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myOtaku.com: ElvenNinja

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What do you guys think of the new theme? It's to emo isn't it? Well I had to accesorize with the background I chose. xD I don't think ya'll got what I ment on the last post, it wasn't MY wedding, heavens no, it was the wedding of a friend of my family's.

Anyway, an update on my foot, my mom looked at it yesterday and thinks it might be broken because it looks bigger then my other foot and it hurts when I put pressure on it. Then last night she said it most likely wasn't broken because it wasn't black and blue. I don't bruise that often so it might be broken...who knows? My mom is going to try to get me a doctors appointment for today but it will most likely end up being for tomorow. If it is broken this would be my first broken bone. The crappy part about it is that if it is broken I'd be stuck in a cast on my birthday! And I'd have to wear shorts for the whole time (baggy cargo shorts that go down to my knees, only kind I would wear, all my other shorts I own are pajama bottoms and against school dress code).

Anyway, that's all really. Later. *slinks back to Mirkwood*

~!?@-/The AwEsOmE Elf Who Is A Ninja\-@?!~

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