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Saturday, January 2, 2010
Thanks to sbsp13668 I now have 53 signatures on the petition. So yeah... thankies lol. I hope this thing amounts to something @.@
lol Sooo before I forget to say it;
HAPPY NEW YEAR! xD lol now I see 2010 infront of everything. @.@ i gotta get used to it lol.
Sooo I hope everyone had a good New Years annnnd...
Not much else to post lol. See ya all later ^.^
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Thursday, December 17, 2009
ok so the petition is only one signature away from the 50 signature goal. Please keep signing people! Don't let the petition die. Thanks.
In other news there aint much to talk about. Lol, um...sorry for yet another short post. Please be nice about it @.@ I don't usually like posting about my personal life so yeah... I just tell you want I feel like telling you. If you wanna be in the loop about my personal life be my friend @.@ lol. Um... hmmm
Hope everyone has a great Christmas (not sure i'll be able to post again before Christmas)and have a great day.
Ja ne!♥
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
• The layout is goneeee nuuuuuu •
Don't worry though, I"m planning on making 12 layouts for next year >.> obviously one for each month. Tryin to get myself back into the myO thing. It's a little hard when the site is so dead but I am planning the layouts and stuff so yeah.
What else....?
Oh yeah, HAPPY BELATED THANKSGIVING! xD Hope everyone's Thanksgiving was great!
Nothin else to talk about soooo yeah xD
Ja neeeee!♥~
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Friday, November 6, 2009
• Wow, You Guys! o.o •
The petition has 40 signatures so far @.@ never expected it to grow much. I hope it gets more lol
I should update the info on my page now lol sooo bye XP
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Well people, I've started my own website lol. It still has a lot of bugs to work out -_- lol
But if anyone is interested in joining at all the site is HERE.
I'm currently unhappy with my fanart situation >.< But eh join if you feel like it.
Well I"m gonna go so see ya all sometime lol
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Thursday, September 24, 2009
• Heeeeey •
Wow! Nine comments on my last post o.o I'm so happy lolz. That's the most I've had in a while ^^ So thanks to everyone who commented: wolf of sorrow, jamo, roseeyes, shinigami shinobi, raisha, kakashi484, aisha-z and deadly neko xD lol Thanks everyone.
Well, I'm still sick T.T Sickness kept me up all night. I was litterally up past 2 in the morning and I still woke up before 8 cause I gotta have my sleeping habits back to normal by tomorrow since I gotta work tomorrow and then two other days (jooooy -_-;;) So yeah, nice 8 hour shift tomorrow... Gotta get through it @.@ I feel like I'm dying but I already had almost an entire week off of work... I don't wanna be terminated x_x I'm definitly applying for new jobs soon though lol. I've been at my current one for a whole year and it just.... sucks =_= lolz.
I've really barely been eating the past like 3 or 4 days but it's the sickness. It's so hard to eat @.@ It takes so much energy. So does just about everything else. Which is why I have been spending hours each day just playing Twilight Princess (my first time playing it) and I gotta admit the game is really fun >.> Think I'm addicted <.<
Hmmm So how are you guys today?
(PS, Don't forget to sign the petition if you haven't >.> I need 25 signatures! We need this thing to grow!! xD)
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009
• Uuuuuugh I'm dying •
I am still sick....
Runny nose, sore throat, congestion, coughing, fever, chills, aches, stomach problems (won't go into that one...TMI people...TMI @.@)
Bleh so much fun... I don't really have much to post about x_x
So, I hope you all have a great day.
Ja ne
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Monday, September 21, 2009
• PROGRESS! Thanks for your support!! •
So I took a look at the signatures on the petition so far and we have a total of 16! Woo not bad xD
More about that in a minute, though. First I am going to apologize for not posting yesterday. I was/am sick. I didn't feel like doing much yesterday so yeah. And I was supposed to be at work this morning at 4:00 buuut I called in. No way I could work like this @.@ lol. So yeah, sorry.
Ok back to the point!
I have a question to ask you allll lol. I made buttons for this myOtaku revival thingy. I was curious if anyone wants buttons. They'll link to the petition page. If you want buttons, I'll set them up on my account here and you guy can PM or comment me for one or whatever and I'll make it for you.
Well for anyone who hasn't signed yet I"ll put the link up for the petition at the end of this post, k? ^^ Keep supporting myOtaku! maybe we can get it back lol I hope we can.
So yeah.... Don't forget to tell me what you think about the button idea please ^^'
And now, I must leave so all of you have a great day!
Ja ne~!♥
S I G N • T H E • P E T I T I O N
lolz Decided to to you the buttons and see if you'd like me to post them up for people @.@ Ok so there they are:

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Saturday, September 19, 2009
• Trying to bring a little hope to the dying world of myOtaku (my once favorite website on the etire net •
Hello again! Yes I have been inspired. Inspired by sbsp13668 and her effort to prove how much myOtaku still means to her. I want to show how much it means to me too, and anyone else who misses it, so let's revive myOtaku. I miss it so much T.T I mean heck I can't even add people anymore and there's no one gonna fix that glitch on my now, 'specially if they aren't gonna be fixing any of the bigger problems. All the mods are all over at theOtaku modding and such and have kinda abandoned this site to the few people who would even wanna stick with it after all the changes and deleted features it's gone through.
So anyway, so far my friend and I came up with a plan. We decided to make a petition. To have people sign their myO/theO usernames on the petition and hopefully get enough signatures that we can show the mods how many people trully miss myOtaku and want it back.
So if you feel like you want myOtaku back and everything please sign. And tell anyone else you might know who feels the same. Pass this along.
The link is here. Please sign! I'd trully appreciate it ^^ We need to make things right since none of the big otaku people will at this point.
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Friday, September 18, 2009
• Hiiii again xD •
Wow! Five comments is a little more than I expected to get on my last post truthfully @.@ I figured after my long absence not many people would remember me lol. I"m glad to know some still do.
I got comments from two people that weren't on my friends list so I went to add them and I found out for some reason myO isn't letting me add people TT.TT I'm so sorrieeeee! I promise I'd add you if I could!! Sorry T.T
I don't really have much else to talk about except the new idea I had for my layouts for my profile page. I'm kind of tired from work though @.@ So I'll have to post about it next time. I hope some of you guys will keep comming back to comment even though I can't comment back often times because I'm a very busy person lolz. But I'll really try so yeah. Cause some people won't comment me anymore if I don't comment them T.T lol
So yeah, anyway...
I'm gonna go for now. I hope you all have a great day! ^^
Ja ne~!♥
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