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Bales 'o Hay
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/02/07:
What do the Ouran highschool host club peoples think of you? (long results)
 Mori: she would be good for Kyouya. She is kind to me and hunny. I like her, she makes a valubal friend.Hunny: I like her, even if she doesn't like cake. She is alot like Kyouya. She is also sad alot of the time. I wonder what is wrong.Tamaki: She is alot like Kyouya, always calculating, she seems to be advoiding most of the host club though.Haruhi: She treats me well but we're not all that close. I say hi to her in the halls some times, and she always seems so sad.Tamaki: She is like Kyouya, she's cool to other people she doesn't know well.Hikaru: she's way to cold for me! Other wise I might ask her out. I like her well enough, but she's too much like Kyouya. We hang out alot She's cold and doesn't like unconformities. She's very calculating, and seems sad most of the time.Koaru: same as HikaruKyouya: I want to get to know her, but she seems to be advoiding me. She's in my math class, and she rarely speaks.You: I wish I less cold to others. I secretly have a crush on Kyouya. I wish I could find the courage to speak to him... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/02/07:
What's your Ouran High School Host Club personality?
 The 'Not-so-common' commonerAn old school friend of Haruhi's.While shopping for a bag of Pocky, you ran into her, and a pile of boys who trailed behind her.Not being used to Rich people, you live in a quiet suburb of Tokyo.You quickly befriended them, and made regular visits to Haruhi on the weekends, or after school.You don't like the fact that Haruhi's gender is secret, and have held a grudge against the older boys.Tamaki:Loves the fact that you're a commoner. Now he has another daughter!Kyoya:Pities you. It's to bad that you have to have Tamaki following you, but he pities himself more. He doesn't trust Tamaki when he's out of his sight.Hikaru:Is enthusiastic about you being 'Not-Ritch'. Once made you explain why you wear such bland clothes.Kaoru:Thinks it's strange how their 'Twincest' does not work on you. Knows how many socks you own.Mori:Loves your cooking. Imagines that you'd make a great martial arts expert.Hani:Thinks you're cute! Let's you play with Bun-Bun often.Nekozawa:Has possibly never met you before, but has heard of you through a crack in his secret door.Haruhi:Appreciates you being her only female friend. Enjoys your company in the afternoons, and how you tend to keep everything under raps.Who you'd most likely end up with:Tamaki, Or Hikaru/Kaoru. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/06/07:
Result Posted on 06/05/07:
Result Posted on 06/04/07:
Result Posted on 06/01/07:
Result Posted on 05/28/07:
Result Posted on 05/07/07:
Result Posted on 04/26/07:
Result Posted on 04/24/07:
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