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New York
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Real Name
Being asked to be a guest artist at the NYAnimeFest and winning a fan manga contest where my entry will be published in the back of a real manga!^_^
Anime Fan Since
2002 when I happened to flick on Cartoon Network and was sucked into Inuyasha and didn't stop watching it till I finished the series
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Ouran High School Host Club, Fullmetal Alchemist, Black Cat, Naruto, Fruits Basket, D.N.Angel, Chrno Crusade, Gravitation, Loveless, Code Geass, Soul Eater
To become an illustrator
Drawing, reading, running, skiing, movies, video games...and obviously anime, scuba diving, and belly dancing.^_^
Art! But I can also sing hello in 21 languages, and sing all U.S. presidents in order, thanks to Animaniacs! I also kick butt in video games!^_^
| ElvesAteMyRamen
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
So, I had just gotten to work last night, and the emergency alarms start going off and a electronic voice begins saying, ”Attention. Attention. An emergency has been detected. Please leave the building at once… and then it went on from there. Now, when one hears an alarm like that, what’s your instinct? Well, it should be to get your butt out of the building, right? Well, apparently, if you’re a psycho nugget guest at a casino, your instinct is to not leave the building, rather, to form a line at the cage to cash out your money vouchers because, obviously, money is more important then saving your own life. *smacks forehead* Oh, and for those wondering, they still haven’t figured out why the alarms went off.
I promised to tell you guys my Pictionary story that happened while at a party this weekend. To start, I’m telling you right now, Pictionary is one of the BEST games to play at parties since it’s such a riot to see what people will draw to try and help people guess their cards. Perfect example: Cara was drawing the image for our team and she drew a telephone booth and some birds flying around it, I yelled, ”Alfred Hitchcock!” since I knew, ‘The Birds’ was a film he made that involved such objects. Well, out team got it right…..and then we look over to see what the other team drew and I just about collapsed in laughter…Gavin had drawn a picture of…a hitch…like for a car…and then…he drew a…well…you know…a male appendage…another word for a rooster.XD XD XD Put it together and it pretty much is…”Hitchcock” but no one on that team could identify the hitch. Lol! Oh, good times.
Quote of the Day comes from The Simpsons:
Lisa: “Mom! Dad! Mr.Burns is a vampire and he has Bart!!”
Homer: “Oh Lisa, you and your stories. Bart is a vampire. Beer kills brain cells. Now, let’s all go back to that…building…..thingy….where are beds and T.V……is.”

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