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myOtaku.com: EKG72

Friday, October 27, 2006

hey there! sorry for not being on very much at all here. not much that i felt like typing has happened. just that tomorrow i am gonna be hanging out with my friend. gonna go to a movie and then maybe a haunted hayride or some thing like that. i hope that we will have fun! we haven't hung out for a long time because she has had a lot of things going on with varsity tennis and all(as well as her 4 honors classes!). so i can't wait!! i also can't wait until next weekend!!! there is an anime convention that i am gonna go to! i hope it will be good this year!

well, class is just about over (about 5 min), and i think i wanna work on my class work just a little bit more. okies, byes then! ja!

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