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New York
Member Since

Real Name
Being asked to be a guest artist at the NYAnimeFest and winning a fan manga contest where my entry will be published in the back of a real manga!^_^
Anime Fan Since
2002 when I happened to flick on Cartoon Network and was sucked into Inuyasha and didn't stop watching it till I finished the series
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Ouran High School Host Club, Fullmetal Alchemist, Black Cat, Naruto, Fruits Basket, D.N.Angel, Chrno Crusade, Gravitation, Loveless, Code Geass, Soul Eater
To become an illustrator
Drawing, reading, running, skiing, movies, video games...and obviously anime, scuba diving, and belly dancing.^_^
Art! But I can also sing hello in 21 languages, and sing all U.S. presidents in order, thanks to Animaniacs! I also kick butt in video games!^_^
| ElvesAteMyRamen
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Well, today is Sunday so sometimes, LOTS of people are around on myO and sometimes not. It’s a hit or miss day.
I got to talk to Jangalian on the phone today.^^ It was funny, she expected my voice to be a lot more high-pitched then it was. Do I come across as a high voice kind of person? lol! I’m also still sick though and my nose is still stuffy so that made me sound a liiiiittle deeper.XD I thought she’d have a southern accent and she thought I’d have a NY one. Only people from NYC really have the “NY accent” the rest of us in upstate NY talk like ‘normal’ people. I thought she’d have a southern accent since she actually comes from the same town as one of my supervisor’s and she said she had an accent. *shrug* I can see that happening since some people around where I live, have borderline hick/redneck accents while people, like me, do not. Guess it all depends! Accents fascinate me.XD I’m particularly fond of London, Irish, and Australian accent, meself.^^
So, you guys know how I won that fan manga contest in which my entry will be published in the back of the Black Sun Silver Moon manga? Well, the other day, I got a package in the mail from the go!Comi publishers and I thought it was a copy of the manga my comic was going to be printed in. Well, it wasn’t…it was the Japanese version of the first volume of Black Sun Silver Moon So, I flipped through it, trying to figure out why’d they send this to me and didn’t see anything significant so I thought they must have just sent to me, well, just because! So a few days pass and I was about to put it onto my bookshelf and just looked through it again and then I realized…the manga-ka had autographed it and I hadn’t even noticed it!!!! It’s because the drawing she did for me as well as her actual signature looked so nice, I thought it had been printed in…it wasn’t until further inspection, I saw it was indeed, autographed by the manga-ka! I was so excited and smacked myself for not noticing it to begin with. The manga-ka’s name is Tomo Maeda and I recognized that as the bottom part of the autograph but I reeeeeeally want to know what else is written on there since, frankly, I can’t read Japanese! I’m going to post a scan of her autograph and if anyone knows, please tell me! If not, I’m going to try and contact go!Comi since they’ll probably translate it for me. Here’s the scan:
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