blade edge (01/03/08)
heyy wats up.its blade edge just returning 2 sign ur gb. nice site u got its bright.nice bg pic.anyways keep it up!. ill catch u l8r. c ya =)
emosoljagirl (01/02/08)
hey nice site. thxs 4 signing me gb. pm me anytime ill add u
Shattered Peices (01/01/08)
ive found myself jumping sites, and found your site. be proud; very, very proud!
i luv your site. x]
feel free to pm me whenever youd like, i luv makin new friends =]
just please dont ask:
Want to be friends?
What should we talk about?
cause for one; if we're pming, chances are we're gonna be friends either way.
&& i wouldnt know wat to talk about, otherwise we'd be talking about it. right? XP
razz-a-matazz (12/28/07)
hey, i saw your shino profile, and that got me interested in your other art! so i am just stopping by to tell you that your art is fantastic! i really hope we can be friends, and i'm gonna add you to help with that^^ pm me anytime!
oh, and great site^^
False Dreams (12/16/07)
hi, i'm rach, Wing's friend i'm sure she talked about me a ton especially during Thanksgiving... but i'm doing better now!!! ^^ ur site's so pretty XD! talk to me anytime, at this rate i'll be hyper off of 22 pixie sticks like i was last thrusday LOL.
~False Dreams
XxDirEnGreyxX666 (12/10/07)
Konnichiwa! I am just a random person coming by to say YO! I like your site btw! ^.^ It's really good! Yup Yup! ^.^ WEll I am going to go!
If you add me I shall add you!!!
xXsakura-iroXx (11/25/07)
I'm signing my own guestbook!! Yay!!!! X3 Weeeeeee!!!!!^o^
Emo angel921 (11/25/07)
Hey thanks for stopping by my new site I haven't seen yours in a while and it looks good^^*adds*
~rgoue anbu*
*Let dark rise...*
xPunk x Zerox (11/24/07)
I was passing by and i thought i would sign your guestbook.
[I often just go around and look at otherz sites ^__^]
Anywayz i really LOVE yours so that's why me here. You seem kewls too =D
Well i do hope that you and i become friends. I often only the ppl who comment so i hope i do see you around *Smiles*
See Ya
fukaoiheizen (11/23/07)
yo is fukaoi from the chat, yes i kno, thanx 4 signing my gb, ur sites kool too well thanx again bye