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age 11
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writing stories,listening to music hanging with friends,reading manga and watching anime
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
Plans lol!
It's Mother's day and yes I did get my mom a card. I had to make sure it was a funny one cause a good laugh is a perfect way to start off the day. And yes she loved it. I'm gonna get her that microwave one day though. Now I gotta get ready for my sister 16th birthday at the end of the mounth. She doesn't want a party but I have the perfect thing to get her. Lol the a couple weeks later is my 20th b-day but I have no idea what to do. lol!
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
The weekend's here
What's goin' down people's?! It's the weekend witch for me means another work day. And tomorrow is Mother's Day and I still gotta work but i'm still gettin' my mom her card I just can't get her her real gift she wanted a microwave cause the one we have is crap but its gonna be a cool day anyway.
Peace and love see ya!
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
For thinkin' out loud!
Yo' i really wish i could stop myself from thinking out loud I've had this problem sense I was little I can't really seem to keep things to myself Sometimes I just blurt out whatever I'm thinking right then and there and its kinda werid. Like today I was thinking about The cake my mom baked while I was in class lol. On top of that I was reading thev newest manga I bought and I couldn't stop laughing luckly only one person herd me Now i wish that I could just stop lol!
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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
It's all a blur lol
Yo' yesterday i had an eye doctor oppointment and they gave me eye drops but after that my eye sight was mad blury for a few hours but why did I go to the book store and try to my some manga with blury vision? All the titles looked the same on top of that they didn't have what I was looking for so it was a waist of time lol!
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
Why is it that girls seem to go for the jerks? I ask because one of the people I work with is always telling me about all thwe girls he's been with. I'm a gentalman but he calls me a pimp he's a jerk with no morals so I call him the freak of the week. He's even some girls from work and he dosen't give a crap about any of them and yet they still come back I don't get it this is nuts I'm gonna take a wild guess that the girls he's been with have know real standerds! Ok I'm done I'm ok now I'm..... Ahhhh forget it I'll find someone someday I just let this get to me.
see ya
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
Spider veiw
Well Spider-man 3 was crazy there were alot of beatings I have never seen one person beat up so many times unless I was watching a kong-fu flick and there bunc where alot of parts too.There weridest thing is when i saw a bunch of kids dressed up in spidy costumes lol. But is was really annoying when I kept hereing peoples cell phones going off no respect for others but other then that it was cool.
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Thursday, May 3, 2007
Meeting my brother
Yesterday was an awesome day i was in a hospital! lol. But thats not why I'm happy trust me the last few times I was in hospital was not by choice. Anyway the only reason y I was happy about being there was because I got to see my new baby brother for the first time. He was born on Monday but I didn't get to see him til' Wensday he's really small but he's healthy so thats good but you should have seen me when I found out. I was nervous reck lol. And he was sleeping so he didn't see me but I can't wait until he comes home!
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Thanks for the votes!
Shout out to everyone that voted I see that alot of you like BLOOD lol. So here's the winning bg hope you like it. Peace and Love I'm out!
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Monday, April 30, 2007
Vote for my next theme
What should my next bg be

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Sunday, April 29, 2007
New dragon in the house!!!!!!!!
One of my homies has a new Myo site The name is BlackdragonPro Check out the new domain its nice!!!!!!! lol
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