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Robertson... Hell with a View.
Member Since
QUIZZING!!! (tee hee)
Real Name
Elske Nieuwoudt, aka ...Now known as Leliel, the Twelfth Angel.
29 QUIZZ PAGES!!! Being born in the Year of the Dragon... and being a Member of
Anime Fan Since
You know, I think I've loved anime since before I even knew what I was watching... Urm... it was 2002, I think... when I was first able to put a name to this thing that I seemed to be addicted to...
Favorite Anime
Dang. I need one of these spots for Manga... er... I guess... Yu-Gi-Oh!, Furi Kuri, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and X are the best of what I've seen. (Barring one or two FMA episodes, heh...)
...Visiting Iktovian's Gift. Owning all the books in the Malazan Book of the Fallen sequence, and the Wheel of Time series... that, would be Hella cool, and you know it.
Reading. Lots and lots of reading.... and, of course... 
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Oceania around the year 900.
Your profession was that of a monk (nun), bee-keeper or lone gunman.
Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
Such people are always involved with all new. You have always loved changes, especially in art, music, cooking.
The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
Your lesson is to learn discretion and moderation and then to teach others to do the same. Your life will be happier if you help those who lack reasoning.
Do you remember now?
Here's the link if you'd like to give it a go.
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Proper post.... heh...
Well now...
What did I expect? Once again I spent the whole week contemplating what I would post if the chance arose, in an attempt to lengthen these things.
Did it work? No. The little secretary in my head went and filed everything where I can't find it. -_______-+
Odd... whenever I think something through, it's as though I finish it off for good and subconciously put it away somewhere. I don't often remember what I'd thought of what my reasons where when wondering about something, but I do remember that whatever I decided was for a good reason, and that's that.
I am going to stop right there, since I am not explaining this properly. I never do...
Oh well. That's English prescribed out of the way... Macbeth went rather well, though it can never go perfectly. Only errrrr... Rekeningkunde... what the hell's that translation... call it Accounting... left, aswell as an English Language paper that I seem to need some more preparation for... XD
Watched Evangelion on one of my off days this week, and I must say that it was a mind blowing experience. It spoke to me... those last few episodes almost made me cry... I could understand, so some degree, some of the things that were bothering Shinji.
As I said, it spoke to me. Well worth a re-watch, if I get the chance.
...So much to say, yet cannot be said.
Sucks, doesn't it? |
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Aw, for crap's sake...!
It has been a week, and my avatar STILL hasn't loaded!
Well, there's my spiffy new theme gone to hell. -________-+ |
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
I can't believe it!
I fanally managed to get my hands on Evengelion!!!
I'm so exited!
*Does Happy Dance*
Yeah, my dad went online this morning, so now I've got a chance to fiddle around for a bit.
I worked on a new layout that I'll slowly be adding on as the day progresses... I hope you like it.
Current theme: Death Note.
Music: The Only by Static X
I originally wanted to put up Breaking Benjamin's No Games since it kinda fits in with the theme, but then I realised you lot are probably sick of them by now. XD
So there you go! Enjoy!
Oh, and if any of you can get your hands on the Death Note manga, I highly recommend you go for it. It really is worth a read.
Hang on... I just realised something. Everytime I post that I'm not going to be online for a while, I manage to make it somehow. Strange... -________-+ |
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
And.... There she goes!
No Internet for Elske for the next few weekends.
We've got end of term exams coming up, and according to certain study rules, anything online is off limits. YAY. -________-+
I guess it's a blessing in disguise though, since I'd really like to get honour colors (or somthing like that... poor translation ><) this year. I'm all jealous of Hanri since he got his, and academics is the only thing I stand a chance in.
You need to get an avarage of 80% for two big exams consecutively in order to qualify, which seems simple enough. Only, I've let my scores slip somewhat the last few years. The work is getting harder and harder, so I recon this is the last year I'll have a reasonable chance of qualifying.
It's not the end of the world, but it'd still be nice. You know, one of THOSE things... |
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Friday, May 20, 2005
I'd forgotten how long it took to actually get through all the sites I have to visit.
I tried to finish off the nine commenters from my previous post, but there is simply too much I had to catch up with... I couldn't even finish that small list. -_____-+
I apologise to those I skipped tonight, and to those who signed my Guestbook that I haven't replied to...
So... tired... |
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
It's been WAY too long since I've posted here...!
I've been planning an apology post for a while now, but I guess I'll just get to the point.
Gaia Online has claimed me. Yup. Yours truly has given in to her greedy side... (Must. Have. Kitty!)
It's all about the gold.
I really did not intend to simply leave and leave it at that. I feel like a bit of a coward. -_____-+ |
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
It's early to bed for Elske.
The new school term starts tomorrow. We were at a sleepover last night, so I kina need the rest. ^________~
It's only 10:00PM.
So sad.
Sorry for being so inactive these past few weeks...! |
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Friday, April 1, 2005
Enjoy April Fool's! *huggles*
I hope you had an awesomely chocolatey Easter last weekend!
Sorry that I missed Sunday's posting... I was a bit ... er....
preoccupied with a certain Egg hunt...
*hides* |
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
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