dark.
I think I'll go drink some coffee.
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Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Eio: COKE!!! Coke... 2 liters of it... 3:00 AM!! LITER!!! 3vil coke caps of DOOM!!! Doom doom doom doom doom!!! Doom... Burn them... burn them all... kill him... kill the little person running around... THEY CUT HIS EAR OFF!!!! They murdered my mermaid, the bastards... People are animals too... COKE!!!!
Hakkai: *looks surprised* Eio, are you... alright?
Eio: Tequeila! Have you hugged your toilet today?
Hakkai: Oh my... she hasn't had Tequeila, has she?
Kougaiji: No...
Kakyo: Do you think she'll be alright?
Seiishiro: Eio, do you want to kill anything?
Eio: NOOOOOO!!!!! Never!
Seiishiro: She'll be fine. You should go to bed though Eio.
Hakkai: I agree.
Eio: Aww... Seiishiro-san... Hakkai... I don't wanna...
Kougaiji: *picks Eio up* Too bad.
Kakyo: It's for your good.
Eio: Butidontwannagotobeditsnotcoolidontwanttonononononoandialwaystellseiishirosantostopsmokingforhisowngoodandhehasntstoppedsmokingforthathashenowhashehasheputmedownkougaijiyouguysareevilputmethehelldowngoddammitidontwanttosleepnosleepsleepisbascokeisgoodandfiretoofireisniceheheheheyouguysitsnotfairidontwannasleep...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Hakkai, Seiishiro, Kakyou, and Kougaiji:
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Thursday, May 13, 2004
German musick ist toll....
Eio: I'm listening to German music right now. It's pretty cool. I drew the coolest drawing ever here. His name is Kai, and I want his hair. It's red and black and gray and awesome. Kittycat, Dean is Vash. Oh, also, to Kittycat and Deadman, I'm calling you on Saturday. I hear Mikazuki's learning L33T now... oh boy. German people like rap and hip hop a lot.... And that's about it. Oh, that and they each a lot of ice cream. I have had ice cream every day here thus far... well, tschaus! Or however you spell it...
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