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myOtaku.com: ElvesAteMyRamen

Thursday, February 8, 2007

In less then a week I’ll be cruising on Road Runner! The 13th is the set day for Time Warner to come to our house and install everything. We’ve already bought all the things required for Road Runner including the Router and Wireless cards and all that crap so there shouldn’t be any reason why we have to put up with dial-up after the 13th, dang nabit! It can’t come soon enough because my dial-up has been getting into this habit where it will dramatically slow down (yes…as in slow down even more-so then it usually does) and then disconnect and then I have to sit there glaring while it reconnects.

I worked on my first piece of a horse that will be sold in my casino’s gift shop. It’s coming along well and when it’s a little further, I’ll show it to you guys and for those of you who’ve never seen any of my photorealism pieces, here are a couple that were done in woodless graphite pencil:

Here’s a couple of my animal drawings and the black and white piece was done in graphite pencil and the one in color, was done in chalk pastels:

The large versions of all those above, can be found in my Deviant Art account linked in my profile if anyone cares.^^ Photorealism used to be the only kind of drawings I did but don’t do them as much anymore, mostly because…it’s boring. Lol! Well, I should say, it’s much more fun doing illustrations like anime then it is being anal retentive in every mark I put down for the photorealism…then again, I’m anal retentive when it comes to my anime pieces too so…never mind.^^’’

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