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Monday, September 24, 2007

Well....I don't really have anything to post...I still have to fix my background.....why am I here?? O_o
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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hello everyone! xD How are all of you?? Good I hope^^ Well, as you can see, I've changed my theme again! I know it's really soon to be changing it, but tis for a special occasion...today is The First Day of Fall! XD Yes, there is such a day XD I wanted my site to look autumny....and this is the result. Lol Well, not quite. It's not exactly finished yet....I still have to fix this little problem with the background (incase you didn't notice, though I'm sure you did...how can you miss it?? O_o).
Yeah...Anyway, I went to the fair on Friday. It was fun^^ I bought this marionette kitty thing for $10. I was playing with it all night....well, until it got all tangled up. It took me an eternity and a day to untangle that puppet O_o I went on a few rides...not a lot though, cause I don't like super scary rides >.< I went on one called the sea ray...I didn't want to go on it, but everybody talked me into it -_- I guess it was ok aside from the fact that I was terrified O_o But the day was really fun^^ Yeah...
Well, I've gotta go now. I'm off to visit some people...sooo...bye^^
Have a great day, everyone!^^
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Friday, September 21, 2007

Woo hoo!! I'm finally updating again! XD It's been soooo long...OK, so It's only been five days ^^" But I really needed to update. Well, anyhoo, I'm gonna be able to visit a few sites this time. Yay me XD Sorry I haven't really been visiting much...I really hope no one's deleted me off their friends list O_o I hope not.
I'm still trying to get over this cold *_* I mean, what the hey!! I've been sick for almost two weeks...meh...Well, I seem to be feeling better, so maybe I'll be over this thing soon *suddenly falls out of chair*
Uh...well, on to other things...I'm going to the county fair with my family tomorrow. That should be fun. But as I've said before, I don't do too well on some rides, so I won't be riding too many of them ^^"
What else to talk about.........I guess I'm done....have a great day everyone XD
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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hey, everyone. I've been working on my site, as you can see. What do you think so far?
Once again, sorry for not visiting you guys again. I haven't been able too. I'll try to make it to your sites today, OK?
And for anyone who's wondering, my dog went in yesterday and was put to sleep. It was really sad.
Uh....I guess that's it. Have a great day^^
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Friday, September 14, 2007

This really sucks. Tomorrow, one of our dogs is getting put to sleep. It's really really sad T_T
(Sorry if I don't make it to your sites again T.T)
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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Helloz xD
Yep, well I got to visit just about everyone's sites last night! Yay!^^ Unfortunately I still couldn't make it to a couple of sites. Sorry T_T I'll try again next time.
I don't get as many visits as I used to. I suppose I kind of deserve it....I don't visit people as often as I used to either. Well, thanks the the people who still visit me, even when I can't make it to your sites sometimes. I'd do the same for you guys^^
I've actually done some visiting this morning since I found the time to do so. I've made it to a few sites already. I hope I can make it to everyone's sites today^^
Well, I haven't had the chance to tell you guys what's been going on this week, so I figure I should now....not that you really care........yeah, so here's stuff that's happened this week:
I've been plagued by an annoying cold for the past couple of days.....so annoying >< And there happens to be lots of smoke from a nearby brush fire, so that doesn't really help. What else.....well, we're planning on going to the fair next week. ^^ That should be fun. Although I'll probably stay away from most rides.....I don't do so well on some rides -_-" But I'll still have fun going. And I'm going whether I have a cold or not. Yep^^ And I broke my mom's brush in my thick hair the other day....yep, my hair actually broke her brush entirely in half O_o I mean, I knew my hair was thick....but I didn't realize it was that thick...go figure...
I think my post has gotten long enough, so I'll finish^^ Sorry for the long post, everyone. So, I'll be going now. Have a great day, guys!^^
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'm so so sorry I haven't been able to visit you guys.......again. Well, at least I got to visit a grand total of two sites last night. I wonder how many people have taken me off their friends list for not visiting.....or for leaving sucky comments for that matter (or both T.T)
Um....OK, well I'm gonna go now. Have a great day guys.
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Friday, September 7, 2007

Uh....I don't really have anything to say....I fell ealier today and hurt my face...that kind of sucked. Now my head hurts....
This post is kind of depressing, hu??
Oh, yeah! I almost forgot. I got tagged....again. And by my own sister O.o You are a cruel person, LazieNinjaFrog!! Lol, kidding. OK, but expect some very random facts because I've run out of anything interesting.
1) I'm eating popcorn.
2) I like traditional Irish music^^
3) I've never been to the beach.
4) I have one brother and one sister.
5) I'm the oldest sibling but also the shortest xD
6) I think I'm the only one on tonight O.o
7) I can type pretty fast.
8) I'm....totally out of ideas...
Now I tag.......NO ONE!!! Well, unless you want to be tagged....then I tag you xD
I'll try to visit sites, but I'm not sure I'll be able to make it. Gomen ne T.T
Have a great day everyone.
~Ja mata~
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Now I've been tagged five times....I don't even know fourty facts about myself O_o Well, I'll shoot for as many facts as I can think of, but I do not promise you fourty....
Alright, here goes.
The rules are:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to their page and leave a message telling them they're tagged
1) I don't know fourty facts about myself ._.
2) I don't like mayonnaise.
3) I drink tea every morning.
4) I'm tired.
5) I'm kind of bored...
6) OK, I'm really bored >.<
7) I don't read books half as often as I should xD
8) I'm hungery but I'm to lazy to eat -_-"
OK, I'm done...that's all I've got.
So now I tag people...
Shonigoneyes93, akebaneamino, CrystalFlute, dazzle13, Madarame2, The Assassin, XheartbrokenX and shred
Please don't hate me for tagging you! I know a lot of people are getting annoyed by it. Please don't hate me!
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Monday, September 3, 2007

I have been tagged three more times. O_o
Since I don't have time to come up with 24 facts about myself tonight, I'll have to do that some other time ._.

1)How are you?^_^
2)Is this tagging thing driving your crazy yet?
Well, I only have a little time to visit sites, so I'll make this post short^^ OK, enjoy the rest of your night.
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