Birthday 1982-12-21 Gender
Female Location New York Member Since 2004-10-17 Occupation Real Name Lindsey
Achievements Being asked to be a guest artist at the NYAnimeFest and winning a fan manga contest where my entry will be published in the back of a real manga!^_^ Anime Fan Since 2002 when I happened to flick on Cartoon Network and was sucked into Inuyasha and didn't stop watching it till I finished the series Favorite Anime Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Ouran High School Host Club, Fullmetal Alchemist, Black Cat, Naruto, Fruits Basket, D.N.Angel, Chrno Crusade, Gravitation, Loveless, Code Geass, Soul Eater Goals To become an illustrator Hobbies Drawing, reading, running, skiing, movies, video games...and obviously anime, scuba diving, and belly dancing.^_^ Talents Art! But I can also sing hello in 21 languages, and sing all U.S. presidents in order, thanks to Animaniacs! I also kick butt in video games!^_^ ElvesAteMyRamen
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Howdy-ho, Otaku-reenos! Decided to update before I had to go to work. I usually have Wednesdays off but since I need this coming Saturday off to be in a friend's wedding, he took away my Weds. *sniff* I'm missing my belly dance class AND Ghost Hunters. Feh!
I had Monday and Tuesday off (I usually have 3 days off since I work 10 hour days) but I spent my Monday doing errands all day. That's what sucks when you work such long days, you don't get time to do anything so one of your days off usually consists of just catching up! At work, I get tips and I get LOTS of coins so I've been hoarding my tip coin for about 3 months now and I took it to my bank since they have a coin counter (like a Coinstar but cheaper) and I had over $640 in coin!!O_O lol! You should have seen me lugging that bag in...was like 4 bowling balls in it. I deposited it of course...don't want to be spending it on something I don't need. There's 2 months of car payments right there! Woot!
After that, I went to my parent's house to just pick up some dress shoes and of course, my mom invited me to stay for dinner and I can't pass up a free meal! So, a quick swing to my parent's house ended up being like, 4 hours. lol! My bro is on a motorcycle cross country trip right now, so he has my parent's watching his boxer, Lexi. My parents already have a boxer, Harley and those 2 are NUTS!!! They're just running around like loons and playing and wrestling and just having a good ol' time. They had a tug-a-war with a toy and did it so long they ended up napping, both with one end of the toy in each mouth. Lol!
Kitty cat, FuzzButt wasn't in a good mood because he doesn’t much care for the dogs and all the noise they make. He was in the basement sulking and I went to pet him and he just kinda glared at me like, "TRAITOR!!!!" He doesn't like when all the attention isn't on him.XD He’s such a drama queen.
And since it was noted in the chat that I haven't posted a piccy of FuzzButt in quite some time, here's one right here. Does his face not just scream, "I am SO better than you."
Howdy-ho, Otaku-reenos! The last couple weeks have been hectic at the casino�what else is new. Hmph. We had a concert Friday with Joan Jett�some oldy rocker person that I didn�t know but I did recognize her songs once she was singing them. The casino�.was�.PACKED! OMG, I wanted to shoot myself, it was so bad. The only good thing was I had an awesome tip night making almost $300 in tips in ONE NIGHT!O_O It was surprising because most of the guests were college kids and they don�t tend to tip worth crap but I got lucky. Must be the red hair.^_~ I�m saving my tip money though for when I go to the Renaissance Fest again in August as well as for the NY Anime Festival in September�although I REALLY want to get another dollfie too. My dollfie is so lonely, he needs a buddy!
Anyway, I FINALLY finished my Inuyasha and Kagome drawing. This was like, 2 months in the making. *snort* I had stopped working on it in the middle of it because I wanted to start another drawing, so I got the other drawing started and decided I needed to get this drawing done first. Heh. I even wrote a short story with it so if you guys could take a look at it and comment, that would be peachy: Comments (0) |
Friday, June 5, 2009
Hello everyone! Hope you�re doing well. I ordered my kitty, Jenks one of those nice jungle gym thingies and I spent some time assembling it and stuff and go figure�he�s having more fun with the box and the extra screws than the gym.>_<
One of the other supervisors at work got fired yesterday�well, she has 2 weeks but then she�ll be gone. I�m surprised it wasn�t me since I�m the �newest� supervisor but I was saved mostly because I�m the only duel rate and can fill in as a banker as well as a cashier so therefore, I�m more valuable. I s�pose I�m lucky�even though I hate my job but it�s a little hard to find another one at the moment when it seems like all companies in our area�and around the country, are firing people left and right.
And boy, am I ticked that Adam Lambert didn�t win American Idol. Grrrrrr. They say his downfall was because he became so popular and therefore, his personal life became public and it was soon spread that he was gay. Psh, some people would rather vote for the cookie cutter contestant, .ie. Kris Allen, rather than the person who actually truly deserved it. Heaven forbid that a rocker/goth/gay but EXTREMELY talented person win. Feh! Plus, the state that Kris was from �pulled some strings� making it completely free for anyone in the state to text their vote for him. That seems a little unfair if you ask me. Oh well, Adam Lambert, we all know you deserved the trophy but I�m sure his albums will whoop Kris�s.XP
For those who haven�t seen American Idol, here�s a youtube video (well, a song with pictures since American Idol pulled all videos off youtube from the show since they want us to buy the videos on iTunes) of one of Adam�s performances of �Mad World,� I highly recommend at least listening to a little of it, if not all, to really hear what a great voice he has:
I wasn�t going to update today and was commenting on other people�s posts and thought, what they hey, may as well!
I bought a brand-spanking new 4th generation ipod Nano! Yosh! I paid $50 less than retail with NO tax and FREE shipping! Gotta love ebay. Plus, it�s green! My favey color! It plays video which is awesome. I had accidently downloaded a video from a performance with Adam Lambert on American Idol (I meant to just get his song) but now I�m glad I got it because it�s my fave performance of his�when he sings �Mad World.� Oh man, I get all weepy every time he sings it. Plus, Adam is in the top 2!! He better win or I�m going to rebel! *shakes fist*
I watched the movie �Yes Man� with Jim Carrey the other day. I�ve always been a big Jim Carrey fan since I was a wee little one when �The Mask� came out. This movie was so funny and good! I recommend it.
I saw the new �Star Trek� movie with my friend Ty and my other pal, Moog. I�m not a big fan of space stuff�like Star Trek or Star Wars�I�m a Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, renaissance past stuff kind of person. However, this movie was really REALLY good! I was edge of my seat a LOT! I decided that the Vulcans are the elves of the future. Lol! The way they talk and act is very elvish.
Oh, and this is something I keep on forgetting but if you�re in a bookstore and see the manga, �Black Sun Silver Moon� volume 7, BUY IT!!!!!! For yours truly is published in it! It�s my winning doujinshi and it�s in the back of the book. I was so excited to see me published in a manga! My dad got a little misty eyed when I gave him a copy. Lol! He just said, �My little girl is a published artist.� Awwwww.^_^
Whelp, that�s all for now. Here�s a picky of the 2 main heroes of Star Trek�young Kirk and Spock�eye-candy for the ladies. Spock grew on me quickly in the movie�I think it�s just the pointy ears. Lol! Comments (0) |
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Sorry I�ve been gone so long again! I doubt too many noticed though.XD I�ve been popping in here and there mostly reading updates and people posts but not commenting due to lack of time. The horse racing season has started at the casino I work at so things are getting hectic again. It doesn�t help that a fellow supervisor I work with got sick and was out for a month so the rest of us had to cover her shifts.>_<
Anyhoo, I�ve been doing well! I had to get some blood work done since I went on anti-depressants just to make sure it wasn�t anything more serious. Getting the blood drawn wasn�t too bad! The lady was really quick about it and she got my vein the first try�she said it helped that my arms are so skinny and you can physically see the vein around my elbow to poke.XD Everything came back negative with my blood work which is marvelous�means there isn�t something more going on besides in my head.XD A funny thing was that they tested the sodium content of my blood as well and my doc said it looked great�that made me giggle considering I eat so much ramen and sodium-enriched food I thought it would be through the roof. I guess my body has adapted to it.XD XD XD
I�ve been working on a new drawing�it�s slowly getting there but I�m having trouble focusing on it since I�m always bouncing around finding more crap to do. *snicker* It�s a fan art of Inuyasha and Kagome�haven�t done one of those in awhile.
My NYAF mascot didn�t win but it did make it into the top 10 which was enough for me! I just wanted the free pass to give to my pal, Angie and really, I don�t need 50 free mangas. Lol! I hate to admit�I don�t think I own a single Del Rey manga. Lol! I�ll own some now since the top 10 get 4 or 5 freebies so that�s plenty. My manga/book collection is already big enough.XD I had a feeling the one that won would win�wow, that was a mouthful.XD I think everyone knew that one would get it from the get-go. It was very well done!
Whelp, that�s all for now�my kitty, Jenks is begging me for some play time and he�s just too cute to say no too! Comments (0) |
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Whelp, I’m home now and it’s so nice to be at my own place again! My kitty, Jenks was obnoxiously happy to see me. When I opened the door, he just flopped on the ground and was rolling and purring and he was licking my hand as I was petting him. He missed his mamma!
My sister’s wedding ceremony went great. It was nice and small and my sister’s dress was GORGEOUS! It was like a Renaissance/Greek goddess looking dress and it was beautiful! *sniff*
One thing I still can’t get over is how slow the fast food service is in the south. Like really! Up north it you get your food usually in less than 3 minutes and if you’re going through drive-through, about 45 seconds. We went to a few fast food places down south and each one took flippin’ forever! My sister said that “fast” doesn’t quite mean the same thing we think of in NY. Lol! I didn’t complain or anything at the places since I didn’t really care but it took us like 10 minutes to get our food at the Burger King. *snicker*
Anyhoo, I had totally missed the post on the Official Worlds page that the NYAF Mascot contest was in play!O_o Thank goodness for me reading my dear pal, MewMew’s page to find out about it. lol! I already knew what I was going to do though so I just threw it together and got it done in record time! Well, for me anyway. I actually called in sick to my job so I could stay home and work on it.>_> Well, that and I just reeeeeeally didn’t want to go into work that night.XD But yeah, it’s all done and it you could take a look and comment and vote, I’d appreciate it! *huggles* Comments (0) |
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Hello everyone! I’m here in lovely North Carolina killing time until my sister’s wedding at 5:30pm. It’s so sunny and warm here! Then again, I hear it’s really sunny and warm in NY now too so d’oh! Figures it would be nice as soon as we leave.
We drove down to Maryland Thursday first and stayed at my aunt’s house and then drove down the rest of the way to NC from there. It’s nice to see green on the trees down here…my dad said that their seasons are a few weeks ahead of ours. This is my first time going on a long trip with a laptop…’tis very nice since I have an extended 6 hours battery life on my lappy so I watched anime and Japanese dramas for a portion of the way. Hee! The rest of the time I either slept or read books and mangas. I’m getting tired of eating out though…I’m not used to eating so much food let alone, high in fat and calorie food so yeck. Still delicious that’s for sure but yeck. We stopped at McDonalds a couple times and I always get a Happy Meal since a regular one is too much. *snicker*
The guy my sister’s marrying already has 2 kids so I have a niece and nephew now! I gave my Happy Meal toys to them and they were happy.XD The girl is in kindergarten and the boy is in 2nd grade and the girl is a little bundle of energy. My goodness is she exhausting. My sis and I are similar in that we don’t want children of our own so it’s perfect for her since now she has kids without having to actually, you know, have them herself.XD
I miss my kitty, Jenks sooooooooo much!!!! My friend Ty is stopping by and feeding him and playing with him and he said that Jenks really missed me. *sniff* Whelp, that’s all for now. Bye bye! Comments (0) |
Monday, April 13, 2009
How’s everyone doing this lovely Monday? It’s nice here because it’s finally warming up again. We were warm and then it suddenly got cold…when I walked out to my car after work Saturday night there was frost all over it.>_< My sister’s wedding is this coming weekend and I cannot wait! Going down to warm North Carolina sounds marvelous. I’m going to miss Jenks though and I know he’ll miss me. He’ll probably be throwing himself with love at me when I come home.XD
I’ve been feeling great since I’ve been put on anti-depressants. Like, really TRULY great. Not the fake great I always told people because I’m the kind of person that likes to suffer in silence and not throw my woes onto others. I have to go to the doc again to get blood work done though just so they can make sure that my moodiness and weight loss isn’t something more serious. I’m procrastinating though because, like virtually everyone on the planet, I hate needles. I always get all light-headed and woozy. *snicker* My muscles are still tighter than all ghetto due to the meds but meh, I know it’s temporary so it’ll be worth it.
I let a coworker of mine borrow my ‘Twilight’ DVD and she was honored. lol! They all know how much I love that series and how fussy I am about my books and DVDs.XD She returned it to me the next day and said she really liked it! Her only complaint was she wished there was sex in it. LOL! At first I’m like, “what kind of audience do you think this was geared for?!” and then had to explain to her what they don’t explain sex-wise with a vampire until what? The 2nd book? Maybe it was the first, I don’t remember. It feels so long ago.
And for those who watch American Idol…Adam Lambert pwned!!! I love that boy and I actually PURCHASED his singles from iTunes. lol! I rarely purchase music but he was worth it.^_~
Mmmmmm….Kaname and Zero: Comments (0) |
Friday, April 10, 2009
How is everyone doing today? Well, I hope. I’m excited because the herbs I planted in a little pot are growing! It’s exciting for me because I’ve never planted anything in my life and to see them actually sprouting and growing makes me excited. So lame, I know but gotta appreciate the wonders of nature now and again.
So, on a semi-serious note I went to the doctor on Wednesday to talk to her about my moodiness, aggravation, getting pissed off for no particular reason, being sleepy all the time even when I sleep almost 10-11 hours a night, not wanting to do the things I love to do, losing weight, and well, constantly feeling guilty whenever I was actually happy. Whelp, I’m depressed! Duh, should have figured that one out. My doc couldn’t believe I waited so long to come and see her about this because I’ve been feeling like for almost a year and had to get passed my stubbornness to finally go and do something about it since all the things I tried to do myself, would work maybe for a few days and then I’d sink right back down. Oh, I hid it well, obviously but it’s becoming harder and harder for me to mask it and I’m just plain tired of not feeling like me.
My doc put me on anti-depressants and I must have misunderstood her because she told me the symptoms I would most likely be feeling while I adapted to the medication would settle in about a week. Ney, what I didn’t understand is that it would take about a week before the symptoms would stop. It’s literally changing around the chemicals in my brain and one of the side effects is muscle cramping and I just figured just a little cramp here and there but oh. My. GOD was I wrong. It literally felt like my muscles were contracting to the point that they wanted to bust through my skin. My mind was going a mile a minute and I just couldn’t hold still, I was literally just doing circles around my apartment, murmuring to myself, ‘it’s just the meds, it’s just the meds, it’s just the meds.’ Thank goodness my doc prescribed some mad hard-core pain killers/muscle relaxers that calmed me down after I took it. I still feel like my neck is tighter than all ghetto but I can deal with that…and my hands are shaky too but I can deal with that as well. lol! But I do feel better…in the head anyway.*snicker*
Anyhoo, I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and weekend and for those lucky souls that actually have Sunday off, enjoy your Easter.^_^ Comments (0) |
Monday, April 6, 2009
How is everyone doing on this gloomy day? Well, I’m sure it’s not gloomy everywhere but it sure as heck ugly and gray outside here. Bleh.
I had Sunday off from work and I relaxed most of the day. I really need to start a new drawing but I’ve gotten lazy. I mostly just read and watched Ghost Hunters all day on DVD.XD I love that show. I don’t like the International one because I don’t like that group of ghost hunters. I like the originals…they’re personalities are so much more…likable. I love how Steve always screws with Tango…like the episode where Tango first joins their crew and Steve finds a princess tiara in the little girl’s room and puts it on Tango’s head convincing him that it was a light.XD He wore that thing for hours until finally Jason and Grant see him and are like, “what the hell is that on your head?!” lol!
I finished a short Japanese drama called, ‘Koizoro,’ which means, ‘Skies of Love.’ It’s a made-for-TV long running movie type thing that’s 6 episodes long. I downloaded it because in the picture of the 2 main characters the guy had white hair and was hot so I wanted to see it. lol! It was so incredibly good but I cried my eyes out like nobody’s business. It’s a wonderful show that I highly recommend but keep a box of tissues next to you because when I actually cry over something, it’s pretty damn sad.
Here’s a couple screencaps from the show of the 2 main characters, Mika and Hiro. I love Hiro he is so stinkin’ adorable: Comments (0) |