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New York
Member Since
Real Name
Being asked to be a guest artist at the NYAnimeFest and winning a fan manga contest where my entry will be published in the back of a real manga!^_^
Anime Fan Since
2002 when I happened to flick on Cartoon Network and was sucked into Inuyasha and didn't stop watching it till I finished the series
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Ouran High School Host Club, Fullmetal Alchemist, Black Cat, Naruto, Fruits Basket, D.N.Angel, Chrno Crusade, Gravitation, Loveless, Code Geass, Soul Eater
To become an illustrator
Drawing, reading, running, skiing, movies, video games...and obviously anime, scuba diving, and belly dancing.^_^
Art! But I can also sing hello in 21 languages, and sing all U.S. presidents in order, thanks to Animaniacs! I also kick butt in video games!^_^
| ElvesAteMyRamen
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Sorry I’ve been gone so long again! Then again, I’m sure not too many people even noticed.XP Blame work and my friends again. I was planning on having a relaxing Saturday evening after I got done from work but I had called Tyler to ask him something and he asks me, “Are you at work?” I told him no, I was at home and he goes, ”What?! You’re at home? Then you’re coming to the movies with us!” Haha…they thought I had to close on Saturday evenings but I actually close on Sundays so they just got things mixed up. So, Tyler, Gavin, Phil, and I went and saw the movie, Pan’s Labyrinth. I’m telling you, if you can get into R-rated moves, then go see this one. It was really reeeeeeally good. It is a foreign film though to warn people in advance so you will have to read subtitles but I hear it was nominated for a few Oscars.
And then today, I asked Gavin, Tyler, and Phil if they’d go to the mall with me when I got pierced. Heehee…in the ear and they said they wouldn’t miss it for anything because they wanted to see me in pain. Golly, what nice friends I have. I already have my earlobes pierced and I have one piercing in my upper cartilage but I wanted a 2nd piercing underneath my 1st upper cartilage piercing. So, I got it done and it hurt a bit and my boys took pictures and laughed at me and I glared at them but then they reminded me that I invited them in the first place so…yeah, they had me. My new piercing looks awesome though, I’ve always liked the upper ear piercing look so now I got 2 hoops in that ear.
Tomorrow…er…today…Tuesday!...we’re getting cable!!! So hopefully, later today, I’ll be cruising the web on Road Runner without having to wait and wait and wait for pages to load like on dial-up. Whee! But…I’m not keeping my hopes too high because we’re supposed to get the biggest snow storm in our area in 2 years but it’s not supposed to start until 6pm and Time Warner is supposed to be gone by then so *knock on wood* hopefully, everything goes smoothly.
And I apologize for the long post. *hangs head in shame*
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