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Robertson... Hell with a View.
Member Since
QUIZZING!!! (tee hee)
Real Name
Elske Nieuwoudt, aka ...Now known as Leliel, the Twelfth Angel.
29 QUIZZ PAGES!!! Being born in the Year of the Dragon... and being a Member of
Anime Fan Since
You know, I think I've loved anime since before I even knew what I was watching... Urm... it was 2002, I think... when I was first able to put a name to this thing that I seemed to be addicted to...
Favorite Anime
Dang. I need one of these spots for Manga... er... I guess... Yu-Gi-Oh!, Furi Kuri, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and X are the best of what I've seen. (Barring one or two FMA episodes, heh...)
...Visiting Iktovian's Gift. Owning all the books in the Malazan Book of the Fallen sequence, and the Wheel of Time series... that, would be Hella cool, and you know it.
Reading. Lots and lots of reading.... and, of course... 
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/02/05:
GLASSES. It's all good when glasses are involved. WORD.
Result Posted on 07/01/05:
wOOt wOOt!
Result Posted on 06/26/05:
*THE HORROR*! Nuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Result Posted on 06/25/05:
Result Posted on 06/25/05:
Result Posted on 06/25/05:
Darn. That's one fugly pic I got there...
Result Posted on 06/12/05:
OH GAWD! NO!!! :gonk: Not a Ganguro Girl! Anything but that! *Runs into a wall and dies*
Result Posted on 06/10/05:
 You're Shinji Ikari, the pilot of Evangelion Unit 01. You often apologize for things you don't do and seem to think that people don't like you. Why, I don't know, because you're just so deep, it's alluring. Dig up some confidence from within yourself and take a risk and if it doesn't work out, it's alright, we still think you're sexxi, haha.
Which Neon Genesis Evangelion Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/10/05:
 Shinji Ikari has very low self esteem, believing himself to be worthless and that most if not all of the world hates him. He was the third child and pilot of Eva unit 01. He has very low self confidence and is a walking inferiority complex.
What Evangelion Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/10/05:
Not the best selection of questions though...
 You are Rei Ayanami, you lack most neccesary people skills. Surprsingly you've been dead twice already, and have the soul of another person, so we can't really blame you. You'd do anything Commander Ikari asked of you, in the end though you finally do you're own thing. Talk to someone, you might be pleasantly surprised what i can be like. Cheer up ok, others care about you.
Which Neon Genesis Evangelion Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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