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myOtaku.com: Ekedo

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

well alrighty then! X3

ok ok ok! uuuuuuh oh yeah! i gonna post a cute pic of ash as a vulpix and a pikachu! it's not colored though T-T but anyway! dang i'm tired! ^-^ ......... cheese!! ^-^' uheheheh! randomness! oh by the way! Girls... i say the cutest guy today! and yes sadly he was cuter then me! T-T but you know... what ever! ^-^ AND NOW!! i finally have an idea for a contest! ^-^ yay! for anyone who enters you must make an "Anime Christmas song" (exa: a pokemon 12 days of christmas!) use any anime u want! but there are a few rules (sadly) (oh and tell your friends [all of 'em] that will make it fun[er]!!)
1. no harsh language (cursing)
2. no sexual content (although that would be fun ^-^ )
3. yaoi/yuri is accepted
4. and finally no anti~ anime (such as no one killing a digimon/pokemon/or inuyasha cast member)
THE PRIZE WILL BE THAT THE WINNING SONG WILL BE POSTED ON MY SITE AND WILL BE PM TO EVERYONE ON MY FRIENDS LIST FOR CHRISTMAS! the winner will be chosen by your votes! i'll post a link to your site if you enter so that people can visit u and read it! the PM me to vote! have a nice day!(pass this contest on! )

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