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myOtaku.com: ElvenNinja

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Time: 5:01am
Me: Gooooooooooooood Morning everyone sorry I didn't post yesterday!
Shikamaru: You didn't post yesterday cuz you were to busy obsessing over that episode of Naruto you found online. You guys should have seen her. "OMG poor Akamaru!" and "That's so sad..." and a lot of "AWESOME!"'s as well...'-_-
Me: So what?
Shikamaru: So what? You were starting to scare me...
Me: Don't I do that on a regular basis?
Shika: Good point.
Me: Then my dad said he and my mom MIGHT buy me one of those theotaku.com shirts...then that would be my first anime shirt then I-
Shika: Your still jealous of OtakuNerd's Sakura t-shirt arn't you?
Me: Yes...
Shika: HaHa I knew it!
Me: Anyway that's it really from yesterday...other then getting my wallpaper on the featured wallpaper list yesterday. See you guys later. *slinks back to Mirkwood*

~!The AWESOME Elf Who Is A Ninja!~

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