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myOtaku.com: ElvesAteMyRamen

Friday, May 25, 2007

I had such a nice, relaxing day today. It was lovely and sunny, so I went for a walk and then I worked on my Loveless drawing some more. I got the background all done as well as Ritsuka and Soubi’s skin so I only need to do their hair and clothes. I really like how it’s coming out so far…let’s hope I don’t screw it up. *knocks on wood*

Have you guys ever done something when you’re younger and even though it’s many years later, your parents still annoy you with it? Well, when I was in 5th grade, I had my mom for a teacher (aye, my mom and dad were both 5th grade teachers so I had to have either one or the other and I ended up having my mom>_<) and back when I was in her English class, I had done poorly on one of her spelling tests. Well…to this day…my mom STILL thinks I have problems spelling. Like, I was writing out the mailing address to my grandma for her birthday and the street name is “Sandhill” and my mom actually, spelled it out for me and when I told her, “I know how to spell, Sandhill,” my mom responds with, “Well, apparently you can’t since you failed a spelling test in 5th grade.” *smacks forehead* Yeah…she needs to listen to herself when she, herself states that I had failed a test in FIFTH GRADE!!! Get over it! I am a good speller now that I’m in my early 20’s! Gah…it ticks me off to no end and I apologize for the rant.

Anywho, I’m seeing Pirates of the Caribbean 3 this morning with my boys. I can’t wait! We’re seeing the 11:30 am showing since I have to work later tonight and we all wanted to see it. I hope it’s decent.
And I may change my theme soon. I’m still choosing a good Summer-esque theme.^_^

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