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Finishing some of my greatest drawings and wallpapers
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Since the days of Pokemon and Astro Boy
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Pretty much every one I've seen.
To be able to kill people with my peircing glare. -_-
singing, dancing, writing, surfing the web, being creepy
| Elicia-Hughes
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Yet another one
Another obsession!!!! YAAAY!!!!!!!!! And this time, it's..... Gravitation!!!!!!! I LOOOOOOOOOBVE SUGURU!!!!!! Why is it that I always have to like the least-popular character in the entire series? XD Anyway, I've been listening to Bad Luck songs all day, and calling Zan, making her listen to them and occasionally, I would scream out: "MY GOD, WILL YOU LISTEN TO THAT SYNTHESIZING???!!!??? GENIUS!!!!!!" I think she got rather tired of me after a while. Oh well. That's it for now. See you all later. *runs off to dust off the keyboard*
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Well, things are going well, but the only one who knows about my sexuality so far is Zan, and she won't tell any of the others without me there. But I really don't want Barrel or Anna to know. Just those of the gang who are on here. Laura and Caitlyn, if you are reading this, I'd call Zan right away so we can three way call.
Anyway, besides that, only one thing has been going on. I have to convice Zan that KakaIru and ShinoKiba isn't disgusting. I've raked through, but all I can find is angsty stuff. I need some ShinoKiba and KakaIru fluff. Anyone know of any?
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Have you ever had a friend who was REALLY annoying, and yet you don't want to hurt her feelings because you think she's got it worse than you? I do. Her name is Caroline. She's tres annoying, and her laugh is loud enough to wake Naruto from the other side of the screen. She won't stop coming over! I think she lives at my house more than I do. She's really immature and thinks she knows everything, and is the patron saint of anime, even though I got her into it in the first place. Once she came over at ten in the morning without telling us!!! I feel like I can't tell her anything!! Even though I want all my friends to know this huge turning point in my life. (my being bisexual) but she'd only laugh at me and ask why I told her something so gross.
But..... the thing is, her mum is never there for her, all our other friends don't like her, and sometimes I feel like she thinks of me as her candle on the water; her saving grace. I want so much to be there for her, but I need to tell her that sometimes I just can't!!! I feel so bad, though, becuase I know what it's like having nothing but an empty house waiting for you when you get home.
What the bloody hell should I do????
(damn, ranting feels good)
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Sunday, July 23, 2006
Curiosity has taken the cat, put it in a plastic bag, and thrown it over the side of the bridge. XD I, and I quote, am NOOOOT a lesbian. I took the Naruto dating quiz for guys just out of curiosity. And I got...
![ Love Compatibility Test](
Not that there's anything wrong with Hinata. She's actually my fave girl from the series. It's a comfort to know, if I was magically transformed into a guy overnight, that Hinata would like me.... O_O
In fact, in honor of this result, I should deck out my site Hinata-style!! *goes and does it*
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Friday, July 21, 2006
I took that Naruto dating quiz again and got.... Shino. Which is tres weird considering the chain of events that have been occuring recently.... I'd better start at the beginning....
Well, you see, I've liked Zaku from Naruto for a while now... not really paying Shino much attention.... and when I saw the ep where Zaku and Shino fight, I was so SURE Zaku was gonna win!!! But stupid Shino, having two flippin trump cards.... DX Anyway, I began, for Zaku, the I-hate-Shino club on DeviantArt. Needless to say no one joined. X _ X
I read a bit more about Shino, to see if I had anything on him. That's when I came across.... A DEADLY PIC!!!!!! SHINO W/O HIS GLASSES!!!! WTF??????? I decided, in the end, that Shino was hott.... but I couldn't tell anyone else that!!! O_O However, eventually, reading up all I possibly could about him, I decided that I no longer hated him. Quite the opposite, actually. ^^ So the club is now dead.
Thankfully.... but anyhoo.... other than that, I got a thing called 'Naruto Anime Profiles' which is veeeery interesting, plus it has a purdy pic of Team 7 in the front, all wearing kimonos!!!!
Also.... you can see the deadly pic on my hompage here....
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Monday, July 10, 2006
Found a new thing to obsess over: HAKU FROM NARUTO!!!!! OMG, he's SOOOOOO CYUTE!!!!!! Anyways, in other news:
I've also been obsessed about Risembool Rangers and getting one of them silicone bracelets!!! ^^ But guess what? My sister.... is a SKIIIIIIIIRRT!!!!!! She joined the frickin Miniskirt Army!! I'm related to a SKIRT!!!! DX
Also, I decided, that, just for fun and to show how much I contradict myself, I am going to wear the Sound, Mist and Leaf hitaiates all at the same time!!!! *cackle* How? I have no idea.... but I shall find a way!!!
Plus, I ordered a bunch of stuff from an online source (pm me to know what it is. I want it to be my little secret.... *nother cackle*) All I'll tell you is it's cheap and gets here real fast... and I live in England, for crying out loud!!! So anyway, I ordered a Sound collar *now wishes she'd ordered a Mist one* and... some other stuff....
Well, until next time, I suppose....
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Saturday, July 1, 2006
Heyo! So far, the summer has brought me two things: an iPod and my "Evil Monthly Red-Staining Horror" if you get my meaning. I haven't the foggiest how to work the damn iPod, and my period isn't helping much; only making me more frustrated, eventually resulting in tears. I'm at my uncle's, my aunt is at work, therefore only my uncle and little cousin Billy remain at the house. Billy is currently shouting, "Uncle REEEEEEEM!! Kell's having a hissy fit!!!" Perfect. Bloody Perfect. *bangs head on desk until she passes out* Well, I'd best get going on trying to figure out that bloody iPod. Even if it does drain me of body fluids and kill me. So long for now
Oh, and by the way, check out this awesome quiz!!! An awesome result, I must say. ^_~
![ Love Compatibility Test](
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Monday, June 5, 2006
X3 was so awesome it's not even funny!!! OMG, there were THREE hawt (hott) guys in it!!! We've decided, my sister (Gunslinger-Girl, now shall be reffered to as G-G) gets Bobby/Iceman, I get Warren/Angel and we can share Jon/Pyro XDDDDDDDD Also, our uzzuh friend who went with us gets Hank/Beast. I do not know what goes on in that girl's head....
Would it not be sooo kewl if X-Men were an anime? Yes, it would be!!!!
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Sunday, June 4, 2006
I'm watching Naruto with meh sister and explaining everything to her, like why they wear the headbands and why they can jump really high and clone themselves. It gets tiring, but at least she's learning... And she can remember the names of three of the villages already!! (okay, I know that's not much, but it's a start!)
Later today we're going to see X-men 3 with our friend. Whoop dee flipping do.
Even as I write this, she still asks questions! "Why does Naruto have whiskers?" ... "If the clone get's hurt, does the original get hurt?" .... "Why does that guy only have on eye? And why does he always have that little orange book?"
That last one is my personal favourite.
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