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Bales 'o Hay
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Friday, April 20, 2007
Last week was supposed to be Friday the 13th!
Let's start out from the beginning...
I go to find my friends when I get to school today and when I do find one of them...:
Friend: I'm not talking to you...
Me: Why?
Friend: Because somebody said you started a rumor about me and so-and-so lesbian.
Me: I'd never say that! Don't you believe me?!
Friend: *silent*
Then in the passing period between 1st and 2nd, figuring they wouldn't believe me anyway, I went to apologize...they didn't say anything and left. The friends I have told say that it's possible the slut started the rumor and pinned it being started on me...(there was also word around school last yearthat I was a heshe and I'm was supposedly started by the two friends I supposedly called lesbian)
2nd period I ended up going to the counsler, and the counsler summoned one of them. I was crying. Do you think I would have been crying if I had started that rumor?
All was forgiven. My day went on fairly well until lunch. There's a new girl at my school and I had become friend with her and guess who else she became friends with? The slut. So, since I didn't want my new friendship to be lost within a day I decided to make amends with the slut for whatever I did to piss her off.
Me: I'm sorry.
Slut: *bits my head off*
An ACTUAL friend was dropping off her stuff because this took place in front of the class she had after lunch.
Friend: What's going on?
Slut: None of your business!
Friend: It is my business because ElvenNinja's my friend.
Me: *has already left, crying*
I was blown away by this...because early this year I went up to her and said I hated her because she had been kinda mean to me. Anyway, back to my story.
Another friend grabbed my arm and asked me what was wrong, I told her, she went back and yelled at the slut for me. Both of my friends who were involved told the new girl about how rude and mean she could be. They also told me that they'd (this is a quote); 'kick her ass' for me on the bus.
And all of this my mom was working at my school today (she subs in the cafateria). She gave me a hug and told me it was okay.
You know what the worst part about the whole thing is? I have done nothing, ABSOLUTLY NOTHING, to deserve the slut's hatred (well minus the exchange of vulger gestures we had awhile back).
I don't think that I've really done anything to deserve anyone's hatred...
This has not been my week...
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