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.....unofficial mangaka.....?
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Once I drew a 130 page manga....but I never finished it O.O
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I don't remember....
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Too many to count :D
Drawing, watching anime, hanging out on myOtaku.
I can draw and play music (mostly on piano though)
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009
• Yay! I'm Totally Updating xD!! •
It's been a while hasn't it? Lol. I kinda don't get on myO much anymore. No one's really on. So yeah. Whenever I get around to it though, I need to make a new layout @.@ lolz. I'll probably do something holiday themed or whatever since by the time I actually get to it the holidays should be pretty much here xDD lol. Gotta love the holidays. Chirstmas and Thanksgiving xD
Hmmm some things that have happened since I last posted...
Um... well the biggest thing I think is that I can no longer eat food that gots gluten (so no wheat, oats or rye) and I can't have anything dairy. Yeah it sucks. but those things make me really sick @.@ No fun.
I turned 21 lol. That's another thing. I'm old now he he joking. I want out of my job aaaand hmmm... oh I bought this Japanese learning software program thingy off ebay. And it's really awesome. It came with a headphone/microphone thingy. Yes i said headphone cause it only has one ear xD lolz. But anyway, I've had it for a bit and just yesterday rediscovered the mic xD So I've been having some fun with it. I did a snapvine thingy XP lol.
Well I have this feeling myO is gonna stay dead because it's been dead for a very long time now. Sooooo I'll be back whenever.... lolz see ya peoples later.
Ja ne~!♥ ^.^
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Monday, June 29, 2009
• My Shortest Post Ever •
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Monday, June 22, 2009
• Ima motto nihongo o benkyou shite imasu o_o (and i'm becomming better at it I think) •
Yes I am alive Surprised? >.>
yeah...sooo like i said I'm studying Japanese. More so lately than I think I ever have. I'm determined to learn it lol.
myOtaku ni nihongo o renshuu shite imasu <.< And if anyone on here can speak Japanese or something reads this and sees a mistake in something I say please point it out for me. I'm only learning off some software I bought and this website so... If someone actually knows what they're talking about then correct me lol. Since I"m gonna start using this site to practice all the nihongo i learn xD
Also I'd like to apologize for my long periods of absence. I do have a life after all @.@ But I am sorry. I will try to get on a little more often. No promises but I will try.
k....nothing else to talk about I guess since I have some house chores to do. Maybe I'll update the post again later idk. Anyhoo...
watashi wa ganbarimasu >.< I'll study till my brain melts xD. Have a great day!
Ja ne!
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009
• Real post this time •
Lol sorry about the last post. I think I've been comming down witho something lolz. I wasn't feelin too good x_x anyway, so this is gonna be a better post though i'm not sure it'll be long xD
Ok so first off, anyone use a browser that makes the comments appear weird places? I just got IE8 and the comments on my layout are now at the top of my layout instead of at the bottom so i don't know what to do about that lol x_x Any idea how to fix it? or should I leave it? I mean, if it works for you guys i'll probably just leave it. But i'm about to make another layout soon....i hope lol xD
Also, on my last post, I told you about my new manga. I think two of you actually looked at it lol. That's ok though. I wasn't sure it'd be liked that much anyway @.@ but i guess 18 comments on it isn't bad lolz. I'm working on more of it now lol. some people have been asking for more lolz. Especially two of my friends XP
Don't worry guys, i'm workin on it lolz.
Hmmm i think i'll do some questions lol.
1. How are you today?
2. Where do my comments appear on your page?
3. Ummmmm... read my manga yet? XP lol
I guess thats all I got for today lolz. So i hope you all have a great day! ^^ Bye bye *waves*
*gets to work on my manga*
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Sunday, April 26, 2009
o_o i got my new manga up. lol

don't feel very good so i don't have much else to say...sorry. Read it if you want *-* lol
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Hmmm found this random thingy and decided to post it lolz. Answer if you want xD you don't have to
What would you do if?
1. I was right next to you:
2. I kissed you:
3. I lived next door to you:
4. I started smoking:
5. I was hospitalized:
6. I was drunk:
7. I hugged u:
8. I asked you to leave:
9. I asked you out:
What do you think about my?
10. Personality: hmmm i like a lot of it lolz
11. Eyes:ummm i don't know @.@ lol
12. Hair: thought you didn't have much xD
Would you?
14. Be my friend?
15. Keep a secret if i told you one?
16. Kiss me? @.@
17. Reassure Me:
18. Keep in touch?
19. Date me?
20. Hold me?
Have you ever?
21. Lied to make me feel better?
22. Wanted to kiss me?
23. Wanted to bite me?
24. Kept something important from me?
25. Wanted to cuddle with me?
26.Poke the shit out of me?
27. Are we friends?
28. When and how did we meet?
29. Describe me in one word:
30. What was your first impression?
31. What reminds you of me?
32. If you could give me anything what would it be?
33. How well do you know me?
34. When's the last time you saw me? hmm never saw you in rl before but the last time we talked?
35. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
36. Are you gonna post this so you can see what I say about you?
Answer these honestly and truely.
Y= Yes
N = No
M= Maybe
Would/will you?
[] Come to my house to do nothing at all but chill?
[] Fight me?
[] kiss me?
[]Let me kiss you?
[] Watch a movie with me?
[] Go out to dinner with me?
[] Sing car karaoke with me?
[] Re-post this for me to answer your questions?
[] Hold my hand?
[] Let me make you breakfast?
[] Help me with homework?
[] Tickle me?
[] Let me tickle you?
[] Instant message me?
[] Greet me in public?
[] Hang out with me?
[] Bring me around your friends?
[] Be down with me no matter what?
[] Go out with me?
Do you?
[] Think I'm cute?
[] Think I'm serious?
[] Think I'm a good person?
[] Think I'm conceided?
[] Want to kiss me?
[] Want to cuddle with me?
[] Want to hook up with me?
[] Love me?
Am I?
[] Smart?
[] Cute?
[] Funny?
[] Sexy?
[] Cool?
[] Romantic?
[] A freak?
[] Gangster?
[] Lovable?
[] Adorable?
[] Trustworthy
[] Compassionate?
[] Great to be with?
[] Attractive?
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Thursday, April 2, 2009
• Manga stuffs~ YAY! Working Furiously on finishing a manga I started last year X3 •
I'm updating yaay X3
Well, to the seven people who commented on my last post, thank you very much for your comments ^^ *bows* I'm finally back up to seven comments. It's not as much as I used to get before VV but it's more than I've been getting so I'm pretty happy about that.
Anyway, I don't have much time to post right now so this is gonna be real short. Lol I'm actually pretty much done already. Only other thing I have to report is already in the title. I found an old manga of mine i worked on last year. I stopped working on it cause i thought it was kinda dumb but my sis thinks i should keep working on it and post it on myO so I guess i'll put it up and see if anyone likes it. lol. Anyway, that's about it I guess. Hope everyone has an awesome day!^^
Ja ne!♥
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Thursday, March 19, 2009
• Yay! I Got To All The Updated Sites! •
Hi everyone! ^.^ How are you all today? Good I hope. I'm ok. My foot is hurt though >.< Like since almost last week. I hurt it on Saturday carrying something heavy or something like that. Then I had work the next day and the day after. Then on my days off I had work around home. I didn't think I'd make it worse. It wasn't horrible since I could still walk on it and everything. But the pain's been getting worse the past couple of days. So I think I'll stay off it a bit today and see if it gets better.
Since I won't be able to do much today I think I'll take this time to learn some Japanese and Katakana :D It'll keep me from being too bored anyway. But first I've gotta take a shower after I'm done with this post lol. Anyway, I've been really into learning Japanese and Japanese writing... more so than usual lol. For all the time I've studied you'd think I would know a lot more than I do but *sigh* oh well. What would be really nice is if I could go to some kind of Japanese language class or something. That would be awesome lol.
Anyway, that's about all that's going on with me lately @.@ lol
Today I got around to commenting on all the sites updated so far! Yay me lol. I only got 5 comments on my last post, which is competely understandable since I really haven't been commenting sites and posting lately. It's alright lol. I'll be posting and commenting a lot more now. Also, I'm in search of new friends since most of my old ones left when Version Vibrant came along. So if anyone wants to like PM or anything that'd be nice ^^" lol.
Well, I think that's about it. Thank you all for reading my post...sorry if it wasn't that long lol... I don't know, maybe that's a good thing lol! xD
Hope you all have an awesome day! ^.^
Ja ne!♥
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Monday, March 16, 2009
• OOOMGSH New Theme •
You know... I'm getting pretty lazy about posting lol. I used to post every day. I was looking back in my archives like two years ago and more @_@ When i was a new member. I really need to do it more often. I guess after Version Vibrant (yes I'm bringing up old subjects from their graves again <.<) this site really hasn't been the same. I mean, I don't have a problem with Version Vibrant it's self... I just kinda miss what myOtaku used to be, ya know... I miss all the great people that used to get on and comment and message me and stuff, they were cool... I miss the member search and the visitor counter and I miss all the activity... Not much fun posting on a ghost site (get it? Instead of ghost town <.< .....*silence followed by crickets* You people are dead inside -_-
But yeah, I really do miss the old myO sometimes.... I'll randomly remember what it used to be like *talks like it was some 20 odd years ago* I miss the old myOtaku dang it T.T *tears up*....
....<.<' k, enough drama xD
Aaaanyway, back to the main subject that i got waaaaaay off track from... @_@
I really need to post and comment and keep up with this site more often. I'm really hoping I can find some new people that are still active on this site (gonna have to look hard -_-) and try to get things a little less dead lol. Idk about posting and commenting every day...I suppose I could try lol. Of couse I can't make the site less dead...just things on my/our ends or whatever lol. I'm one person... I can't bring myO back -_- I wish I could...but I have no doubts that a handful of people have tried already lol. I do, however, just want to make this site more active for myself... hopefully get some of my friends to become more active again if that's possible. Revive my friends list xD That would be like really awesome and stuff lol XP
And now that I've said all that stuff, onto the life events stuff @_@ Woooo *-* lol...
Lets see.... Stuff that's happened since i last posted....
Well, first off I took a test and passed o_O Before I tell you about the test i took, I have to tell you what it was and why I took it lol @_@ You see, I was homeschooled most of my childhood/teenagehood...? (wonders if that's a real word or if i made that up).... *ahem* Anyway, since i was homeschooled I didn't get that nifty high school diploma that school going kids get xD So I was gonna get this other thing that's a high school diploma equivalent called GED or General Education Diploma. The test is a high school level aaaaaand I passed it and stuff so now i'm officially educated or something @_@ lol xD
Hmmmm... We ordered some chicks for this spring. I'm not sure when they're comming in but yes...we ordered baby chickens to be shipped to a box <.< Yes they do that lol. Anyway, I think it'll be fun to raise baby chickens again. I did a few times when I was little. Fun, a lot of work and lots of eggs to eat @_@ lol. Also, we're getting a few geese as well... hopefully a couple of goats again some day xD I love goats they're smart or smarter than dogs. They know their names, they learn commands (but don't always listen to them -_-) Anyhoo... yeah lol...
Um.... Oh yeah, I sprained my ankle a couple of days ago and just before work too. That's how awesome my timing is lol. So I was on my feet at work for 8 hours with my ankle all hurting and stuff -_- Oh well, guess I should learn a lesson from this.... Don't try to do hard labor on your own just cause you think you can do it. I always hurt myself -_- lolz. I don't really think *-* Watashi wa baka >.< Well, I had an 8 hour day at work today too and my ankle is doing better right now. So that must be good lol. Anyone on here that can read katakan/hiragana other than my friend mizuki? <.< lol
Anyway... @_@ I'm gonna study hard... just like I study when I'm learning to speak the language @_@ I still have such a long way to go though =_= But I guess Rome wasn't built in one night.... random fact: it was built in TWO nights.... ok so I was lying.... I just made that up -_-
Yay I'm also trying to teach myself how to read katakana. I want to learn hiragana too but first looks easier @_@ So Ima start out slow and stuff lol. I was gonna make myself a chart from something off the net but i found an already made chart of katakana and hiragana on some google image search. I was all "Wow i could just print this up instead @_@" So that's what I'm gonna do xD
If anyone's interested in gaiaonline, Ima talk about that now lol xD *ish a major geek @_@*
I've been trying to save up gold lol. I have a few things I wanna buy on there, some more than others @_@ But anyway, so far I have about 146k saved up. And i have an item selling tomorrow for pretty high. But people bid more on it before tbe auction ends @_@ Bid people! BIIIID!! DOOOO EEEEET!!! *cough cough*
*ahem* weeeeeell
That was really long @_@ lol. I'm not sure if I've ever made such a long post before... *wonders if anyone will actually read this* <.<
Oh and shred... if you read this.... You reeeeeeaaaaally have to post lol. You haven't posted since January and don't give me that "I have nothing to post about" junk <.< cause I'm sure you can think of something.... You have imagination >.> If you don't.... I'll post for you <.< lol jk jk XP But seriously.... my lazy friend... you gotta post lol XD
Ok well that's all for my post now xD Sorry it was so incredibly long. Hope it wasn't too boring. Oh and I hope you like my new theme. I spent a whole two hours on it xD LOL
Well, I'm off to sign guestbooks and comment and stuff so, have a great day everyone!^^
Ja ne!♥
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Thursday, February 26, 2009
• Hiiiii •
Gosh it's been forever since i last updated @_@ lol. No, i still haven't died.... I just have a life now @_@ lol. Hmmm... well right now it's 6:00 AM and i have to be at work at 11 AM for my 10 hour shift @_@ lol this is gonna be harder than waking up at 2:30 in the morning for my 8 hour shift.... i think.... lol ._. ...So yeah...i won't be off work till night time lol.
*ahem* things that are happening....i can't say that there's many new stuff going on around here. Like i said in some of my previous posts somewhere i have gotten a gaiaonline account, but recently i've been trying to sell my art there. Not for real money...i wish i could do that lol. I sell it for gaia gold... at least it's something, ne? lol ^^"
@_@ I'm not really sure what else to put lol... um..... my life has pretty much remained the same lol so...idk lol.
I guess i'm gonna go now and stuff lol so...have a great day everyone @_@
Ja ne!♥
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