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Real Name
Being asked to be a guest artist at the NYAnimeFest and winning a fan manga contest where my entry will be published in the back of a real manga!^_^
Anime Fan Since
2002 when I happened to flick on Cartoon Network and was sucked into Inuyasha and didn't stop watching it till I finished the series
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Ouran High School Host Club, Fullmetal Alchemist, Black Cat, Naruto, Fruits Basket, D.N.Angel, Chrno Crusade, Gravitation, Loveless, Code Geass, Soul Eater
To become an illustrator
Drawing, reading, running, skiing, movies, video games...and obviously anime, scuba diving, and belly dancing.^_^
Art! But I can also sing hello in 21 languages, and sing all U.S. presidents in order, thanks to Animaniacs! I also kick butt in video games!^_^
| ElvesAteMyRamen
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
With my last post, I think people thought that I didn’t want the kitten my mom put a reserve on. Heavens no! Trust me, I ADORE a kitten or cat or dog or anything cute and cuddly in any shape or form so I’m very excited for this kitten! I just wish that my mom had picked up a kitty from a shelter rather then paying big bucks for a purebred. But don’t worry, come July when we can get this kitty, I wont be leaving it alone since if there’s an animal around, I get all moopy schmoopy and will give it attention like no tomorrow. We live in the country too and we have really good luck with animals living long lives…like my kitty Furball, who lives to be 18 and then my pup Freddie, who lived to be 16….and I have 3 goldfishies, named Yakko, Wakko, and Dot, who are almost going to be 8 years old! But yeah, I’m excited to have a pet in the house again.^_^
So, my dad comes up to me today and he gives me this look that instantly triggers the “uh-oh” thought into my brain. Not, uh-oh I’m in trouble, but uh-oh what does he have planned? He then begins by saying that he doesn’t mean to push me into anything nor does he want me to feel pressured and I’m like, what the hell is he trying to say?! Finally, he reveals it….he’s trying to play matchmaker! Lol! Apparently, there’s this young guy in my dad’s scuba diving class(my dad is a scuba instructor) and he’s really nice and handsome and has a good job and….he’s single and this guy’s parents are trying to get him hooked up and my dad told them I was cute and single so we should start talking to each other. I think I’ll give it a shot since the guy(his name is Doug) does sound really nice and my dad wouldn’t try pairing me up with someone he didn’t like so, I may get in touch with him.
I went out the other day with my boys, Gavin, Tyler, and Phil and had a fun time. I’ll talk about it more tomorrow since I don’t want this post going on too long. A highlight though was walking down the street to Gavin’s house and Gavin barked like an old airy dog the entire distance for no apparent reason except that it was 2am and well…things are just funnier at 2am, especially if it means waking people up.XD
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