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my own little world...
Member Since
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Music... I play sax and flute ^_^
Anime Fan Since
I can remember...
Favorite Anime
.hack//sign, witch hunter robin, wolf's rain, love hina, my neighbor totoro, daiguard, sakurawars, angelic layer, and so many more...
to be a music teacher
music, drawing, ummmm... yeah
again, i say music
Hey there everybody! Now that it is finally summer, maybe I'll have some time to put my drawings up and stuff... Well, enjoy your stay! Sign the guestbook!^_^
Monday, November 1, 2004
Sorry its been so long!
Sorry guys... I havent forgotten about you.. I promise!! I've just been a bit too busy lately... Speaking of which, its about time for bed.. Soon, I promise I'll catch up with you all and stuff... Hope you're enjoying life :-D
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Monday, October 18, 2004
busy day
I've been SO busy today! I got back last night from my old town (it was a blast) and pretty much went right to bed.. then, I had school today (also fun.. It was a long day, but good too..) Now, I'm off to Akito's last soccer game this season.. Hopefully they'll win ^_^ and then I get to eat and go straight to jazz band.. It'll be fun, but I'm getting a bit tired.... oh well! still plenty of energy ^_^ Later! Hope you all had a great day!
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
I AM GOING TO MY OLD TOWN TOMORROW!! YAAAY! I'm staying at Haleigh's house friday and saturday night and tomorrow she has a field hockey game and we are going to the varsity football game.. then on saturday we'll probably get together with some of my other friends.. and then I get to see Asa on Sunday!! I cant wait.. I am so overly excited that its not even funny! Actually, it is.. hehe
In other news, I am completely exhausted! Idk what it is.. I havent seen Akito like at ALL lately and his french exchange student comes on saturday, so I probably will see him even less than normal.. but it'll be fun to meet the guy and all.. I'm happy, just tired and frustrated at not seeing the one person who has the power to make me either totally happy or absolutely sad within a second... right now I am a mixture of both.. But it's all good
Ummm.. i think thats it.. Life is good other than that.. I really dont have too much to talk about ^_^ How are you all doing?? I hope well.. Talk to ya later! Have a great weekend ^_^
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
soooo tired.. but happy ^_^
Wow.. I only got a little sleep last night.. I didnt go to bed until about 12:30 (not THAT late, but after dancing for 4 hours straight and being up since 6 am, its late enough for me) and then my mom woke us up early to clean.. Yuck.. But oh well.. Last night was awesome! We had so much fun!! Akito and I danced a few times and Jessie and Andrew had their first dance together.. It was great! Akito and I walked home after it and then my daddy and I took him to his house.. Anyways, Jack and Owen, my favorite little boys, are coming today.. So I had better go finish cleaning.. *sigh* It'll be fun though.. Later! Hope you all have a nice day!
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
Life is good
Really, it is.. I talked to Akito this morning for about 2 hours.. It helped so much.. I basically told him everything that had been hurting me.. And it felt so good... They lost the soccer game, but it was good.. My role model and editor in cheif won for homecoming queen, so that was pretty cool.. Andddd... Ummm..I have a lot of cleaning to do, but thats okay.. I have to clean my room and sweep and vacuum and dust.. but I think thats it.. And I have to practice.. But I have three hours till the dance, so I should have enough time.. Anyways, I hope you're all enjoying your day ^_^ Later!
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Featured Quiz Result:
Yeah.. I had a bunny once... well three times, three different bunnies.. I loved them so much.. daddy made me let it go before we moved though *tear*
 BUNNY! You need an animal to cuddle and to care about! A fluffy bunny is the right animal for you. They need attention and you can pet them for hours. But attention bunnys like to be outside, let them from time to time in the green garden, they will love it!
What's your ideal pet? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah, that's me in a nutshell!
Yeppers that's me! Always HAPPY!! ^_^ well, okay, only MOST of the time..
 You represent... happiness.
Boy, are you full of cheer or what...? You have a sunny disposition and enjoy trying to spread your happiness. You have a tendency to be a little hyper, but you have the ability to make your own fun no matter what.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla |