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In a cup of tea.
Member Since
Artist/writer... and Gundam pilot... and other various anime occupations that come up.
Real Name
M.C. Glover
Some art peices, and being a (relatively) good person from time to time...
Anime Fan Since
I really don't know. I just sort of faded into it.
Favorite Anime
X/1999, Tsubasa, MKR, Chobits, Tokyo Babylon, Legal Drug, CCS, (anything CLAMP actually), Wolf's Rain, Gundam Wing, Saiyuki, Slayers, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Ruroni Kenshin, Planet Ladder, Yuyu Hakusho, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruit's Basket, Super Milk-chan
To finish my graphic novel, "Apocalypse 101".
Drawing, writing, singing, daydreaming.
Looking awesome in any clothes, and getting people to talk to me..
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, May 10, 2004
Wow... ü ö ä µ € ° § ß
Eio: Hey hey hey lookit this! I'm in Germany. Typing. On a computer in a German school. Is this not awesome!? They even have neat symbols on the keyboards, as seen in the title of this post.Even multipulcation and division signs! Those are never on keybords. And glass bottles of coke come out of vending machines. BIG glass bottles of coke. And my room with my german family has a big feather pillow. And the scenery here is beautiful!And they sell great collers and necklaces here! And the bread and butter is good. And the tea. And the cheesecake. And the marmalade. And the coffee!!!Hahahaha! I like this place. Maybe I'll stay here...
Quatre, Hakkai, Kougaiji, N4mu, Vash, and Zelgadiss: NO!!!
Eio: I forgot. I brought all of you guys, didn't I?
Vash: Yes, and we sort of want to go back home...
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Let the broken hearts stand as the price you've gotta pay...
Eio: Dud3, 1 h4v3 h4d a |\/|4d qu4|\|7ity 0f c4ff13ne!!!! Erm, anyways... I'm leaving to be an exchange student in Germany for nearly a month, so if I don't post, that's why. I should have internet with my family over there though, or at the school I'm going to. I only have one day of school left at my school!!! Ack!!! I'm gonna miss everyone.
"I never meant to cause you any sorrow
I never meant to cause you any pain
I only want to see you laughing in the purple rain"
Random quote from a prince song, 'cause I feel like it.
Kougaiji: What, art thou draw among these heartless humans? Turn thee Hakkai, and look upon thy death.
Hakkai: I do but keep the peace, put up thy weapon, or manage it to annoy Eio with me.
Kougaiji: Peace? I hate the word, as I hate that evil bitch posing as my mother, all humans, and thee. Have at thee coward! Though objection to annoying Eio I have not.
{they fight}
Eio: Stop dissing what I have to perform in Steel's class! Or I'll hug both of you again, I swear...
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Tuesday, April 27, 2004
The devil ran over my throat in a dump truck.
"I have a soybean and I'm not afraid to use it!!! STAY BACK!" What Anime Clover Are You?
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Monday, April 26, 2004
If you're gone, maybe it's time to come home...
Hello. This weekend was... interesting. I babysat 8 kids for a long time and got $106.00 Then I went on a shopping spree and got 3 manga, lunch at panda express, starbucks coffee, a matchbox twenty cd, and a 6-pack of coke... which is all gone now. Well, the coke anyway. The manga and cd are still here. Then I walked all the way down to this one park, which my friend was just randomly leaving then, so I got a ride home. ^-^ Good times.
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Friday, April 23, 2004
Online Drinking
"Yuki: hehehe* looks at goku and lirin* no i didnt have any monky wine ok i had alittle bit......... ok i had a lot........ a little more than alot
Goku:hehe hay your kinda cute
Yuki: ahhh hay im drunk but not that drunk"
Eio & Hakkai: Both finish off another bottle of wine*
Eio: You feeling tipsy at all yet?
Hakkai: Mmm... no. ^-^
Eio: Oddly enough, I'm not either.
Hakkai: Is there any more?
Eio: *steals Yuki's monkey wine* Yep.
Hakkai: Good, I've been wanting to try some. *drinks*
Eio: Me too. *also drinks* Are you sure all this stuff is alchohalic? I don't feel drunk at all. Of course, I don't know what it would be like. But I feel normal.
Hakkai: That's what I wonder sometimes... Wher's Sanzo?
Eio: Probably off threating Dan and Goku.
Hakkai: Hmm... too bad for them.
Eio: Yep. Pass me that bottle please.
Hakkai: ^-^ Sure thing.
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More stuff
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Does this mean I'm missing an eye either way? ^-^''' Oh boy... I was bored, so I wrote random song lyircs on my arms.
"Lean on me
While I lean on you
If we destroy each other
We might save a life or two"
"The world I love
The tears I drop
To be a part of
The wave won't stop
Ever wonder if it's all for you?"
" 'Cause I'm tired of not living just to stay alive"
"You'll never see me fall from grace"
And I've only heard one of those songs... ^-^
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Walking around randomly...
Yesterday I walked home from school, got there, decided I didn't want to be there, so I left. I walked around and unfortunately found out I had no money. Yesterday was odd. I went to Borders and the Target parking lot and Petsmart. And I got lost for a little while... ^-^''' *sweatdrop*
Hakkai: Maybe you shouldn't take shortcuts from now on Eio.
Maybe so.
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry...
Check this out, it be cool. I had fun with these.
 Why do you cry? brought to you by Quizilla
So, it seems I get to meet Hakkai. How cool is that? Oh yeah, "Eio" is short for "Eiwotoru". Actually, the full name would be Youko Eiwotoru Inari. Yep. Fun name, isn't it? I'm rather fond of it. I went on a Saiyuki-watching spree last night, and it was fun. I watched the episode where Sanzo, Gojyo, and Hakkai get into a drinking contest... o_O. Actually, it was a great episode. Hakkai has insanely high tolerance for alchohal. Sanzo, Gojyo, and the everone else pass out, and there's Hakkai: "Bring on the booze!" He doesn't even get tipsy. And Sanzo tries to use the scripture on someone in the opposing team. That would be scary, although it made for a really funny scene. That and...
Goku: Spring rolls!!!
Gojyo: Beer!!!
Goku: Spring rolls!!!
Gojyo: Beer!!!
Hakkai: *dragging them both out of the inn after Sanzo* I know, but if we don't leave Sanzo really will shoot us. *they leave*
*shooting noises at heard from outside*
People in the Resturant: *sweatdrop*
Eio: *randomly walks into the show and blasts the Prince of War and those other two that hang out with him with her chi before leaving*
Ok, so that last part didn't actually happen, even though it should have. Right, I'll just shut up now. Bye.
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Thursday, April 15, 2004
I'm really very tired. Last night I babysat until 1:40 in the morning, and went to sleep even later. And on the way home, my mom got pulled over by a cop, so the trip back took even longer. By the way, an awsome site is ,if you're an anime/forums/role-playing/neopets fan. It's very neat. My username is Alai Salaam Winner, if you want to say who reffered you there or talk to me or something. Right, I'm gonna go, I've got a lot to think about.
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Saturday, April 10, 2004
Still Grounded
Sadly, my current status as the computer being off-limits is still in effect. I might get my computer back soon though, as I got a pretty good report card. I hope so, I miss my computer. I have, however, figured out that you can get a hangover from green tea. Strange times... I found this out at my grandmother's house in Jemez, which is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. ^-^ Alright, just wanted to confirm to everyone that I'm still in existance.
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