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Friday, January 9, 2009
OMGSH I'm updating o.O I'm still alive??? It's been so long even I couldn't remember if I had died or not *-*
Hi ppls! I can't believe I haven't posted in so long o.O last time I posted it was before Christmas @_@ Wow.....
Well, I guess I'll make up for it all right now k? MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY NEW YEAR! lol XD I do hope you all had great holidays though. I did ^^
Ok, now the reason it's been so long is i've been hecka busy lately @_@ I mean seriously.....and it's tiring to wake up a couple of days a week at 2:00 am to go to work and work 8 hours and all that stuff...not to mention the other work days of the week. I'm just so tired all the time. It's hard to post when I'm so tired lol...gomen ne v.v
*sigh* I'm tired right now....I have to work tomorrow and then prepare myself to wake up at 2:00 am again on both sunday and monday. Then go back to a more normal time again on tuesday @_@ it's a little hard on my body... i'm always tired now but nothing i can do about it. lol I need the paycheck XD
Anyway, i hope you all have been doing well. I don't have much time to post....I got some new stuff in my portfolio...I'd link you but like i said, I don't have much time. So, I hope you all have a great day!
Ja ne!♥
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Been sick for almost two months now...
Well I'm sick and tired of being....well sick lol. It feels like I've been sick forever @_@ I've also had work and class....and a bunch of other stuff inbetween so...I'm usually not in the mood to post.....I'm sorry T.T i still get on here often...but i just haven't updated in a long time...I know people take you off their friends list for that.....I'm sorry everyone...I haven't forgotten you, I promise.
Not much else to talk about right now....'cept i got some new artwork up.
People like it when i give them the links lol so I'll give you all the links incase anyone's interested in seeing them....

And now....I think I'm gonna get back to my drawing...*is kinda drawing a pic right now* lol
Hope you have great day.
Ja ne!♥
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I'm Still Alive o_o
OOOOOOOMGSH I'm so sorry I haven't posted in forever. No, I haven't died yet.... ._.' GOMEN NE! I know it's been a while since I updated. And no, I haven't forgotten about you guys. I've been very busy lately @_@ I haven't really gotten around to posting. Usually when I get time on myO I'm too tired to post and stuff. I guess I don't have much to post about anyway...not like my life is exciting or anything lol. I usually just post from time to time so you'll know I didn't die yet. Anyway, I finally got around to posting and I'm sorry it's been so long.
And I guess I don't have anything imporant to post about. Well since I last posted I guess a few things happened but not many of them are worth boring you with lol ^^"
Although one that's sad is one of my kitties went missing T.T I've had this happen before...it's been a while since I've seen him. I doubt he's comming back TT TT All I hope is that nothing too horrible happened to him T.T
The other thing is I got four fan art up since I last updated here. I dont' know if you want to bother having a look at them. But just in case you do, I think I'll link them for you to make it easier:
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
And I also have another pic I drew that I'm thinking about posting. I showed it to one of my friends and he said he thought it was good enough to post so I think I might. Oh, and I'm starting work on a manga. I don't know if I'm gonna post it. I've gotten a lot better at manga since I last posted manga up here, so I might post it up, but I dont know yet....I don't know how good I am at those things lol.
Also, I made a gaiaonline account this week. It's been fun so far ^^ This is what my avatar from that site looks like right now lol:

Uhhh what else to say....? Oh yeah, one of my friends dedicated a pic to me ^^" I've never had a pic dedicated to me before so it was surprising but also nice ^^" lol His pic was really good too lol. Here's the pic he drew:

Ok then...I think this post is long enough -_- lol Sorry if it was too long. I guess I'll end it now though since I don't really have anything else to say. So...have a great day everyone!^^
Ja ne!♥
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Friday, August 29, 2008
Helloz ^^
Um....hi!^^ Just randomly thought I'd be good to update tonight for some reason XD I don't really have much to talk about though lol XD Um......
thanks for all your comments on my last post! ^.^ I got 10 again! lol! ^^' I'm thinking it's kinda late to answer all the comments this time. I'm kinda tired so @_@ Gomen, but I think I'll skip it this time .-.
Oh yeah, one more thing, I got two more pics up the other day ^^ One of them was featured yet again! o_o It was so awesome! I didn't expect to get featured two times in a row! ^.^
Here are the links for the pics if you wanna look ^^
Pic 1
Pic 2
Um.....so there's the links. I guess that's about all I've got to say so um......have a great day! lolz ^.^
Ja ne!♥
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Hi!! ^.^
It seems I was able to make it to a lot of sites yesterday!^^ Or was that the day before.....? o_o' Wait....it was both yesterday and the day before ^^' ehehe ._.' Anyways, I was able to make it to just about everyone I think. ^^
Now it's time to thank everyone for their comments on my last post!^^ Hehe ^^ I got 11 comments o.o So thanks for all the comments! ^^ Ima reply to them in a second here lolz. First though, I wanted to say I got some new art up yesterday. A lot of you have already seen it though lol^^
I came on here this afternoon to check on the pic and see how many comments and votes and stuff I got. I was expecting the usual 8 or 9 comments...instead I got 17 o.o And it got 30 votes o.o''' It's even been featured *.* Omgsh I'm so happy! XD lolz. And surprised. I didn't really think it was that good ._. But I'm really happy lol
If any of you wanna check it out here's the link:
For those of you who already saw it and commented, I thank you lol ^^ And thanks to anyone that's gonna check it out lol. I hope you guys like it ^^
Ok then I'm onto answering the comments ^^'
Cat14: I like the new layout even though it's pink. The music is great also. You don't always have to apply to all the comments. ^-^
lol thanks^^ And I don't mind replying to them all XD
Talim Soul: ksks
Um...what does ksks mean? ^^''' sorry I don't really know .-.
chokolatealkemist: No worries about not replying^^''
Me likes ur new layout, it's so...pink XD I can tell u worked hard on it ^_^
~Ja ne!
Thanks ^.^ I know it's pink..not many ppl like pink but oh well XD It was the best color for the header I chose. I guess I coulda gone purple but idk if I want purple lolz XD
shred: yeah i like even though its girly
LOL shred you crack me up with that for some reason XD "even though it's girly" hehe sorry for laughing XP I think that's funny for some reason o.o lolz
deadly neko: I love the new theme. It's very nice! Wow 10 comments. I wish I could get 10 comments. It's all good you didn't reply to comments.
Thanks^^ And yeah 10 comments is kinda a lot....but I got lost of friends lolz XD Seriously, my friends list is huge o.o' lol
wolf of sorrow: WOoooooo! Full Moon ish the bomb. Such a nice bomb... Go Takuto!! I may reread it again when I get back my interest of manga reading again, it's lost at the moment =_= Nuuuu!
You made pink look so good ^^
Thankies wolf^^ I'm glad you like the layout. I made it full moon again for ya lolz XD I hope you get your interest of reading manga back soon. I kinda lost mine somewhere too T.T Hope we can get it back! lol ^^
AngelBest Dream: Poor alder,at that age it's normal to do things.Ask your ninja sister to help you ou on that.I like the new layout of the eldery site :3 .
*Bommeeraang cane!!!
(it's dark brown ^^ )
@.@ bomerang cane lolz Are you still gonna be working on that manga project? XP lol. And I'm glad you like the layout ^^
xaos: Nice new layout! You change them quite often though, I wonder why? Yeah you're getting more comments again. As some people get to the top others drop. Oh well.
See you around though.
Hey xaos ^^ Thanks^^ I do change them kinda often, huh? Well I didn't change my last one for like... almost a couple of months. I needed to change it XD And I change it often so I won't get bored of the last layout and also cause I like making layouts so I make them often lol XD Idk If I'm rising to the top exactly XD I just got lotsa friends. Like I said, my friends list is huge XD lol Anyways, hope to see you around too. I barely get to talk to you ._. lol
eternal mini moon: thanks for commentin my page im here to return the favor :) it's really cool an the backgrounds an stuff is nice and the music sounds cool aswell
well bye
No problem ^^ And thanks!^^ That's nice of you to say lol ^^
Insane Rascal: hey you got 10 again! :D i like the layou, its very pretty
Yay you were number 10 then lolz XD Thanks, i'm glad you like the layout ^^
deadly neko: Oh will you still help me with my layout? I want a loveless one. Please!
I'd be happy to help. Um...what kind of layout? And do you want me to show you how to make one or do you want me to make it? Pm me about it if you want^^
Ok well that's it for now. I gotta get back to some stuff ._. *has kinda been procrastinating* lolz Have a great day everyone!
Ja ne!♥
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
Hey everyone!^^
Thanks for all your comments on my last post! I got 10 lol^^ Thank you to everyone who commented^^
I'm sorry, I'm a little to tired to reply to the comments this time. Gomen ne T.T That doesn't mean I didn't appreciate your comments...honto^^'
Anyways, as I'm sure you noticed I made a new layout. I hope you all like it cause I worked really hard on it (and part of it still didn't work somehow.....i hope it's not too noticable -_- Um, well for the theme I did something from Full Moon again for wolf of sorrow ^^' So I hope she likes it too ^^' lol
Anyways, that's all I'm gonna post for today. I'll try to make it to as many sites as I can tonight (which may not be many T.T) So I hope you all have a great day!^^'
Ja ne!♥
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Sunday, August 17, 2008
Hi there ^.^
Wow.....thank you guys sooooo much for all your comments on my last post!^^ I got like 15 comments which is more than I've had in a while. It was great to see so many ppl leaving comments and stuff ^^' Thank you everyone ^^ I know I didn't get the chance to comment on all the sites but I did try my best and I commented on quite a few......nearly all the sites. So I did try ^^' I guess it's a good thing in a way cause if so many ppl are updating that means myO isn't dying anymore ^^ I've been noticing so much activity lately. It's really great lol. Anyways thanks again for all your comments. I'll try to get to all the updated sites today ^^
Hmmmmm.....well i guess I'm onto the comments now XD
hieiartemis: Yes, the buttons are very shiny. Nice. ^^
Thanks ^^ They are shiny aren't they lol XP
dragonhybrid: *gazes in aww of the buttons* Must touch. *pokes* I love them! X3
LOL thanks X3 glad you like them hehe
Tainted Sanity: hehe that's sweet ofyou to reply to them all! haha thunderstorms are scary!! ibet you know more about making sites than me -___-
lol I just like replying to all the nice comments I get from you ppl ^^' lol. Yes thunderstorms are scary ._. lol And idk about that ^^' lol
the real yojimbo: Buttons? *Looks arround* Ah, buttons! *Celebrates my button location skills*
Lol congrats on finding the buttons. You're button location skills are amazing hehehe XP
shred: holy cow it looks like I didn't comment..............SHAME AND DISHONOR i blame call of duty 4 taking up all my time with it's crazy click click bang bang action *sigh* many apologies
It's alright ^^' lol So um.....either call of duty comes on another console other than 360 or you finally got a 360.....idk which lol ^^' Sounds like you've been having lots of fun with the game though ^^ That's good lol
AngelBest Dream: Sup Sup eldery,well yeah u did answer the comments but didnt say much of your elder day :3.Humm gona visit also frog to see what up with her.Well gona leave the page open a bit and Apocaliptica rules ^^.
lol I don't post much about my day do I? -_- maybe I should do that more.....cept my day is usually not very interesting lol. Idk XD And yep, apocolyptica is awesome X3
jomz: It's ok... we don't have much to post at times either, anyway...ooohh... shiny objects...
^^ Wonderful buttons.
Yes shiny objects. XD You cannot resist the shiny. Lol jk XD Anyways, thank you ^^ I'm glad everyone seems to like my buttons X3
Cat14: The buttons are so cute: I love them. I saw Apocalypitica a few moths ago in concert. Most people kept making fun of them because of there accents and the interments they used. I however couldln't believe how they could say such things. They were one of the best bands at the concert. I hope you get to see them in concert too. I'm sure you'll love them.
Maybe one day I will^^ Sounds like they're awesome in concert lol.
Talim Soul: woh! big post.
ooooh comments back. ^_^
Yep big post cause I respond to all the comments lol X3 otherwise.......my posts are pretty darn short hehe X3
LazieNinjaFrog: Wow. I want ten comments XD
Frog-Out! XD
Lol sis X3 it's alright you get a good amout of comments too you know XP lol
eternal mini moon: thanks for putting my comment Ileft you out and everyone elses that was nice of you
well see ya
lol ^^' Like I said I enjoy replying to all the nice comments I get from you guys X3 I'm glad you all like it though lol ^^ Makes it even more fun XD
Sonigoneyes93: Ha, the layout looks good. And yeah, the buttons look nice too. I'll be sure to put one of them on my profile, where your old one is *smiles*.
I think at the top, with the picture of ah... I forget their names, but anyways. It looks as if yu ment for it to be centered. If not, it looks fine, just couldn't help but notice =D
I really like the scrolly bar on teh top of the page!
Have a good one, see ya!
Well, it looks like your on track to get 12 comments on this post!
woops, nvm, it won't let me right click them. Do you have them on photobucket or something, so I can hotlink them or use them? If you want, just send me the link when you get the chance.
lol yeah sorry about that ^^' I might be getting rid of that right clicky code soon anyways, but I did send the URL's of all four buttons to you in a pm so you can choose one if you want XP I hope that works out for ya ^^' if not let me know and I'll do something different ^^'
jamo :The buttons are really nice and creative. How do you make the mlink to your site though after you design a pic?
Well, you see, you put the image in a sort of image link code. Umm....I"m not sure I can show you HTML on here because I doubt it'll show up buuut I can maybe help you with it if you want ^^'
sbsp13668: Awesome new buttons! *^.^* They look so prettyful! And 10 comments is pretty good, considering how quiet this place is getting... Well, congrats! Hopefully, this place will get more active and you can get some more comments! ^.~ And sorry about not commenting before, I was busy again ^.^; I hate my life. XD Well, I hope you're having a great weekend! See Yas! *^.^*
lol thanks!^^ and don't worry about not being around. I understand. so no worries, k? ^^ lol
*whew* I made it though all 15 comments lol XD So I guess my post is over with ^^''
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Ja ne!♥
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Hey Everyone! X3
Nothing much to post about....
I made new buttons XD lol *points up to four shiney new buttons* ^^' I love them cause they're shiney and new...XD ok I'm done with that lol. Moving right along then...I got 10 comments on my last post! Not bad at all XD lol so I thank everyone who commented before ^^ THANK YOU lol
Hmmmm....Idk what else to talk about...o.o lol
Um.......Then I guess I'll get on to the comments now ^^
Hieiartemis: I really like the song you have up from Imeem. Is it new? Maybe I just don't remember it! ^^;
I wish I could make layouts. The few things I know how to do on the computer took me forever to learn, so I don't know if I could do a whole layout and actually get it to work. Good luck with yours, anyhoo.
lol yeah I pretty much just put the song up. Yeah......the layout thing I kinda learned myself from seeing how layouts worked and playing with HTML myself. Anyway, thanks^^' I hope my new one turns out ok
Linden Rathan: lol yes it is but i do like this layout that you have ^_^ and i'm quite surprised that i was of help since i have no experience with layouts O.o lol but i'm glad i was able to help you yes i saw that you drew too much i went through that now i can't seem to draw anything XP i didn't get around to commenting me sorry T.T ooo thunder i hope it doesn't hit anything O.o you have a great day as well ^_^ and have a great day tomorrow ^_^ laterz for now
Yep that was very helpful ^^ Thanks for the help and stuff XP
TaintedSanity: i liek your layout =0 omg i hate thunderstorms >__< they kinda scare me cuz we get tornadoes. its no biggie if you dont reply to ALL comments =]
We don't get tornadoes but I'm still scared of thunderstorms -_-' lol
Cat14: Your layout is great. Love the song. Apocalyptica is a great band and they sound both great in and out of concert. One of my favorite bands. I'll go check out your new drawings now see ya.
Thanks!^^ Apocalyptica is awesome XD I've never like heard them in concert but I'll take your word for it XD
AngelBest Dream: Well Im almoust sure I did comment on your eldery site ^^ .Hummm I think I did also saw your pics but gona chack just to be sure :P .Great ,hope to see the changes on your site very soon.
Also gona be around and maybe I get the chance to chat with you :3.Take care elder it΄s Dingy time :3.
Hey Angel XD Yep I do believe you commeted last time too XP Yeah you commented on all my art also X3 Hope we can chat soon too lol
the real yojimbo: A new layout, but this is the first time im seeing this one T.T oh, how will i ever adapt? Oh well, ill just have to look on in shock and awe.
Lol you know I can keep this layout a little longer if you want...I'm still trying to work on one anyways XP hehe
jomz: wow, you really are great with layouts. I wonder what the next one will look like.
There's nothing wrong with taking a break from drawing.
I wonder if my drawing got uploaded... I made a new art and while in the process, my connection got cut. If I re-upload, I might end up with double posts... XD We don't want that.
See you around!
Lol thank you ^^ I hope the next one looks ok X3 I'm gonna try to make it look ok lol. Oooh you uploaded new drawing? I should go check it out ^^'
deadly neko: Hey! Oh you got two more pictures. Yay! I will have to go look. I am sorry the storm is going to kick you off. Sorry you olny got 4 comments. Can you help me make a layout? Please!
Hi!^^ lol I'll be happy to help you make a layout. I just hope I can make something good for you is all. YOu have to let me know what you want and I"ll try my best to help you out with it ^^
eternal mini moon: oh ill have tocheck urpics out sometime then :)
hope you get a new layout soon I like this one
also tho its nice
well see ya
~ e m m~
Thanks!^^ I'm gonna try to make a nice one.......like I've been saying like..over and over again X3 lol
CrystalFlute: I *might* change my theme... I dunno, I think it'd be hard for me to come up with one I like as much as my current theme. There's my FF7AC theme that I love so much, maybe i'll bring that back for a little bit... depends on my mood. Sometimes I like the girl-ier theme like the one i've got up now, other times I like the hot guy theme.
dont' worry about commenting on my site, I haven't updated in forever so it's not really worth it. But if I do update any time soon, feel free to!
anycase, good luck with your layout!
OMGSH HI XD I haven't heard from you in a long time!! I'm glad to see you on again lol
YOu don't have to change your theme if you like it so much....unless of course you want to lol and then if that's the case.....I hope you make something you like as much as you like your current theme XD I'll try to comment on your updates if I can ^_^
Kk I think that's all the comments ^^ Sooooo yeah...I'm gonna get to commenting sites as soon as possible so I hope I can do that tonight ^^' Anyways......have an awesome day everyone X3
Ja ne!♥
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Saturday, August 9, 2008
Hey ^^'
Well...I've been trying to work on a new layout for my site. It's been quite a while since I changed it XP idk if it's gonna turn out ok or not though.....I've been working on it for the past couple of days. Thanks to a bit of info I got from my friend nata I'm now able to do more with my layouts ^^' Idk if I like how my new one is comming out so far though.....I might try something different.....I don't know ^^''' We'll see.
Anyways....what else....oh yeah. I got up two new pictures up since I posted last. And now I'm taking a break from drawing for a few days XD I drew too much....^^''''
On my last post I only got 4 comments......but that's ok ^^' Thank you all who did comment on my last post. I don't really think I'm gonna answer comments this time though ^^" I'm not sure if I'll have the time. I hear thunder so that means the storm might force me off the pc for a little while.
So I guess that's it for this post ^^' Hope you all have a great day!^^'
Ja ne!♥
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Heya X3
Well, not much to post about today ^^' Just that I got some new art up last night X3 I've also scanned in another pic that I plan on uploading later tonight ^^ I think I should put the link up for my pic to make it easier on anyone who cares to see my new pic XD (sorry about the last times....I'll try to put a link for my art from now on ^^')
Hehe that link wasn't too hard to find XP
kk, moving on I guess XD
Thank you all for your comments on my last post XD I got 8 comments ^^ Not too bad. *ahems* now to the answering of the comments lol XD
hmm i need to see ur fan art actually o_o
Lol if you want too XP I do believe you saw my one last night though XD
I really like your new piece of work! It's really pretty. You didn't do bad with the painting. ^^
Well thanks ^^' I'm glad you liked my pic ^^'''
I like the purple in your picture, very pretty.
Thank you ^^''' I'm glad you liked it too. Purple is a nice color X3
AngelBest Dream:
Wow new eldery art,I think I will have a look on it.I wonder how u both Frog and you draw so well.I dont know if you help each other,but I can see a combo there :P .
Thanks ^^' I guess we've helped eachother out lots with our art ^^ We weren't exactly taught how to draw so we had to teach ourselves XD
That's so pretty *hugs*
Thank you ^^' That's nice
it doesnt matter if you have nothing to post about as long as you post your friend are bound to comment anyways
That's true ^^' And my friends usually do XP
Ah no worries about not commenting XP lolz
I saw ur fanart X3
~Ja ne!
Lol but I must worry.......XP jk But I do need to comment at least sometimes.....which I guess I do anyway ^^''' lol
Hey there! You did up a new art? I guess I didn't notice it. I'll check it out then.
Thanks for commenting on my art ^^'''
Actually......Thanks to everyone who's commented on my art and stuff ^^'''''
.....I guess that's gonna be a heck of a post XD So......I shall end it lol. Have a great day everyone!^^
Ja ne!♥
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