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myOtaku.com: Ekedo

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

^_^ "don't getlost in heaven"

ok don't ask! ^_^ jus' a song i was listening to a little while ago.... i finally got the CD "demon days" X3 yay! is cool! ^-^ anyways i had friggin tests today >_< they went ok but they could have gone better ^-^ *they always can* i also had to learn shakespears saliliqey *spellin'* how ever the hell you spell that bloody thing... ^-^ well i'm gonna help an freind out and make them an otaku site so i may or may not respond to any PM i get... i'll try though XD heh well....... i got nothin' ^-^' kk! bye bye!

1. white light!
2. favorite writer?
3. favorite person?
4. how do you think i look? *as in feature wise, and be honest ^-^ i'll reply to the person who's the closest*

Kabuto's wisdom
Kabuto: do you suppose there are those among us who weren't made to be happy?
ekedo: i honestly don't know ^-^'

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