i say "day... Yes! a 2nd time!!!" XD kyahah! sorry ^-^ i met Herr Jergen today XD *he drives a limo and is german* XD
anywho ^-^ i am working on a pic XD heh it's a request ^-^ it's of a Vulpix, sitting next to an Eevee XD i like it ^_^' i think it's cute X3 and yet o_o my drawing always sux XD hah! i can't draw to save my life XD but you guys still like it ^_^' and i thank you for that XD *hug*
so o_o i sent my big bro a letter to tell him how mnuch i appreciate him hanging out with me X3 well i won't go into any detail X3 it's between me and him X3 nya hah! ^-^' heh
i don't really have anything mush to say, as usual T~T ... well... my boss was a total arse today, he wouldn't leave my work alone T~T *sigh* he kept screwing with it T~T i was about to slap him and say "hay! arse hole! play with your own sh*t! i have work to do!" ^_^' but i was nice and didn't XD heh
so uh... i'm gonna take some quizzes and get some stuff to put in my post X3 so be sure to come see some of it tomorrow XD heh... later guys! *i mean i'll edit my update soon X3 heh*
1. life is...
2. hate is...
3. i am... XD heh
4. how many people have said they love you to you?
Kabuto's Wisdom
Kabuto: read a book, watch a movie, don't dwell on anything that can keep you depressed for very long
Ekedo: "take your mind off it" is what he means ^-^'

Eevee Hugs Vulpix!Hosted By

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