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myOtaku.com: ElvesAteMyRamen

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Remember the Ragdoll kitten my mom put a reserve on a little while ago? Well, the litter was born a couple weeks ago and they breeder sent pictures and we chose the kitten that we’ll end up getting in about a month. We decided to get a boy kitten since we’ve always liked males better since they don’t tend to howl and such when they go into heat.^^’ Anywho, the breeder asked us what we wanted to name the kitten, so she can start calling the kitty that now, while it’s very young, so it’ll learn. For those who don’t know what Ragdoll cats look like, they look similar to Himalayan cats in that they have long fur but Ragdolls are generally lighter and the kitten we chose has the mitten feet. Well, I told my mom what I wanted to name the cat…but she didn’t really care for the name even though she laughed quite a bit over it…I wanted to name the kitten “FuzzButt.” Can’t imagine why she doesn’t like that elegant name.^_~

So, I was talking to one of my coworkers last night and his name is Chris…and it’s not the same Chris who was the security guard that helped me with my car troubles…this is a different Chris. There’s like 4 Chris’s that work at my casino…those crazy Chris’s.^_~ Anywho, this Chris looks like if Orlando Bloom and Shaggy from Scooby Doo had a baby. lol! I know, weird combo but he has the face like Orlando Bloom’s but he’s incredibly tall and lanky and has the punk-ish Beetles style hair-do like Shaggy. But yeah, he’s a good looking guy and I like tall skinny guys…probably because I’m tall and skinny too and he’s like, 6’4!”
He’s 4 years older then me and when he found out how old I was he was surprised…he thought I was older but not because of my looks but the way I act and as he put it, “You don’t act….stupid. You’re mature but…not.” lol! I suppose most people my age are at their age of acting wild and stupid but I got what he was saying since people say it to me often. I have a way of talking like a person of intelligence but the topics I talk about often aren’t. Haha! Does that make sense? Probably not.XD I talk with proper English and grammar and I think that’s what makes me seem smarter then I really am. Heehee! Comes from having parents who were both teacher, I suppose.

And to that, I give my life’s quote:
“You can’t stay young forever but you can be immature for the rest of your life.”

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