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myOtaku.com: ElvesAteMyRamen

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Glad you guys liked the pictures in my last post. And to answer all of you who asked what that lawn ornament was in front of our swimming pool; that’s an antique sundial my grandfather gave us. It really works too! It’s pretty cool. And our swimming pool is 9 feet deep for all those who asked that too. Too bad it’s really only warm here in NY like, 3 months out of the year.XD

Anywho, so I had to go to work on Thursday.>_< Driving up and down hills on barely plowed roads was not fun but I lived so it’s all good.
Oh, and get this, you know how I was all excited about my new cable internet? Well, the day after my last post, our internet stopped working! ARGH! After only one day! I guess Time Warner screwed something up and had to re-boot everything or some crap. Feh! It’s working fine now though.^^
But….lucky me, I had downloaded those 7 episodes of Death Note and watched the first 3 episodes last night and holy buckets! What a good anime! That first episode…the animation alone impressed the heck out of me! The music is wonderful too…the part when Light was writing in the notebook in the 1st episode killing off those bad guys and that animation is just so fluid and smooth and that hard-core opera-like music is playing just…wow. Goose bump worthy. I’ve already downloaded the soundtrack. Whee!

I want some spicy nacho Doritos. I think I shall get some.

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