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myOtaku.com: EKG72

Thursday, October 12, 2006

IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!! There is at least 3-4 inches of heavy snow on the ground here! we had white-out conditions earlier (for those of you who don't know what white-out conditions are, it's just as it sounds. you can't see very far because there is too much snow falling hence the name "white-out"). We didn't believe the forecasts until it actually happened and our car doors were frozen shut. ...oh....and now the sun has decided to show itself! we might get more snow tomorrow as well! AHH!! @_@'

oh yeah! Hearts Mind asked me how i pronounce my name. I don't know which one you are talking about but i'm guessing that it is my full name of EKG72 (the EKG part that is). It's spelled Eida Kiyoshi Giffon and pronounced e-i-da ki-yo-shi gi(like...giddy up!)-fon (like -phon-ics). hope that makes sense. the kiyoshi part is Japanese.

ok. that's all the weather news and name pronounciation news for today! i gotta go do something else now...dunno what yet, but something else...lol. byes!

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