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myOtaku.com: ElvesAteMyRamen

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Well today, I finished my first horse drawing that will be sold in the gift shop of the casino I work at. Well, prints of it anyway…I’m not sure if I’ll be selling the originals or not. And to remind people that my casino also has a horse racing track hence why horse drawings will be sold there.XD I’ll probably do a couple more though before I take them to the head of marketing. Here’s the drawing I finished:

And for those who really want to see a large version of it, you can see it in my Deviant Art account linked in my profile. *points to profile* And it was done in pencil for those who were wondering…except my scanner killed all the lighter gray details I put into it. Bah!

I’m kind of glad though to do these horse drawings because it’s good practice for my manga idea since horses will be in it at some point. And I was also thinking of actually starting to do pieces to go into the Fan Manga section but I was going to do random short stories to show how my characters interact and to also help me practice my style and story-telling and such. It would follow the story I’ve come up with, with my character’s Estel(my elf-dude) and Leetha. Hooray for feeling motivated!

I’m thinking of changing my theme too for the Spring season but can’t choose between a couple animes! BAH! The choices in life!
I think I’m officially addicted to the anime, Kyou Kara Maoh. I can’t stop watching it! Luckily, I have a way to go till the finale since there’s 76 or 78 episodes which is good since lately, it seems animes I’ve been watching have only been 20-some episodes. And I’m sure you guys have noticed how I love posting images from that anime…probably because I just love the illustrations for it! Heehee! Wolfram and Yuuri are so cute together.XD

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