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duh, Konohagakure Village!
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genin (entry-level ninja)
became a genin
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to become the next hokage and get some respect
Studying Ninjutsu,Taijutsu, and spying on Uzumaki when he taking a bath...mwa haha
not sure really
| Elicia Hakuro
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Demyx is funny and my life
Demyx as Dragonnova drew was a girly man lol but in the game.... he's also a girly man but in my story he's not and i gave him a girlfriend i wanted to be nice to him so i did and her name is.... well you'll have to find out later on the next post i do ok pplz! anyways i'll give you the first letter..... "T" and her name means tiger in Japanese and that's ALL i'm telling you.
I'v been thinking about getting my mom and dad to let me go to Cali to meet Vic and Lura (the voise of Edward Elric and Lust.) i really want to meet Vic!!!!! ok i have gone crazy so now i'm going to get in trouble the rest of the school day WAHOO!!! and yes i've been posting at school if i don't get caught!
elica out!
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Sunday, April 30, 2006
A elementle Prinecss i did but a punk princess.... FIRE

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Friday, April 28, 2006
This is rich juicy info
Hahahahaha Yuki-fox is grounded from not only the phone but the computer too SOO SWEET!!! she was in AIM yesterday and this Saturday she has Saturday school HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! and she might not be on till next report card either at the end of this school year or the begining of next school year HAHAHAHAHAHA ok i'm done being crazy, any who, i was watching Dinsey 411 and they did something about Kingdom Hearts and..... Jesse Mcartney played it OMG HE KNOWS HOW TO PLAY IT ...... any ways i can't beleive that i typed a lot... i can't wait till i go to Sunder Springs Nature Perserve tommrow amd play in the water and see Viper the baby snake it's i think a cotton mouth but i still love it *smiles* anyways Dragonnova i hope you din't mind that i printed you KH pics of riku and sora.... I REALLY LIKE SORA AND RIKU!!! THIER SOO HOTT!!! *blushes* *haapy smiles* ^x^ oh and Dragonnova could you draw me a pic of Roxas and Sora (not fighting being friends i mean)plz? anyways i'll write again soon and maybe have more fan art up ok latez
Elicia Out!
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
This is a Nobody i drew from KHII

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
i hate my life......
Me:i hate my life cuz, one Mr. Hatake and Ms. Mitarashi is coming over Saturday, oh Mr. Hatake and Ms. Mitarashi are my "after sdhool" teachers, anyways so yeah!
Naruto:Aww don't worry sweetie that's not so bad trust me ok *kisses her*
Me:Ok Naru *hug him* let's go get raman from the Ichiruka raman shop ok
Naruto:Yeah talk about dinner *laughs*
Me:well laterz Elicia
Naruto:and naruto
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
hi sorry, sorry
Me:Sorry i haven't been on in like ever i've been busy studying for my chunin exams and owww my brain hurts
Naruto: are you ok Licia? *hugs her*
ME:*blushes* yes oh and a lot of stuff been going on between me and Naruto ^x^
Naruto:Hey don't tell them anything that we did the last past months ok *kisses her on the lips*
me:*blushes more* well see yal later!
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
Me:Today i'm giddy an in love! ^^
naruto:huh are you in love with?!?
Me:*kisses naruto in the lips* you! *giggles*
Naruto:*blushes* uhhhhhh.....
Me:your so cute when your confused and dosen't know whats going on.
Naruto:r-really? cool!
Me and Naruto: well see'ya next time!
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