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Robertson... Hell with a View.
Member Since
QUIZZING!!! (tee hee)
Real Name
Elske Nieuwoudt, aka ...Now known as Leliel, the Twelfth Angel.
29 QUIZZ PAGES!!! Being born in the Year of the Dragon... and being a Member of
Anime Fan Since
You know, I think I've loved anime since before I even knew what I was watching... Urm... it was 2002, I think... when I was first able to put a name to this thing that I seemed to be addicted to...
Favorite Anime
Dang. I need one of these spots for Manga... er... I guess... Yu-Gi-Oh!, Furi Kuri, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and X are the best of what I've seen. (Barring one or two FMA episodes, heh...)
...Visiting Iktovian's Gift. Owning all the books in the Malazan Book of the Fallen sequence, and the Wheel of Time series... that, would be Hella cool, and you know it.
Reading. Lots and lots of reading.... and, of course... 
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Guestbook Entries:
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DarkWizard (10/03/04)
Hey! Thanks for sighing my guestbook! I really like your site! See you around!
msyugioh123 (10/03/04)
hey there nice site
God of Death (10/03/04)
Konnochiwa, thanx for siginig my gb. I'll add u as a friend. what do u mean "second dragon in a row" oh well.
~God of Death
KenderKiller123 (09/27/04)
hullo. u sign my gb so i sign urs, fair enough? cool colors. *drones* sooo many quizzes....must take them alllll....
don't forget 2 stop by once in a while and leave comments! ^^
Mimi zu (09/27/04)
HEY! thanks fos signing my gb, i totally love ur cite too!!!! oh, and by the way...
~Mimi-zu was here!~
AmberEyes (09/26/04)
Thanx for signing my gb! I'll add you as a friend. Oh, thanx for commenting on my art, too! I love the quizzes you featured. I took some of them, and so did my little sis. Stop by again soon! =^.^=
chickenburger (09/25/04)
thanx for visiting my site and signing my GB ! the Yellow Submarine thing was pretty adorable indeed!
I am goin to add u as a friend,k?
nice site u got here BTW!
peace n chickens!
Isis (09/25/04)
Ello! I really like your avatar! It's really pretty! Thanks for signing my guestbook. I've never seen a wallpaper like my background... but hey ... I could be wrong. I'll add you as a friend!
Love and Peace!
00kenshin00 (09/25/04)
hey, hi, thnx for stoppin' by! (and signing my gb) kewl site by the way! well, im not a very talkative person so i think im done...=D lolz, ok, well, gtg. i 'll add u to my frends list ok>? (PM me sometime if u want) bye!
Blue Hawk (09/25/04)
Greetings Elske29
Thanks for signing my guestbook,much appreciated ^_^
If you are ever ready,you can ask me to join the Otaku Guardians,you are ever welcome
Nice site by the way,I love how the colors blend in
So your a THAT member too,nice to meet another fellow THAT here ^_^
If you need any help don't hesitate to ask me,take care!
~Blue Hawk
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