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Robertson... Hell with a View.
Member Since
QUIZZING!!! (tee hee)
Real Name
Elske Nieuwoudt, aka ...Now known as Leliel, the Twelfth Angel.
29 QUIZZ PAGES!!! Being born in the Year of the Dragon... and being a Member of
Anime Fan Since
You know, I think I've loved anime since before I even knew what I was watching... Urm... it was 2002, I think... when I was first able to put a name to this thing that I seemed to be addicted to...
Favorite Anime
Dang. I need one of these spots for Manga... er... I guess... Yu-Gi-Oh!, Furi Kuri, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and X are the best of what I've seen. (Barring one or two FMA episodes, heh...)
...Visiting Iktovian's Gift. Owning all the books in the Malazan Book of the Fallen sequence, and the Wheel of Time series... that, would be Hella cool, and you know it.
Reading. Lots and lots of reading.... and, of course... 
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, July 9, 2005

It took me a few hours, but I'm done with my profile!
Now it's just a case of 'Spot-the-difference'. XD
*Points and laughs at Dumbledore*
I liked the previous actor better. May he rest in peace. *Sniff*
What to do now...
Let's see...
You know, you find the strangest things while browsing for Harry Potter pics.
Take this, for example:

Pure genius!
Unfortunately, Elske has to go through a lot of... *ahem* 'shady' artwork to get at some of the good stuff... you know... those pictures that are really well done.
A shame that I can't show you my absolute favourites...
But I like to respect those artists' privacy who asked that their art not be used elsewhere.
You know how it goes.
The pic of the day!

From the left: James, Snape, Sirius.
You won't find a smexier Snape anywhere else. WORD.
If, by some miracle, the MP3 starts to kick in, note that I changed it to 'Passive' by A Perfect Circle.
(Now I just need to find a link that works... |
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Friday, July 8, 2005
Oh yeah. I can dig it.
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Those LiveJournal people come up with the strangest avi's.
...One week and counting untill the launch! (It's midnight here.)
Back on topic.
I spent the week I was offline taking a look at my profile's content, and I decided I should fiddle with it a little. I'm going to wait until I've had some sleep before I make some changes though...
The last few hours mainly consisted of me trying to check on my clubs, and picking out new banners.
I only just realised that I could've commented on your sites while I was there...
I suck.
A fond "Cheers!" to Jaxx, who is leaving us for two weeks. It'll be Hell without you online bud.
...When did Yami Loni leave, by the way?
I must go check that out...
Here's another HP pic.

Later! |
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Sunday, July 3, 2005
[sarcasm]Oh JOY.[/sarcasm]
Well, I was really exited when I found those links for 3 Libras, but it seems that every single one of them is dead. So. That MP3 idea is not quite working out.
Sorry about that, Grey Nightmares.
A Perfect Circle are pretty cool.
Well, it's still early in the day, but allready Jaxx has managed to rock my socks by offering to help me out with my Quest. :heart:
You know we love you.
Time for the HP-ness!
I was surprised that I haven't put this up somewhere...

be sorted @
Woot Ravenclaw! The coolest thing is that our school-ties look just like Ravenclaw's. I can dig it.
Let me know what you get, eh?
I found these on LiveJournal.

I'm liking the second one. Heh.
The one about Snape's stupid. But it makes me laugh.
...I don't know why.
Cheers! |
Comments (6) |
Saturday, July 2, 2005
Well now.
I'm used to my sister hogging the lappy on weekends, but today my dad helped out a bit.
Yessir. I swear I would've melted into a puddle of goo out of boredom if Tyler hadn't come along.
I went off with him to his mom's restaurant for the day, and I must say that it's a pretty nifty spot, even if it is a bit expensive. Eh. Anyway, I ended up with Nero (free! Thanks!).
*Does the Happy Nero dance*
Well, that was my day.
And one more thing. Two more. Whutever.
New MP3!
3 Libras by A Perfect Circle
...If it works...
Give a holler if you can hear anything, please.
I also promised myself I'd post a random HP pic every time I posted, untill the launch.
Now, don't worry, I'll only post when I'm not sure where I got them, and that way, I'll keep away from those that artists are sensitive about sharing.
So there.

James and Snape.
So cute. ^//////^ |
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Friday, July 1, 2005
Wait, WAIT!
Before I do anything, I'm first going to focus on a new theme for my site.
*Drumroll Please*
And the new theme is...
Harry Potter Based!
Yessir. I can dig it. To celebrate the launch of Half-Blood Prince, I thought I might give it a go. There really is some awesome artwork out there, but unfortunately, most artists request that their art not be used on other sites...

Like that one... but I can't remember where I got that.
So there.
(James it teh HaWtneSS...) XD
Enjoy! |
Comments (7) |
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Mozilla! MOZILLA!
Yessir, I've had Firefox for a while, but this is the first time I've actually sat down and tried it out.
It pissed me off at first, but I guess it's not so bad... I'm still more comfortable with Internet Explorer. I've used it longest, after all.
I'm bored.
Gaia's dead.
I've asked for Jaxx's username a few times... but yeah. No dice.
*Hint Hint* *nudge nudge* *POKE* *POKE*
I made it to 10K! WootZor!
But I still can't afford anything quizz-wise. I went and devised a mini-quest, but that shit's also expensive. I'm going to have to sit myself down and decide if I should go for anklets, or the new look in my mini-quest. *sigh*
(Banner was made to keep me busy)

I sold a few things, so my look went all to hell, but this is what my avatar there looked like before yesterday:

Elske wants a lot of things...

Impressive list, no?
Well, Elske's off to do some more poll-whoring.
Cheers! |
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
Murphy's Law, was it?
The exams were over. I had been a relatively quiet week... I had absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe that I would not be able to go online. And what happens? We go away for the weekend!
When I think I won't make it one week, I end up posting. When I am absolutely, positively hella certain that there would be no way in hell that I could possibly miss the weekend, I do. No postey.
Oh well.
So. We went to a town called 'Strand' last weekend...
We don't go away all that often, so you won't see me complaining TOO much! XD
The exams had ended that Wednesday, so that was out of the way. Thursday was also a public holiday, so the school decided they might as well give us the Friday off aswell. (See, miracles DO happen). That's how we ended up going. We stayed in a flat with an awesome view...

We had a balcony, so this is basically what we saw most of the time:

Nothing but a four lane highway between us and the beach. A shame that the water was a bit dirty, so we couldn't go swimming. Also, the whole "winter-season" thing can be a bit of a bitch when it comes to water temperature! >;D
We got the chance to drive along the infamous Chapman's Peak road on our way back, since we were driving via Cape Town.

The road goes along the side of the mountain there... it's a shame I had to resize this pic so much... if you can make out the brown line along the mountain in the above picture, you're basically looking at a section of the road.
The view:

Towards the end:

I wish you could see it. It's a shame that they've been having so many problems with rockfalls over the years. But it's so beautiful there, they had no choice but to keep the road open to the public!
*Grabs Pitchfork*
Well, that's my post.
School's finally out for the holidays over here, since yesterday. I got my report card back, and I'm pleased to say that I've got one helluva grin on my face right about now.
OMHFS! You read through everything?! Have some pie! |
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Oh, the Humanity! :gonk:
Please, don't let Tyler see this... X|
*Pokes at Ganguro Girl part*
*Runs into a wall and dies* |
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It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... a SURVEY!!!
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