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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
^_^ "don't getlost in heaven"
ok don't ask! ^_^ jus' a song i was listening to a little while ago.... i finally got the CD "demon days" X3 yay! is cool! ^-^ anyways i had friggin tests today >_< they went ok but they could have gone better ^-^ *they always can* i also had to learn shakespears saliliqey *spellin'* how ever the hell you spell that bloody thing... ^-^ well i'm gonna help an freind out and make them an otaku site so i may or may not respond to any PM i get... i'll try though XD heh well....... i got nothin' ^-^' kk! bye bye!
1. white light!
2. favorite writer?
3. favorite person?
4. how do you think i look? *as in feature wise, and be honest ^-^ i'll reply to the person who's the closest*
Kabuto's wisdom
Kabuto: do you suppose there are those among us who weren't made to be happy?
ekedo: i honestly don't know ^-^' |
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
i'm on kinda late! >_< i've got like 10000000000 something PM *jus' kiddin'* but i do have a lot! >_< and a lot of people to visit T-T so i'll be short with this! ^_^
Doing: same old same old!
listening: to Gorillaz
Thinking: nothin o_o heheh
1. favorite Gorillaz song?
2. ever wore sandles?
3. pen or pencil?
4. o_o *i will never blink*
Kabuto's Wisdom:
Kabuto: Character is simply habit, long continued
ekedo: yep yep! ^_^ |
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Monday, January 8, 2007
nothin' much to say... ^_^ well today was very long >_< but i got through... and my step-dad finally got my spyware and virusware updated *took him long enough* >_< well i talkied to my friend Robert *lives in Germany!!* and he was saying he might come back to the U.S. in a few months! X3 yay! but as he said it's a question of euros *german money* -_- oh and i got my MP3 player fixed XD now i can listen to my music! whooooo!!! X3 kk! i gonna go now! *hugs* bye!
1. use colored pencils?
2. i like music! ^_^
3. wear any rings?
4. i want super human powers, if you could have any what would they be?
Kabuto's Wisdom:
Kabuto: Nothing is stronger than habit
ekedo: hhm i guess so! ^_^'
Pikachu Kiss RevisedHosted By theOtaku.com.
i like this one ~^_^~ |
Comments (7) |
Sunday, January 7, 2007
well.... ^_^'
well... i'm totally better today! *yay!!* anyways! ^-^' i got nothin' much to say except i have to go back to work tomorrow >__< *sigh* dang... my boos knows i'm better so he says to come back in and work... >_< well i'll get through! X3 i'm gonna watch a DVD here in a little while! don't know what it'll be though! X3 i'll think of something *thinks* X3 well... ^-^' i found this vynal record called "Elmer Fudpucker at the nudist colony~ lettin' it all hang out" o_o now that's gotta be an weird record... but i can't find a record played anywhere >_< kk! i gonna go now! i haven't visited all my friends in a while so i have lots to do! ^_^' bye bye! *hugs*
1. fist of rock! XD
2. hook 'em horns, or peace sign?
3. how many times how u said "like" today?
4. u wearing jeans or something else...?
Kabuto's Wisdom:
Kabuto: be careful what you wish for- you might be sorry if your wish gets granted...
ekedo: not my wish for pokemon ruling the world X3
Cosmo Pix...Hosted By theOtaku.com.
* http://www.saiyanisland.com/ |
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Saturday, January 6, 2007
well guys i'm feeling much better! X3 i still have a slight headache and my typing is messed up right now... -_-' oh well! here for anyone who cares i'll tell you the story about what happened ^_^ it was like 3:00am and i got up and was walking aound my house, then the next thing i remember was i woke up with my mother yelling tryin' to wake me up... then the rest of the day i was spilling my guts, fightin' to keep myself from passing out again. -_-' well i'm better now *after some sleep* and i can stay on tonight. sadly i missed Anime last night and i will tonight too, cyz of my friggin step-dad is gonna sleep in front of the TV >_< well i gonna go now! ^_^ bye! *hugs*
1. *sigh* wazup? ^-^
2. what color shirt are u wearing? X3
3. when someone says "head banging" what does it make u think?
4. Team Rocket's Rockin'!!! XD
~my answers~
1. trying to keep my sanity! uh oh there it goes! XD
2. red! with a north garland Raiders band symbol!
3. ~^-^~ dirty~ness! X3
4. whooooooo!!
Kabuto's Wisdom:
Kabuto: One joy scatters a hundred griefs...
ekedo: hhm true! ^_^ |
Comments (5) |
Friday, January 5, 2007
ok guys i'm really sorry but i can't stay on tonight.... T-T i'm really sick, i've been spilling my guts all day >_< and right now i'm kinda dizzy so i'm gonna go -_-' bye *hugs*
1. *urp* o_o
2. when was the last time you were sick?
http://pokejungle.net/?id=games/pd_new |
Comments (4) |
Thursday, January 4, 2007
ok ok! semi-boring day ^-^ heheh well i got nothin' >_< except i gonna try to submit more stuff X3 anyways...... i was thinkin' about makin' flyers to put up around my neighborhood challenging other pokemon fans to duel my pokemon deck... what should i do? ..... well i gonna go now lots to do ^_^' bye bye! *hugs*
1. long hair or short hair?
2. black boots or black hat?
3. uhm ^-^'
4. Es freut mich, sie kennen zu lernen ~^-^~
Kabuto's Wisdom:
Kabuto: where does the journey start?
ekedo: ?? o_o
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
well i'm on pretty late >__
sorry i on late T-T but my step-dad messed up an computer and had to spend an hour fixing it >_< *sigh* so here i am 2 hours late >__< gggrr well -_- *sigh* anyways! hakujo never came back yesterday 0_o wonder what happened? ....! >_< heheh ^-^' ........ well now.... got nothin' to say so c ya'll later.... *oh if you have a site you want me to see i can try it out ^-^ i'll send you one in return X3 heh ^-^' bye bye! *hugs*
1. what color are your socks? ^-^' heh u can guess who made me ask this one X3
2. if u hate pokemon then look into this gun barrel and say it! ^_^ ....HAH!
3. ever eatin crystalized ginger?
4. what kind of shirt u got on?
Kabuto's Wisdom:
Kabuto: to become the spectator of one's own life is to escape the suffering of life... *oscar wilde*
ekedo: i don't do spectator sports except pokemon TCG leagues!! XD
^-^ heheh~ |
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
kk! ^-^
well my mother finally let up a little bit on my parental locks X3 yay! but it's not totally off so i woun't be able to see something >_< she's still a pain in the @ss though T-T.....
*listening to: Aqua Aquarium!! X3 kewl~ness!
*doing: searchin the site i can now visit *hugs vulpix* ~^-^~
*sigh* ^-^' i'm bored X3 heheh oh well! oh i'm still trying to submit wallpapers >_< but i made some new "symbols" like groudon's and rayquaza's!! XD even latias registeel regirock ect. it took me for griggin ever! >.< well i gonna go now! bye ya'll! *hugs* ~^-^~
1. ever had red wine (white wine)
2. like mudkips?
3. how about vulpixs? ~^-^~
4. i'm running out of friggin question >_< heh ^-^'
Kabuto's Wosdom:
Kabuto: well actually tonight Hakujo's gonna auction himself to some anime characters for one night!
Hakujo: yep! XD
ekedo: alright do i hear ¥50?
hakujo:50? only? o_o
ekedo: fine ¥200!
shippo: ¥201! X3
hakujo: -_-
Misty: ¥210!
shippo: hhmm ¥300!
vulpix: PIX!! (¥310!)
shippo: ggr... ¥500!
Misty: i'm out.... -_-
vulpix: >_<
Hakujo: XD HAH!!
Shippo: ~^-^~
ekedo: ... now what?
Hakujo: none of your buisness! XD
shippo: yeah X3
ekedo: -_-' *sigh sold for ¥500... ! where did hakujo go off to?
kabuto: dang if i know >_< |
Comments (6) |
Monday, January 1, 2007
500 hitz! XD
WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! 500 hitz! X3 thanx guys! u guys is awsome!! *hugs* ~^-^~ |
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