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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Hey ya'll!
Sorry I haven't posted since Thursday, nothing much worth talking about has been going on other then I'm on Spring break currently...and (qouted from a post I made on a forum I am a member of):
"...The top bunk of my bunk bed has yet to be cleared. (I have until 10am tomorow to finish cleaning my room and clean the kitchen before the apraiser dude comes to see how much our house is worth so we could...*shudder*...possibly move). Yeah, two injuries to the foot later here I am, with an almost clean top bunk bed bunk and a clean bedroom floor. And to top it all off I'm on Spring break so I pretty much have all the time in the world. (It also kinda helps that I'm on a high of pizza and Dr. Pepper, I bought pizza with what little money I have)..."
Yeah and that post was made around midnight last night. I got done by about 1am.

Anyway, that's all really, later. *slinks back to Mirkwood*
~?!@-/The AwEsOmE Elf Who Is A Ninja\-@?!~
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
I can sneak on with ease because we have a sub in yearbook...anyway, that's all I have to say other then, the dude next to me is annoying...
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Monday, March 5, 2007
IT'S OFFICALLY ONE MONTH BEFORE MY 14TH BIRTHDAY!...and less then a month before my brother gets his perment...neh...moving on.
My dad took HIS laptop to work today. Which was okay because I was able to get my homework done before 5pm w00t!
We also might get the regular computer up and running by Wednesday, so bye-bye laptop and hello new myotaku theme.
Today my throat was still hurting and my mum had the school nurse check my throat. Turns out my sinuses are out of wack. My mum gave me these really really really really really really really really really nasty cough drops.
I had a substitute in English and Science. The Science substitute was okay but english just...ew...the teacher is like fat, as in Choji from Naruto doing the expansion jutsu fat. He flipped when any of us said 'gay', or 'fag' and come to find out. HE'S GAY!! (don't ask me how I know this, rumors around school)
Well that pretty sums up my day, my mum needs to use the internet. See you guys later. *slinks back to Mirkwood*
~!?@-/The AwEsOmE Elf Who Is A Ninja-\-@?!~
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
I think I have strep throat...
My throats been hurting since yesterday morning...and no the computer isn't mine, it's my dad's so I really had no right to complain.
Well, as you most likely noticed, my folks and my older brother are back from California (how ELSE do you think I am posting)? They brought me home a Pirates of the Caribean blanket and beach towel along with a Kakashi t-shirt from Hot Topic that I think two of my friends already have.
Yeah, I stayed up pretty much the whole night with a stomachache. My grandma who lives with my family ordered three medium pizzas, wings, and chicken strips from Dominos...yeah, it was good WHILE I was eating it, but then...my stomach hurt really bad.
Since there were only two people there, I was able to eat more then enough. I say more then enough because I ate pretty much a whole medium pizza, along with all the chicken strips. I'm such a pig aren't I? xP
So, back to my folks and my brother getting back. They got back at like 5am. My mom had to wake me up because I was sleeping on the air bed where my aunt who went with them was supposed to sleep.
Yeah that's all really. Later. *slinks back to Mirkwood*
~!?@-/The AwEsOmE Elf Who Is A Ninja\-@?!~
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
>.< *mutters a complaint*
>.< It sucks, so yeah, no internet access until most likely late late Friday night when they get back...how stupid and sucky and retarded can it get?
I actually can check my stuff at school but I run the risk of losing my internet privilage...
Well, bye...see you all after the three freakin days are up...
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
A lot of you are wondering why my folks are taking my brother to California and not me:
1.) It's to go to a court hearing about my grandpa who might have that old people disease that makes him forget stuff. (I know the name, I just dunno how to spell it)
2.) He has a thing or two to say about.
3.) They think I'll get bored out of my mind.
4.) Because I'm a lazy bum, every time I am absent for a certain ammount of time it takes me a looooooooooooooooong time to turn in my absent work.
So yeah, those are the reasons, I'm staying home with my grandparent on my mum's side who lives with us. (Peace and quiet, no one to bug me about doing my chores until friday night).
Yeah, my folks are leaving with my brother (and my aunt who lives two hours away who is spending the night tonight) at 1:30 tomorow afternoon after my brother gets out for the day. (He has half days on Wednesdays).
Yeah, I better end this post now, I'm s'posed to be going to the bus in like another minute.
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Monday, February 26, 2007
He's Such a JERK!
The jerk in question is my older brother...he says he's sick and I'm mad that he seems to think he should get out of school for more then two days.
My parents are taking HIM to California and not me...I've gotten over that (I don't feel like explaining, even though I now understand that part and I'm cool with it).
When I was telling my parents this he said "It's not like I'm trying to ditch." THIS is the part that made me mad, but I tried to keep my cool.
Granted, most of the time when I am home 'sick' from school I am indeed trying to ditch, but he really has no room to talk considering I've only been absent from school two days this quarter and he's been absent for God knows how many...I'm sick to, my throat hurts and my nose is stuffy and I didn't get that much sleep last night but you don't hear ME complaining.
But, he's going to school now...I should really apoligize to my mom though because today is her birthday.
Yeah, my two cents worth has been said...
Oh and by the way, I lack the capacity to comment (a lot of you must be thinking 'Tch. The MENTAL capacity') the blue highlight thing won't work.
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
It was really weird, what happened was that I was at church and someone called me saying 'Witheld' on the caller I.D. and I'm like O.O and this had happened right before sunday school. After, well I got called again and it was the same thing 'Witheld' I tried *69 but it didn't work, and I checked my voicemail and they didn't leave a message. So when the friend who's call I was expecting called I was like 'Did you call me earlier?' and then she was like 'No...', it was really weird because not many people have my cell phone number.
I'll let you know if it happens again or if I find out who did it.
Anyway, that was the only real intresting thing that happened today. So yeah, later...*slinks back to Mirkwood*
~!?@-The AwEsOmE Elf Who Is A Ninja-@?!~
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
It's really weird, the volume keeps on going up and down and I'm not even touching the volume buttons...
Anyway, nothing much to report today other then, oddly enough, I felt happy, it was a really weird feeling, to be truely happy...
I just sounded crazy in that last bit didn't I? Heck, I sound crazy ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the time huh? Don't say it Grantinator!
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Friday, February 23, 2007
I'm not plotting anything...
To answer CrescentSunHanyou's question, I'm not plotting anything, I did something very stupid this past weekend that I don't care to share (6 people knowing is enough...you'd agree to if you knew what I did) and I want to be sure I have people who will cyber-smack me upside the head and cyber yell at me if I do any other stupid stuff.
For the stupid thing I did I got physically hit repeatedly and called a retard, I got cyber-yelled at, and calmly talked to in real life.
That shall be as far as I go into it with you guys. How if you'll excuse me I haveta get ready for the bus that comes in twenty minutes.
*slinks back to Mirkwood*
~!?@-The AwEsOmE Elf Who Is A Ninja-@?!~
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