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myOtaku.com: emeraldsky

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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blade edge (01/03/08)

heyy wats up.its blade edge just returning 2 sign ur gb. nice site u got its bright.nice bg pic.anyways keep it up!. ill catch u l8r. c ya =)

emosoljagirl (01/02/08)

hey nice site. thxs 4 signing me gb. pm me anytime ill add u

Shattered Peices (01/01/08)

ive found myself jumping sites, and found your site. be proud; very, very proud!
i luv your site. x]
feel free to pm me whenever youd like, i luv makin new friends =]
just please dont ask:
Want to be friends?
What should we talk about?
cause for one; if we're pming, chances are we're gonna be friends either way.
&& i wouldnt know wat to talk about, otherwise we'd be talking about it. right? XP

razz-a-matazz (12/28/07)

hey, i saw your shino profile, and that got me interested in your other art! so i am just stopping by to tell you that your art is fantastic! i really hope we can be friends, and i'm gonna add you to help with that^^ pm me anytime!


oh, and great site^^

False Dreams (12/16/07)

hi, i'm rach, Wing's friend i'm sure she talked about me a ton especially during Thanksgiving... but i'm doing better now!!! ^^ ur site's so pretty XD! talk to me anytime, at this rate i'll be hyper off of 22 pixie sticks like i was last thrusday LOL.

~False Dreams

XxDirEnGreyxX666 (12/10/07)

Konnichiwa! I am just a random person coming by to say YO! I like your site btw! ^.^ It's really good! Yup Yup! ^.^ WEll I am going to go!


If you add me I shall add you!!!

xXsakura-iroXx (11/25/07)

I'm signing my own guestbook!! Yay!!!! X3 Weeeeeee!!!!!^o^

Emo angel921 (11/25/07)

Hey thanks for stopping by my new site I haven't seen yours in a while and it looks good^^*adds*

~rgoue anbu*
*Let dark rise...*

xPunk x Zerox (11/24/07)


I was passing by and i thought i would sign your guestbook.

[I often just go around and look at otherz sites ^__^]

Anywayz i really LOVE yours so that's why me here. You seem kewls too =D

Well i do hope that you and i become friends. I often only the ppl who comment so i hope i do see you around *Smiles*

See Ya


fukaoiheizen (11/23/07)

yo is fukaoi from the chat, yes i kno, thanx 4 signing my gb, ur sites kool too well thanx again bye

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