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Thursday, February 21, 2008
• Noooooooo •
Hey everyone.
I have some news. Because of certain reasons, I won't really be online a lot. Maybe not at all. I don't know if it will be days, weeks or even months before I can come back. I'm sorry guys. I don't have much time. Just wanted to let everyone know. So I'll talk to you all sometime. Have a great day.
Ja ne!
Comments (8) |
Sunday, February 17, 2008
• Site Change....again O_o •
Music: Chou No Mori by Rurutia
Sorry about the sudden changes to my site everyone. I decided I wanted to use my layout after all. I know I have a problem >_> Well, even though I've changed it back to my layout, I hope you like it anyway. I made a huge part of it on paint so it was challenging ^^'
Oh yeah, good news! I think I can comment again! YAY!! Unfortunatley I can't comment sites until later cause I'm a little busy at the moment. So I'll try to get to that tonight if I can^^
Ok, so since this wasn't much of a post, I think I'm gonna start replying to comments like some people do (this is a first for me X])
• • •
deadly neko: "Hey! I can't comment either. I do comment through pms though. :) I like the new theme. I don't like how Myo is missing a lot of this. It looks real weird. Have a great day!"
Sorry you can't comment. But your idea to comment by way of PM was a really good one.
uomemuney: "It has been missing a LOT of stuff for a while but it'll be worth it for VV (hopefully). I still like your stripy background!!"
Thanks for the complement on my background...even though I changed it ^^' (gomen ne). And I hope all the bugs and stuff will be worth it for Version Vibrant too. I'm sure it will be^^
sonicandtailsrox: "yay your back! yea the site has been messed up. but i cant wait for the new version. i love the colors on your site. and the little stars falling"
Thanks for the complements on my site too. You noticed the falling stars! XD At least I kept those ^^
j note: "hey glad to see your back on ya it is missing alot of stuff . i like your new background matter of fact i always like wat u so to your page . well anyway seeya"
Well thanks! I'm glad you like you like what whatever I do to my page^^
Twists Of Rain: "Yeah everything all thrown around and stuff becuz of VV. But I can't wait till everything is all normalish again."
I can't wait either! And I can't wait for some of the new features they might add as well ^^
AngelBest Dream: "Hi village elder its been some time I dont see you around.Hmmm hopefully you have art on your elder site yeah.Well maybe your move was not an unwise one.When VV launches maybe html coding will have problems but seems a simple code will have the upper hand.Well good to see ya whats new. Angel"
I don't have any new art up yet but I have a pic I wanna try and scan in later on tonight. I hope that goes well. I've been hearing that some people can't get their art scanned in because of the renovations myO is undergoing. And you're probably right about not using the HTML...I still went and changed it -.- Judging by my usual amount of luck something is bound to go wrong, but I'll deal with it when that happens lol ^^"
Cesteel: "^.^
Yay you're back! Sorry I haven't visited you in a while. I love the new profile!"
It's alright that you haven't visited. Just visit when you can^^ I don't mind. And thanks for the complement on my site (once again, even though I've changed it over night ^^""")
XxI wuv PockyxX: "ello ^__^ YAY ur alive :D! TheO is missing a bunck of stuff, but I can still comment, but the other stuff is the same with me ^__^ NIce layout, love the little falling stars :D"
It's good you can still comment. Most people seem to be complaining about the same general things. Missing links and avis. Only some people are having the commenting problem. Some people even complained about messaging issues O_o I'm so glad I don't have that issue. Then I wouldn't get to talk to the people I talk to all the time.
LazieNinjaFrog: "You get too many comments my friend.^^ nice site^^ c'ya round P.S. I can still comment^^"
Hey sis -.- lol
Cloudstrife777: "glad your back, yeah it seems to missing alot, and it wont let me submit my art, hey i hope you can comment again soon"
Wow sorry you can't submit your art. That really sucks. I plan to put up some art soon and I hope I don't run into that same problem. Anyway, hopefully you'll be able to put your art up soon!
• • •
Well that's it on the comments. So I guess I'm done. Sorry for the long post everyone. Have a great day and thanks for all the comments!
Ja ne!
Comments (6) |
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Hey! How is everyone? Good, I hope!
YAY! I'm finally posting agian! And yes I am still alive!
Anyway, I'm very sorry I haven't left any comments in a long time. myO really isn't letting me comment on anyone's site. It's probably because of all the rennovations for Version Vibrant. I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't the only one with this problem. The backroom is missing a lot of stuff. It looks so empty. And I can't see any avis O_o But that's ok right? And I'm sure I'll be able to comment again soon... well as soon as Version Vibrant is all finished :D
Well, as you can see, for now I've decided to take down all my fancy (semi-fancy) HTML layout code stuffs and I'm just using myO's pre-sets (with some HTMLing X]) I don't really know why, though. I just kinda felt like doing it.
Anyway, that's it for now. I don't really have anything else to say except I'll comment as soon as I can and have a great day everyone!
Ja mata!
Comments (8) |
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Song: Long Forgotten by Dead Poetic
(*points up* I see lots of people put that at the beinning of their posts and I thought I'd try it out lol)
Hey everyone! Yup, I'm posting again
Anyway, As you can see I've made myself a new layout! I worked pretty hard on this one. The HTML its self wasn't that difficult. Most of the time was put into the header and background. I editied the header and I made the background by myself and on the old paint program.
That program is really limited on features......AAAAAANYWAY....how do you like the layout thingy I made?
And now onto other news...
Thank you guys for your votes and comments on my new fan art. I was pleasantly surprised at all the votes and comments I got!
The pic currently has 9 comments and 13 votes. It even got faved 7 times. Makes me happy ^^
Other things to cover in this post...
I'm having a difficult time visiting all the sites on my friends list -_- I'm really sorry I haven't been commenting on your sites in a long time. I've been too busy =.= I commented on just a couple of sites lastnight. I will really work hard to visit as many people as I can tonight. All I can say is I promise I'll try.
Ok I'm done posting. I need to get back to work now. 
Ja mata everyone! Have a great day!
Comments (17) |
Monday, January 14, 2008
Gomen T.T I'm a horrible person for not posting in a while. But I never really have anything to post about. But this time I do. Yep. I finally posted up a new fan art! *throws confetti* WOOOOO I actually got art up! Check it out if you can onegai^^'
That's really I have to say....so ja mata everyone! Have a great day!!
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
I don't really have much to post about. Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year! ^^ Oh, and I finished my layout. Hope you guys like it.
Anyway, have a great day everyone.
Comments (10) |
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Hey guys!
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been kinda busy this week. I'm so tired right now *sigh*
Anyway, I'm starting work on a new layout for my site right now. I need a new one since Christmas is over now lol. Which brings me to another point. How was everyone's Christmas? Good I hope ^^
Well, that's it for now. I have to go work on my layout. This site isn't gonna work on it's self XP lol Have a great day everyone.
Ja mata!
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Hey everyone!
Right now I'm just visiting sites and stuff...and I am soooo sore O_O I was scrubbing all day. I've been sort of spring cleaning today....only it's not spring.....so I guess I should call it "winter cleaning". Anyway....yeah, I've been needing to do that O.o It's been sorta bothering me lately.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I changed my layout again. It's a Christmas theme (if you couldn't tell lol) So, how do you like it? Is it ok? Is it bad? Does it suck beyond all reason?
Well, anyway, sorry for the short post but I'm gonna go for now. Have a great day everyone!
Ja mata!
Comments (9) |
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Sorry once again for not posting or commenting in a while T.T I haven't posted for over two weeks O_o I think that's the longest period I've ever gone without posting....It doesn't feel like it's been that long. I guess there's a first time for everything -_- Well, if anyone is curious (or cares), yes, I'm still alive....otherwise I wouldn't be posting *.*
And since I'm not around, I've discovered that at least 11 people have deleted me off their friends lists (yes shred, I'm still checking -.-) Yeah it stinks and stuff....kinda feels bad and blah blah blah....
*ahem* -.-
ANYHOO....I can't really think of anything else to post about. My life isn't that exciting lol I'd just bore you to death and then you'd die.......Redundant X3 Yeah, soooooooo I'll entertain you (or not) with a weird, random and retarded AMV.
TAAAAA DAAAAA!!!!! (Not really)
Online Videos by Veoh.com
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Hi ppl!
Meh new layout is pretty much finished now. I know I said was gonna use a pre-made layout, but I kinda got carried away with coding and wound up making a completely different layout ^^' Oh, well. At least it doesn't look half bad lol X3
Anyhoo...I'm gonna make this post a short one so I can visit more sites while I have the time. And next time I post, I'll probably plead for forgivness..I haven't been around to comment much lately and I'm sorry T_T So, yeah....have a great day everyone. Byes
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