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Robertson... Hell with a View.
Member Since
QUIZZING!!! (tee hee)
Real Name
Elske Nieuwoudt, aka ...Now known as Leliel, the Twelfth Angel.
29 QUIZZ PAGES!!! Being born in the Year of the Dragon... and being a Member of
Anime Fan Since
You know, I think I've loved anime since before I even knew what I was watching... Urm... it was 2002, I think... when I was first able to put a name to this thing that I seemed to be addicted to...
Favorite Anime
Dang. I need one of these spots for Manga... er... I guess... Yu-Gi-Oh!, Furi Kuri, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and X are the best of what I've seen. (Barring one or two FMA episodes, heh...)
...Visiting Iktovian's Gift. Owning all the books in the Malazan Book of the Fallen sequence, and the Wheel of Time series... that, would be Hella cool, and you know it.
Reading. Lots and lots of reading.... and, of course... 
Friday, September 30, 2005
Helicopter Ride?! OMHFS!!!!111!1!!!one111!!!1!
[3:09 PM]
I'm typing this in advance, because I. Just. Got. Back.
Read the title!
Elske went on a helicopter ride!
It was amazing...
Words can't describe the uber-awesomeness!
As you can probably tell, this was my first time in one, and only my second time in the air.
Don't know who organised it, but it was completely free.
All you needed, was one of those nifty forms. Signed by your parents, of course.
(Heaven forbid that enyone gets sued.)
I got mine last Thursday, and it was quite the rush on Friday morning, because only the first twelve students who handed in their signed forms at the secretary's office would get a seat on the helicopter.
Today was the big day!
We were dealing with the Army here, so there shouldn't be any problems, right?
We were supposed to lift off from the school's rugby fields at 1:00 PM, but when I arrived there, I was told that it had moved to 1:45 PM, at the air field. Oh the joys of waiting.
Forget friggin Spring. I swear the seasons decided to skip a few month's worth of weater and get right to Summer. It's so friggin HOT!
So, we waited in the shade. At the air strip thing. And we waited. And more and more people seemed to arrive... as did the helicopter, which I had last seen at the school.
It just stood there.
So we waited.
It took ages for them to sort out a group of kids from the Herberg (don't ask), and we were kinda pissed, because the Robertson High group was all sorted. "Why can't they just take us up first?" was a question many asked. Eventually, there was a roll-call for all those who'd handed in forms.
Then we were devided into four groups of roughly sixteen people. I was to be in the third group.
It was all good.
By this time, both my parents and my sister had given up and left. Who can blame them?
So we waited for our turn. Things went smoothly from here, since each group only had about ten minutes in the air. The most awesome thing, was getting in.
Yes. You heard me.
Why? Because, from the second group on, we all had to get in WHILE THE BLADES WERE SPINNING. Like, woah dudes.
I even had to take off my glasses, because we were warned that loose things tended to get sucked up into the rotating blades. XD
Yeh, I had to get in on all fours, since there were no hand holds, and the bloody step was pretty high.
Luckily, there were seats WITH seatbelts. (Even though I couldn't find mine for at least two minutes.)
I'd been rather worried about what kind of helicopter it would be, and I even went to the trouble of wearing boots in this warm weather so that I wouldn't loose my slip-ons out the door. XD
The thing had doors though, which was a plus.
I can't get over the way our town looks from up there. We were largely in the mountains when we flew, but coming from and returing to the strip, it was amazing. We basically only did one turn, albeit a BIG one, going towards the mountains, and coming back. Still, I didn't recognise a single landmark.
There was one point where the pilot did a sharp turn, where if you looked out of our side's windows (the seats were placed back-to-back) you only saw the ground, but when you turned around to look out the opposite windows, all you saw was clear sky.
Freaky shit.
I still loved it though, and I'm proud to say that I kept my lunch.
It might have been a short ride, but it didn't feel that way.
Worth the waiting, if you ask me.
Getting out was even better than getting in...
When they opened those doors, man...
Maybe I should stop.
I'm babbling, aren't I?
I've been at this for almost thirty minutes...
Oh well.
Cheers! |
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