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myOtaku.com: Ekedo

Sunday, January 7, 2007

well.... ^_^'

well... i'm totally better today! *yay!!* anyways! ^-^' i got nothin' much to say except i have to go back to work tomorrow >__< *sigh* dang... my boos knows i'm better so he says to come back in and work... >_< well i'll get through! X3 i'm gonna watch a DVD here in a little while! don't know what it'll be though! X3 i'll think of something *thinks* X3 well... ^-^' i found this vynal record called "Elmer Fudpucker at the nudist colony~ lettin' it all hang out" o_o now that's gotta be an weird record... but i can't find a record played anywhere >_< kk! i gonna go now! i haven't visited all my friends in a while so i have lots to do! ^_^' bye bye! *hugs*

1. fist of rock! XD
2. hook 'em horns, or peace sign?
3. how many times how u said "like" today?
4. u wearing jeans or something else...?

Kabuto's Wisdom:
Kabuto: be careful what you wish for- you might be sorry if your wish gets granted...
ekedo: not my wish for pokemon ruling the world X3

Cosmo Pix...

Hosted By theOtaku.com.

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