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myOtaku.com: emeraldsky

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Bone Jangels (10/30/07)

I really like your site! Love the colors! ^.^
Well, I'm new here and would love it if someone would take the time to be my friend, so, if you'd like to PM me or somtin like that, I'D LOVE IT! Well, Shred and Cesteel told me to see ya, and you seem really nice!
HOpe we can be friends!


Raine puppy (10/24/07)

Nice website.
tis rocks.
i want more and more friends. heh
so, can i add ya?
will you sign me back?

The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy

thebladechild (10/20/07)

hi nice site i hope we can be friends.'I will add u if u dont mind.^^

ILovePho (10/20/07)

Okay!! Wow, your popular xD Sweet

why... (10/20/07)

WOW thanks for signing my gb!xD SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO GET BACK SOON! i have been off the computer for a while!x3 anyways i'll add you as a friend!

darkeangel (10/19/07)

hey there. thanks for signing my GB, and for leaving such a long thoughtful signing too. tis nice to get one with a bit of content to it as opposed to a simple "hey nice site"

sayig that, Hey! Nice site! seriously, tis pretty awesome. better then my bog-standard corner of MyO. still, i like it. ^^

welp, thanks again! see ya round! thanks for checking out my art btw. i'll give yours a gander whilst im here. ^^


alchemist ninja (10/19/07)

Your background is awsome i'll add you as a friend ok

ice nija dragon (10/19/07)

I just thought that since you signed my guestbook i should sign yours also. Thanks, I also added you as a friend.

Kenshin-Himura (10/17/07)

wow!!!srry it took me a while to get here but ur site rocks!!!!!!!!btw wanna be friends?????

spreading wings (10/16/07)

i luv ur layout, it's so pretty! did u make it urself? is it ok if i add ya? cya around!

~Spreading Wings

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