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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Time (4:45am)
My day was slightly better yesterday, I didn't cry in 2nd Period but that idiot still made fun of me, and no squeaker 1 he IS not hot, gosh no! Anyway. . .what was I going to say?. . .Um. . .oh yeah! Thanks to you guys who commented yesterday about what happened to me Friday, it really made me feel better. Sevy, I did pray for those two people I mentioned in my post yesterday. I checked my comments during computer class (which I have 100%! ^_^ my first A!) After school yesterday I got to talk to my Youth Pastor about what was bothering me, we talked for like two hours, we ended with how I could learn more about God. . .(I kinda have to. . .if I'm going to be a youth pastor) and she told me to start this thing called a joy journal, where you write about three good things about your day and write about one of them in detail. Well anyway. . .I'm going to go visit a random person now and sign their guestbook since I've commented on everyone who has updated's sites.
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Monday, October 2, 2006
Time: 5:27am
*yawn* what is ^? I'm really tired, *yawn* nothing interesting happened all weekend besides OtakuNerd coming over. That and I got my theotaku.com shirt *wearing it right now* We didn't end up doing the project presintation thing in science, will most likely end up doing it today.
2nd Period Friday sucked big time. I've been going through a lot of stuff over the past few weeks (I'm beginning to think that the qoute "Beauty is only skin deep" isn't true) and one of the preppy chicks had this one guy call me phyco I finally snapped and started crying. One of my friends was cussing him out, trying to get him to apoligize. When I left the room I heard the other guy (the one who called me phsyco) talking crap about me (I didn't say anything back though).
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Friday, September 29, 2006
Sorry! (Time: 5:06am)
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile...lets see what happened yesterday...nothing worth mentioning really besides I already have my next AMV of the week ready to be posted. The song is 'She's a Rebel' by Green Day. I'm also really tired...and OtakuNerd might come over today, depending on what our parents say *crosses fingers* anyway that's it really. Later...*slinks back to Mirkwood*
~!?-The AWESOME Elf Who Is A Ninja-?!~
P.S. Something interesting did happen yesterday, I was working on a poster thing for Science class with my friend and we got on the topic of who was going to bring it home and bring it back to school for the presintations that are today (Note I was the one who forgot to bring their notes when we started the poster):
Me: I'll take it home.
Her: No.
Me: Why?
Her: Because I don't trust you, you'll leave it someplace and forget it.
Me: No I won't!
So we basically went back and forth until the bell rang.
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Hello...(Time: 5:06am)
*yawn* uh-huh I've been commenting on sites for the past thirty minutes...*yawn/sigh* nothing really intresting happened yesterday so I'll give you guys the highlights...
1.) I had to ride the bus to and from school (I ride it every monday and wednesday)
2.) One of my friends is going to try to find me a boyfriend...(I'll type more about this later in my post...
3.) 1st Period sucked because I couldn't sneak on the computer and check my myotaku comments...the stupid computer system was down...
4.) 3rd Period that same friend who was trying to find me a boyfriend asked one of the guys I had the next period with...when I told her to stop she said "Your blushing, you like like him don't you? YOU LIKE HIM!" she sounded so hilarous to because she had this like light up retainer type thing she got at a football game in her mouth. When I laughed at her she's like "Bite...me..." it was so great!
5.) 5th Period We finished watching the video that was dubbed like an anime...oh crap...I just remembered...I have a test on the Consitutions preamble that period...(forgive this next part, this is to see if I remember):
We the people of the united states of america, in order to form a more perfect union establish jutise, insure domestic tranquility, promote the common defence, provide for the general welfare, and to secure the blessings of librity and our posterity herby ordain the constitution of the united states of america.
I think I got it right...I DON'T REMEMBER! I think I got most of it right, I'm not sure though...
6.) 6th Period I had lunch with my friends and one of my friends (due to there being no good food left) got a toss saled and was giving me all the pieces of it she didn't like.
After school I talked to OtakuNerd's older sister and she corrected me on something about Naruto...I'm like "That's weird, you don't even like Naruto!" and she said "Yeah that is slightly creepy..."
well those were the highlights of my day (wow! it took me like 30 min to type this!)
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
Hola mi amigos! (Time: 1:48pm)
Translation: Hello/Hi My Friends! (I think)
Well anyway hello everyone! How's it going? Me I'm doing fine (besides the fact that I have a paper in english and over 100 problems in math due tommorow.) Well anyway my weekend went pretty well, I got my allowance Friday and bought a mint moolatte from Dairy Queen, three packs of gum, a bottle of blackcherry propel, and a panda bowl from Panda Express (A chinese food place). My brother had one of his friends over friday. I also so Grantinator at the mall on friday, me and my mom were in the car driving out of the parking lot and I'm like: "Look! It's Grant!" so I open my door and wave, he waved back giving me this look basically saying: 'Your so retarded...' well then Saturday I slept in until 9 in the morning which was heaven for me because I get up at like 4am each morning...*sees your weird look* Yes I know! I'm crazy! Went to babysit the giant school art exibit at the Fair, which was totally boring, I didn't even ride any rides (didn't have any money, I spent the last of my money on the chinese food) Then today I got up, and I was on the internet for only 10 min and my brother tells me to get off. So while he was online I got dressed. Nothing really interesting happened while I was at church so I guess that's it really...later! *slinks back to Mirkwood*
~!?The AWESOME Elf Who Is A Ninja?!~
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Friday, September 22, 2006
Happy Birthday to: (Time: 6:40PM)
Shikamaru Nara
Without further ado here is a Shikamaru AMV:
(My stupid dial-up got jacked up so I'll post the AMV later)
Picture Tribute as well!:

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Thursday, September 21, 2006
Hola (Time: 3:50PM)
Thought I'd get my hour for the day in before my mom gets home...so that I could get the internet out of my system and start my homework, I actually have yesterday's math assignment to work on because I didn't do it yesterday because I stayed at school until 3:30 to make up to Math Quizes and the Test over the first chapter in my math book, then I kinda slacked off until it was time for me to head to youth group...what else? ...nothing really other then my math teacher took away the books of people who are in his first period *heard about this during 7th hour, I have math 4th* He wasn't even talking! And then we watched this movie about the making of the constition that was dubbed like an anime! That's all the interesting stuff that happened today...so...later!
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
I'm so bored! (Time: 1:45PM)
1.) Did I tell you guys about the giant fan I got at a yard sale yesterday? I don't think I did so...I GOT A GIANT FAN AT A YARD SALE YESTERDAY! It was $5.00.
2.) OtakuNerd came over yesterday and I showed her how to use windows movie maker. She made a Naruto AMV to the song Be My Escape.
3.) I went to a thing at church yesterday that started out with 5 us playing Mad Gabs and ended with 9 of us playing hide and go seek until like 10: 30 and then I didn't go to sleep until like midnight.
Got up, went to church, after church played N64 with my brother, and went online and here I am now...
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
Hi! (Time: 3:31PM)
OtakuNerd's over at my house and the most random thing ever happened...I was loading this comic on saiyenisland and then I saw the title of the Previous Comic: 'Shino is Straight' and I was like "SHINO'S GAY!?" and OtakuNerd just like repeated me...hold on, I'll post it...by the way this is the comic I was trying to load:

Shino is Striaght:

So as it turns out...Shino is NOT Gay...
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'Evening! (Time: 10:11PM)
*yawn* I'm so tired...my day today:
1st Period(Media): When Media did the annocements, the principal had five of us (I was one of them) hold up signs with the reasons why you should go to the dance (I couldn't go, I was helping out with a thing for the 5th Graders at my church)...after we finished the teacher sent us to the cafatria to staple the posters up. And we ended up stapling them the way stuff in Japanese reads...*has forgotten direction* and it was so funny one of them said "Who can read stuff like this?" and I said "I can!" XD I guess you had to be there.
6th Period (Lunch): One of my friends got like her first boyfriend! One of my other friends, Chelsea, made them hold hands the whole period so we could show everyone. Everyone was like: 'Awww...you guys make such a cute couple!!' to which the both responded 'Shut up!'
1st and 6th Period were the only periods worth talking about today...a lot of my day was one of those things were you had to be there.
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