*D.O.B.: 8/15/91
*hair: dark brown w/ blond streaks
*eyes: dark brown with yellow ring around iris
*skin: fair
*real name: call me Ekedo X3
*loca: uhm Fallen Town X3
*hight: 6' 4''
*religion: Christian
*zodiac sign: Ram, Leo
*favorite color: gray
*lucky number: 13
*ever been kissed by the same gender: no sadly T~T
*diffrents gender: twice, on the cheek
*position in life: virgin peion, with little authority
*favorite kind of person: a cute person with a kind personality
*yin or yang: yang with a hint of yin X3
*have you ever
*idol: noodle
*favorite food: salmon sushi
*have any friends close by you: not that i can see or hug, all on the Otaku
*ever wanted to go see a perosn from theO: yes many people ^///^ you know who you are X3 lol
well thas about it X3 if u wanna knwo more jus' tell me ^__^ oh and hakujo wanted to say somethin
Hakujo: it's about time i made another appearence!! aaaahh!! you guys! this fool has kept supressing me in his mind! i can't get away from him
Ekedo: *puts hand over mouth* don't listen to him X3 lol well i gots nothin for today X3 so later guys! and 2D get better! kk bye bye! X3 *hugs*
1. u wanna know anythin' about me?
2. u wear a ring?
3. ever been to another country?
4. what's your favorite food? *native or in another country*?
Kabuto's Wisdom
Kabuto: try to admire without envy...
Ekedo: ^_^' i admire alot of people X3 lol
Your Kissing Technique Is: Perfect

Your kissing technique is amazing - and you know it.
You have the confidence to make the first move.
And you always seem to know what kissing style is going to work best.
Sometimes you're passionate, sometimes you're a tease. And you're always amazing!
Your Heart Is Pink

In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.
Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.
Your flirting style: Coy
Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park
Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant
What you bring to relationships: Romance
You Are Banana Pocky

Your attitude: fun and lighthearted
Unique and unforgettable
You are cutie everyone falls for